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Vaabi "Suicide Philosophy [Scrb]" is looking for members


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Hey there,

we just founded a new guild on Vaabi consisting of ppl who have played together for years.we only play wvw, aiming for semi hardcore. founded only less than a week ago we still lack on membersbut thats a problem we hope to solve with this post.we have 18ppl in the guild, trying to reach a roster of 24-26 in the next few weeks.meanwhile we are doing scrims to improve our teamplay and if there is no guild to fight organized we try our best to hunt the first not-too-large-zerks down :sunglasses:for now we dont care that much about the profession of new trials coz we still are theorycrafting and switching around a lot.still mainly looking for scourges and revs, we are also looking for 1-2 guardians, 1 warr, 1 mesmer and a holosmith. maybe 1 ele is also welcome but we are still discussing about that :smiley:

so if you are interested in our guild just whisp "Its Meridion [Vulkanos.3276] ingame or leave a mail :)

PS: our raiding days are sundays and wednesdays atm (adding more when we got more members)

THX for your attention

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