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Portal Parcour/Dodger achievement

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Can it be that this achievement is currently somehow bugged to trigger??Seriosly,. i did the Amala Fight now like 10 times and everytime I didn't got the achievement at the end, despite of me beign 100% dead sure, that I absolutely didn't step in the first phase of lyssa in none of those purple portals that let you fall down from above like that silly mechanic from the grent temple boss that does the same (very creative, really)...

Could someone please explain to me, because its eventually just a mistake of mine side of misunderstandign how the battle correctly functions to unlock this achievement, what one has exactly to do to unlock the achievement and not basically fail it instantly?

Because thats kind of my theory now, that the achievement is either bugger, or you have to be pretty much instantly in the room the moment the battle starts just to have a chance at the achievement at all, cause if you miss the very first portals due to not beign already in the room ,the achievement auto fails for you eventualy???If my theorey on this is right, because i could understand that for preventing peopel froom cheesign the achivement and joinign the battle first once the first phase is ove, I think it would be neccessary to make here more visually clear, when exactly a player has failed the conditions to trigger this achievement.

If its a timed thing, then please for gods sake, add one of those yellow orb achievement symbols which show us exactly, how much time we have to enter the room quickly enough so that the achievement will triiger and as a general means of showing the player, so that he7she can realize the moment , if you failed the achievement instantly and not having to wait on the battle to end, just to get to se, if you can earn the achievement or not, cause people tend to draw this battle for their selfish farming needs artificially into the length just so they can kil many champs for loot, instead of focusing on Amala , which makes seeign if you can just get that one achievement at the end an annoying chore.

if however my impression is right and this achievement is currently really bugged, then please fix it naturally and do it by addign said mentioned achievenment orbs that are shown to you as long you fulfill every requirement to earn an achievement.. this is basically something, that anet should pretty much finalyl add to akll achievments in PvE, to give the player a way to recognize better the moment, when they failed to earn an achievement ..You do this for instances, so why not for achievements in PvE in general? Would help so much to understand better, when exactly you did dsomethign wrong in the game to not be able to earn an achievement in any situation of PvE..especially those, where the screen gets spammed fully with aoe effects and lots of enemy models makign it difficult to always see all telegraphed things on the ground, which may be eventualyl important for you to recognize...


I got it by accident by joining the fight part way through so unless they have made changes to it since then your theory is incorrect.

However there are a couple other possibilities for disqualification such as leaving the room, leaving the inner ring of the room(as defined by the columns since portals do not spawn beyond those), somehow dropping combat.


Thread can be closed, Ive got it, so my theore is in fact incorrect...After the last battle i must have gotten it somehow, without realizign it, that the icon poped up ..

Sometimes Ive the feeling, that these icons dont always show up under lag, and due to the icon not popping up, I was always under my believe, that I haven't gotten the achievement achievement yet.. when I most likely did have earned it at that time already xD

Kind if feel silly for this, should simply havre looked upon the achievement list more carefully/more oftenly, instead of relying myself too much on wantign to see the achievement icon to pop up as notification that I received the achievement xD


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