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PvP Should Have: Lobby, Picks/Bans, and More Setup Time


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I feel like there's just not enough time to "nail down your strategy." As in a MOBA, there should be a picks and bans phase that allows you to see your opponent's composition and react to it, and allows you to setup a good comp that can work well together. The bans phase would probably need to allow for bans of particular specs, skills, or something similar -- not entire classes. A lobby and picks structure with more time would also allow those who wish to join discord or voice chat together to do so.

Allowing greater time and team setup opportunities would really allow for more team play, cooperation and strategy. It would allow for broken specs and combinations to be avoided by players until they are patched by the devs. It would allow for good cooperative game play to overcome the randomness of matchmaking. It would make PvP much, much better.

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No it would make PvP much worse. You'd have to engage in schoolyard politics to get a match. "Pick me." Active participants would be fewer since you'd need to get picked for a team to play. This would make matches fewer and slower and discourage newcomers even more than they already are. PvP is already fairly unfriendly to newcomers, making it more so will not help.

If this proposal were productive, we would already be seeing the results from the ATs which are pretty much as the OP describes. How many new people are competing in ATs? Do they have a reputation for good matches or are many of the matches stomps? Are they a relatively exclusive club or broadly inclusive?

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@"Ithilwen.1529" said:No it would make PvP much worse. You'd have to engage in schoolyard politics to get a match. "Pick me." Active participants would be fewer since you'd need to get picked for a team to play. This would make matches fewer and slower and discourage newcomers even more than they already are. PvP is already fairly unfriendly to newcomers, making it more so will not help.

If this proposal were productive, we would already be seeing the results from the ATs which are pretty much as the OP describes. How many new people are competing in ATs? Do they have a reputation for good matches or are many of the matches stomps? Are they a relatively exclusive club or broadly inclusive?

I think you mis-understand. You're still assigned a 5v5 team based on your MMR. Then you enter a lobby and have the chance to pick your character one at a time and ban certain specs. The way a MOBA works.

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@Philanthropist.7246 said:

@"Ithilwen.1529" said:No it would make PvP much worse. You'd have to engage in schoolyard politics to get a match. "Pick me." Active participants would be fewer since you'd need to get picked for a team to play. This would make matches fewer and slower and discourage newcomers even more than they already are. PvP is already fairly unfriendly to newcomers, making it more so will not help.

If this proposal were productive, we would already be seeing the results from the ATs which are pretty much as the OP describes. How many new people are competing in ATs? Do they have a reputation for good matches or are many of the matches stomps? Are they a relatively exclusive club or broadly inclusive?

I think you mis-understand. You're still assigned a 5v5 team based on your MMR. Then you enter a lobby and have the chance to pick your character one at a time and ban certain specs. The way a MOBA works.

I, and I think many others, play a limited number of specs. The very last thing I want is for teammates to pick what I may or may not play. The type of game you're talking about generally has fixed builds, from what I understand. GW2's strength is in being able to play the way you want to.

Such a setup would nearly require fixed pvp builds. That, in turn, would rob the game of a big part of what makes it special. There was a push at one point to make GW2 more like a console game, fixed builds and what we called "patterns" in the 1980's. Patterns were specific sequences of memorized control movements for a particular game character to make some special move. They were jealously guarded and traded between friends.

GW2 is unsuited to that play style which relies on fixed builds and, usually, a two dimensional field.

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While I like a pick/ban system in mobas, I feel like it would annoy the hell out of me in Gw2 pvp. Unlike for Mobas (where you have 100+ heroes to chose from and banning makes sense) there are just 9 classes. Not all of those have elite specs viable for pvp and not of them are even meta-picks. So having a "ban phase" when there are literally only ~8 meta specs is kinda redundant.

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