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Underwater Mounts???? - (insert suggestions in here)


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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I really like underwater in this game and I wish that ANet had time to develop it further. However, before they add underwater mounts, I'd like to see them at least get aquatic GW2 up to the same level as the rest of the game. If skills are restricted (due to coding reasons), then give us a separate build with separate traits for underwater. Make sure there's at least two elite skills and that specializations mechanics work.

I don't mind if they never retrofit weapon skin sets to include underwater; I just want them to do it right ... or leave things as is and concentrate on other things.

This is why I'm thinking an underwater expansion would be the best way to go. At the moment we're stuck in a Catch 22 situation - Anet avoid adding much underwater content because underwater combat isn't very good, but they can't justify the time and effort it would take to fix the combat because there's so little content that uses it. An expansion bundles together more content and reworked mechanics with plenty of lead-in time to get it working.

If they can rework ground targeting into a 3D environment in a way that makes sense, they could make underwater combat work. But for that to happen, it'd definitely need the time and effort of development of a full expansion.

I think the brilliance of mounts in this game is that they're specialized for different movement and landscape requirements, so if you're going to have underwater mounts, the same system should apply. So--

For pure speed in open water and going against water currents (since the game now has that wind tech): dolphinFor climbing upside down and across underwater terrain: karka (hiring and training one from the Consortium would amuse me)For lighting the darkness of the depths: an electric/bioluminescent eel or squidFor swimming through poisonous or toxic waters: snuggle up inside a modified tube worm (or wurm?)

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I feel like Skimmer should've been underwater as well as land mount (so you can still hover over quicksand, brand area, sulfur and water).Special skills should've been like1- existing one - just hovering higher2- dive/surface(Just like griffon has 2 skills)Skill 2 would make Skimmer dive when you're above water and then in it you can move freely, just like character, so you can go deeper if you want and all that. To surface you would just use the skill again and it would just go up above and hover again. (to go deeper while you're in the water you wouldn't need to use skill again but instead, just control it like you would control character underwater)

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I want the s-p-e-r-m whale!! I want the s-p-e-r-m whale!! [had to hyphenate that since ANet changed it to "kitten whale".]Seriously, to make underwater combat work [better than it does], ANet would need to do something with their stupid camera. The FOV, especially the way it arbitrarily decides to jump around, is too small -- even when zoomed all the way out -- for effective combat underwater. Even in PvE right now, it is common to not have a clue from which direction you are being engaged -- left, right, front, back, above, below -- and the time it takes to determine where an opponent is can be fatal since death comes so quickly in this game. The camera [almost] works alright in ground combat since there is rarely any vertical component to a fight, but in the water it can be atrocious.Of course, it'd help if ANet didn't consistently spawn mobs immediately behind players and behind the apex of the FOV...

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I really like underwater in this game and I wish that ANet had time to develop it further. However, before they add underwater mounts, I'd like to see them at least get aquatic GW2 up to the same level as the rest of the game. If skills are restricted (due to coding reasons), then give us a separate build with separate traits for underwater. Make sure there's at least two elite skills and that specializations mechanics work.

I don't mind if they never retrofit weapon skin sets to include underwater; I just want them to do it right ... or leave things as is and concentrate on other things.

I had a topic of that element not too long ago.Suggesting a complete seperate set of UW skills, and possibly a seperate set of UW traits (or it overlapping with the top traitline) and the revenant getting a core legend that’s only usable underwater.

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/22191/how-to-fix-underwater-combatYou’re one of the biggest names on the forum, Was Na, is this somewhat to the element you were thinking of!

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  • 6 months later...

It's not exactly an underwater mount, but here's my shot at it: Drakefrog Mount. Amphibious mount with a sticky tongue and sonic croak. Looks like a cross between a drake and a frog, has feet that are both webbed and sticky, slow hopping on land, has a tadpolish tail that looks made for water travel (they don't lose them, cuz reasons). Slow travel on land, fast travel underwater, has a decent jump (not a special ability, just ordinary movement jump). Has separate movement/dismount abilities on land and underwater, in keeping with the amphibious theme.

On land or on the water's surface, it can pull itself places with its powerful tongue, similar to the mechanics of Oakheart’s essence. The tongue doesn’t have the reach of OE, but it can be used anywhere, and if possible, the frog sticks wherever it lands. It can use its tongue ability again while sticking as well. The frog has three charges of endurance, which don’t regenerate while it is sticking to a wall or using its tongue ability.

The frog has a two-stage dismount ability on land. For the first stage, it uses its tongue to grab and swallow a single enemy (can be blocked/evaded, doesn’t work on anything with a defiance bar, structures, etc.). While an enemy is swallowed , the frog can’t use its movement ability or regain endurance. The ability requires/consumes a charge of endurance and can’t be used while sticking to a wall. However, the rider is not dismounted immediately on using the tongue attack. For the next ten (or whatever is balanced) seconds, the enemy takes damage, and so long as the enemy lives, the tongue attack is replaced with the ability to spit the enemy back out as a “projectile” (mechanically, more like a warrior's whirlwind attack aimed in the direction the frog is facing), damaging that enemy and every other enemy in its path, and dismounting the rider. If the frog doesn’t spit the enemy out within 10 seconds and it is still alive, the rider is dismounted anyway, and the enemy is disgorged without further incident. If the enemy dies while swallowed, the frog gets a temporary boost to endurance regen and the rider is not dismounted.

Underwater, the Drakefrog uses its tail to propel itself forward rapidly, and endurance drains over time rather than in discrete charges. Its dismount ability is a sonic burst that pushes enemies away, reveals them, and very briefly dazes them, but isn’t massively damaging. When traveling on the Drakefrog underwater, it passively uses a sonar ability every few seconds that marks nearby enemies on the minimap at about the same radius as gathering nodes can be shown (their locations are fixed rather than tracked, but update with each new pulse).

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My idea would be a sea horse and its usefulness would be for when you were somewhere very deep and it would give you impulses to make you rise more quickly, like an underwater Springer. If it were for a new content LS one of its mastery would be the possibility of using corals like bouncy mushrooms. Maybe you could have scattered bubbles that would give you speed. Your skill 1 would be a super spin that would pull the enemies to you. An eel, dolphin or two mixed for horizontal locomotion. They could take advantage of marine currents (like Ley line). Melanocetus johnsonii (that fish with a light in front that appears in that Pixar film) for dark Places and dangerous waters. or some Asura technology for water pressure.PS.: Sorry for my english, not my fluent language.

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@perilisk.1874 said:It's not exactly an underwater mount, but here's my shot at it: Drakefrog Mount. Amphibious mount with a sticky tongue and sonic croak. Looks like a cross between a drake and a frog, has feet that are both webbed and sticky, slow hopping on land, has a tadpolish tail that looks made for water travel (they don't lose them, cuz reasons). Slow travel on land, fast travel underwater, has a decent jump (not a special ability, just ordinary movement jump). Has separate movement/dismount abilities on land and underwater, in keeping with the amphibious theme.

On land or on the water's surface, it can pull itself places with its powerful tongue, similar to the mechanics of Oakheart’s essence. The tongue doesn’t have the reach of OE, but it can be used anywhere, and if possible, the frog sticks wherever it lands. It can use its tongue ability again while sticking as well. The frog has three charges of endurance, which don’t regenerate while it is sticking to a wall or using its tongue ability.

The frog has a two-stage dismount ability on land. For the first stage, it uses its tongue to grab and swallow a single enemy (can be blocked/evaded, doesn’t work on anything with a defiance bar, structures, etc.). While an enemy is swallowed , the frog can’t use its movement ability or regain endurance. The ability requires/consumes a charge of endurance and can’t be used while sticking to a wall. However, the rider is not dismounted immediately on using the tongue attack. For the next ten (or whatever is balanced) seconds, the enemy takes damage, and so long as the enemy lives, the tongue attack is replaced with the ability to spit the enemy back out as a “projectile” (mechanically, more like a warrior's whirlwind attack aimed in the direction the frog is facing), damaging that enemy and every other enemy in its path, and dismounting the rider. If the frog doesn’t spit the enemy out within 10 seconds and it is still alive, the rider is dismounted anyway, and the enemy is disgorged without further incident. If the enemy dies while swallowed, the frog gets a temporary boost to endurance regen and the rider is not dismounted.

Underwater, the Drakefrog uses its tail to propel itself forward rapidly, and endurance drains over time rather than in discrete charges. Its dismount ability is a sonic burst that pushes enemies away, reveals them, and very briefly dazes them, but isn’t massively damaging. When traveling on the Drakefrog underwater, it passively uses a sonar ability every few seconds that marks nearby enemies on the minimap at about the same radius as gathering nodes can be shown (their locations are fixed rather than tracked, but update with each new pulse).

I loved your idea, could have the possibility to climb vertically like insects on walls, trees, abysses, etc. on some map of LS, maybe

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@"tazzannl.5016" said:i'd say why not let the skimmer submerge? aka manta ray :D that would be majestic no? :D

They could even do this relatively easily without changing much of the game.They would just have to add a new Mastery (or set of) in the Living World that would allow us to obtain a new skill in each mount with the Mount Skill 2 key like the Griphon...They could allow skimmer to dive (and stay underwater); Other mounts could get other perks, like maybe a "sand veil" or something for jackal that gives it a bit more survivability; Raptor could have a charge attack that doesn't dismount (like the Mordrem raptor mounts), bunny maybe a forward jump, more diagonal than vertical, like near unleveled Raptor horizontally, and half the bunny height vertically?, idk bunny is hard... Beetle and Griffon already have theirs, so they could get one of those "share your passive, or something else".

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