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[NA, PvE, Casual]- Project Knighthood is recruiting!


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What is Project Knighthood:

We're a relaxed guild, full of people who play together to have a good time. We're smaller than most guilds, so you won't always find 20+ people online at all times, but on the flip side, you'll actually know most/all of the people you see! We're primarily active in the evenings and nights, with some people scattered in the early/late afternoon.


Our process is simple. The 'squire period' (new members start as 'squires') lasts a month- during this month, we get to know each other, and we also keep an eye on your overall activity, which is the main requirement to pass muster. Speaking of activity, we don't expect anything too special. Anything from joining guild events, to chatting in Discord will count. There's no 'exact threshold' you need to cross, and the decision is made not just by me, but by other members as well, so you don't have to worry about not finding me online, or being unable to log onto GW2 for a week! That being said, we do have expectations, so you can't just slide unnoticed through your month and expect to make it.

Other Requirements/Info:

Age/Maturity/Anything Else- There's no age requirement, nor required experience level within GW2. We do allow cursing and crude humor, although we do ask that you don't spew profanity like a sailor, and so on.

Representing- We don't have a rep requirement, except when you do content with the guild during guild events. For example, if you're running fractals with us, we ask that you rep us. If you're running random mid-day fractals with a couple of guildies, you can do whatever you wish.

Absences- Yes, we do understand that things happen- they happen to us, too. If you're going to be gone for an extended period of time, either during or after your squire period, get in touch with us! We can extend or reschedule your squire period as necessary, and it goes a long ways! In addition to the activity requirement above, if you go 2 months being totally inactive in the guild, we will contact you, and if you don't respond (or keep giving us vague answers for months and months), then after another month is the point where you'll be kicked.

Guild Schedule:

Back to the meat of things. All of our guild events start at 9 CST. For non-raiders, we have Fungeons on Wednesday, Fractals on Thursday, and Guild Missions on Friday. On Saturday/Sunday, we have free nights/by request nights. This means guildies are free to group up as they please, or you can ask for an event ahead of time and see if any officer will run the event officially!

Contact Info-

You made it this far, and still feel like signing up? Sweet! The first order of business is to get in contact with myself, or our guild leader, Jasper, and we'll take it from there!


SconeOfDoom.8213 (Scone), Dreaminspace.2638 (Jasper)

Discord (Have to add as friend to message)-

SconeOfDoom#1668, Jasper#7521

Website- Yes, we do still have a website. It's only used for administrative purposes, but we still ask that you submit an app here :D


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