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PVP Class Icons Bug?

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Yeah, PvP only shows the generic class icon, not the specialization. IDK why, but it's not a bug.Honestly it doesn't really make sense that you have to guess what the spec on an enemy is, especially since they all play differently, which makes it hard to prepare a counter-play in the warm-up.I can't tell you how many times i wasted a slot on extra condi cleanses expecting a scourge, and it was a Reaper.

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Although this feature comes across as something that was overlooked in a patch and never updated, I think that having the ambiguity is perfectly suitable.If you are always able to tell exactly which spec your opponent is running, you will inevitably want to preemptively stack counter-play utilities. Some would say this is more appropriate, personally I prefer to face whatever spec comes and learn to adapt the skills I already have to try and outplay that opponent.We already have the ability to see which professions are on each team before locking in for 60 seconds at the start of every match. This is better than some other pvp formats on other titles where you would only know who you were facing when you saw them in combat.

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