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Condi Soulbeast double bow PVE


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Hi. I have a question if anyone maybe noticed or tried the same thing. I recently tried playing double bow condi soulbeast and i am loving it. Weirdly enough i do more dps with the double bow than with the meta D/T combo. And today i even tried single bow with earth sigil and did around 1k more dps on dummy than i would do with double bow.

My question would be, has anyone else tried this and getting similar results or is it just me doing something weird? My gear is not even close to being perfect and maxed out and i was able to pull around 29.1k dps on dummy with single bow and earth sigil. Also the only ascended items i have are back item and amulet+ weapon. Other trinkets and armor are exotic vipers with NO infusions anywhere.

And just to be clear i am not saying this is somewhat top dps or extraordinary higher dps than other builds or classes, i am just asking if maybe meta build is not as strong as it was believed to be. Since i know a lot of people play and prefer double bow variant over metas D/T.


might be because of rotation, d/t requries you to time well your swaps and rotation in order to make the best use of quick draw, so its more complicated. sb alternative however is basically just pressing buttons as they come out of CD so its easy to play it optimal


Going just Shortbow would also let you swap Quick Draw for Light on Your Feet, as the long cooldown skills are used as needed instead of in rotation. I guess SB 4 is technically used in rotation but it's dps component is minor. The bonus damage on dodge is nothing to sniff at either.


I saw some guy on YT making a video about how he is doing more dmg with double SB in pug groups and I had to try it (since I love Chuka).

What can I say? It works better than SB+ A/T or D/T, I love it.

I have my cc all the time, my evade, I can always do decent ranged condition damage and I can focus on poison and bleeding conditions.

The only problem and you really need to keep this in mind while playing double SB is: You need to flank your target. The dmg loss of shooting at the enemy from the front is actually quite enormous.


@Adenin.5973 said:I saw some guy on YT making a video about how he is doing more dmg with double SB in pug groups and I had to try it (since I love Chuka).

What can I say? It works better than SB+ A/T or D/T, I love it.

I have my cc all the time, my evade, I can always do decent ranged condition damage and I can focus on poison and bleeding conditions.

The only problem and you really need to keep this in mind while playing double SB is: You need to flank your target. The dmg loss of shooting at the enemy from the front is actually quite enormous.

Yea agreed. And i love the playstyle aswell. Actually feels like a proper ranger/hunter and not some hybrid who needs to stand in mele range with a freaking dagger...


I have been loving SB3. I feel smug every time I weapon swap and then have to dodge back to range. Before I would then be reduced to throwing torch 4 until I could swap again. Now I continue to pewpew away with The Dreamer - 100% pony uptime!

Flanking makes me sad though, because so many things it's hard to tell where their front is: oozes, pre-Viirastra golems, small bosses lost in the particle effects bonfire (ie Mai Trin, all asura). I guess if I get ArcDPS reinstalled I could tell by my DPS dropping.


Double-shortbow soulbeast is still a little bit behind the SB+D/T build and as others have mentioned it is extremely sensitive to flanking. Earth sigil should be slightly weaker than a geomancy sigil but that's assuming you're in melee and are able to swap weapons on cooldown. The main reason to play SB/SB is due to the comparably easy rotation, you will lose a sizable chunk of potential damage though.

Overall if you want to min-max I would only recommend sticking with SB/SB while learning. Once you're confident, upgrade to D/T and you should see much better results almost everywhere. Never hurts to have both sets in case you need to range something!


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