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[LFG][EU][AG] Casual player Looking For a Social/Friendly Guild


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Hey everyone!

Im a chill guy, love to hangout and talk to people. I played around the time HOT(got it) came out, stopped playing maybe 3 months after it came out. Im a Casual player, almsot exclusevly play PvE, pretty active, if there is anything you want to know just ask!

I really want to start playing it again, but I have no one to play it with. I would love to have someone to either play with from lvl1 or just to chat with.

So if there is any guilds that want another member who they would be willing to show around I am here! My Discord is GameScout#1924, contact me there if you can, don't know how fast Ill see something here.

Cheers! :D

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