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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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I made this poll Anonymous, so none will get to feel guilty, being insulted or dare not to enter this poll.Whenever it's out, what kind of content it will be of course. But based on our two current expansions, would you still support GW2 or that's it after our 2 expansions?

My opinion, HoT and PoF had both their cons and pros as most things do but since I am one of these veteran players, I often compare GW1 and GW2 expansions all together, which makes things bad, sadly. I do enjoy them both but sometimes I just hate them.

HoT is my so far favorite expansion in GW2, that was a huge new level taken into Tyria, their dramatic and awesome storyline, gliders, elite specs, Meta-events and other world dynamic events.PoF, only thing I liked about it was that we went back to Elona after so long. And that we got more stuff about the human gods which I truly enjoy. Other than that... well, the storyline was OK but not as good as the HoT oh and mounts..? We never needed mounts.. I also hate ANet how they tease the shit out of us who has been requesting new weapon mechanism, the land-Spear and Scythe. Again, they locked them behind NPC only and gave us the middle finger, literally.Oh well, back to the point.

I really do hope we will get back to Cantha this time, ft. the Deep Sea Dragon (finally) and including a whole new underwater rework with lots of UW content. Hoping for a new playable race, Tengu or Largos as this would be my absolutely dream to come true for GW2.I hope the Norns will have their time to shine now aswell..

If we will get a 3rd expansion, as we can only imagine for now that ANet is currently working on a 3rd expansion as we speak. What will make you purchase a 3rd expansion?Depending on what kind of content they will be offering?Are you going to buy it no matter what?You wont purchase it as HoT/PoF did not give the content you were hoping for?

Comment below and write your thoughts!

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:Nope, mainly because the game mode I mainly play (WvW) has lost too many people. That and it's not a good sign when the HoT expansion has more players than PoF. I'm not really sure what they could do or expand on at this point.

Agreed. WvW is not at all what it used to be a few years ago, I keep wondering if WvW's fate will be better in time or not. I felt this too regards HoT vs PoF. There was alot more players who did indeed purchase HoT as it was the 1st expansion. I remember the price fiasco too. Maybe I am wrong but is the game dying after all? Only time will tell... I guess.

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Almost certainly.

The cost of gw2 expansions is negligible relative to their entertainment value (to me). Even HoT, with maps I detested, added something for me.

Of course its possible that features of xpac 3, wben announced, will not appeal to me. Even so, a few skins locked to tbe expac, or elite specs that interest me, would probably be worth paying for.

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If I’m still playing, definitely. But I hope they add some more meta events in PoF maps to hold me over, because I don’t really enjoy the bounty thing at all. They found a way to take the epic feeling out of some rather interesting fights, and had to fill with some incredibly uninteresting fights.

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Probably at a discount. Soulbeast was amusing to RP with, but I got surprising bored with the rest of the specializations in regards to WvW (which hasn't been a spectacular game mode either). Either aoe spam a damage flavor or aoe spam heals/boons? Imma just stick with rapid fire then and pretend stance sharing is useful in groups. Yus.

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It all depends on what they deliver on the 3rd expansion.

What I sought before buying expansion (rank):

  1. Story (PoF Story = Awesome | HoT Story = It's okay)
  2. World Class Meta (HoT Meta = Good | PoF Meta = Bad)
  3. New Feature (Glider = Good | Mounts = Good)
  4. Environment

I hope the 3rd expansion will be as good or even better.*coughunderwaterexpansionpleasecough*

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Yes, I will purchase it. Whatever the content will be in term of storylines and use of mounts - I don't care much about - for me, the main interest is that it will add new area(s), new foe(s), new achievements (out of which new scavenger hunts what I like the most and I hope for JP too), new gathering and and so on... I am always happy with that.Side note: I don't like to do storylines. I find mounts nice, but what I mainly do in the game don't need them much. So, storylines and stuff related to mounts are not my motivation to go for an expansion pack.

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yes. but i see it necessary to get a rework of crafting. the more specialisations arrive the more items , armors etc are needed. and if a balance updates arrives the game gets annoying to grind the needed gear back together than to play the content you would enjoy.

e.g. a build get suddenly effective with celestial stats. happy welcome to produce that loaded quarz you can make 1 stone per day off while you need like 45 of those accound and time gated stuff...

the game needs to get more accessable towards all game modes. gw1 never brought me in that position that the more expansions arrived the more the game felt like work. nono never.

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I would probalby buy it within a few variables. I am bnot realyl interested in game mechanics as I just play PvP for the AP and wvw for my personal enjoyment and Flamewars2.

Anet should make a choice if the commander is a skritthole pawn or not. I am all for saving the innocent in an heroic fashion, but that requires the PC to be a hero, not a pawn of people like Livia. If it should stay they way he is, there should be no more missions to save the innocents and world leaders but describe stuff how the PC walks all over the bad guys like Batman and makes them pay in the coinage they use themselves. Especially ignore the world leaders when you stay a sarcastic twit, just walk in the crisis regions and give a skritt about what everyone else thinks or wants.Find a balance between hardcore content and accessible content. If you are unable to be innovative, at least be actually conservative and not waning in your direction.*Stop devaluing GW1 lore. I found it to be really anger inducing to see my former henchmen being instrumentalized by Palawa Joko of all people, and one of the few left alive turned out to be a super annoying old woman with a hunger for revenge.

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