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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:I still believe that this was all originated from a plan for an expansion which was later dumped after management changed, which was later restarted after another directional change from whatever source. If you have ever worked in project management you know well the dread of scope creep.

That said, wonder if we couldn't use this space to still brainstorm.

To those that have been in WvW style games that used alliance based systems, what tools did and didn't work for you in managing the alliance itself? I think we have a broad view of alliances in general but I don't feel we left the conversion a couple of years ago with clear pictures on how multiple guilds would manage their group of individual guilds and how the management of the alliance would work. In particular in forming and dissolving portions of an alliance. We know ANet was planning on auto-filling them to a degree for non-alliance people and guilds, but what about conflict resolution?

So since it would fill both the role of keeping the question of 'when and what' alive, what is the forum goers picturing and what helped or hindered in the past and what do you see as role of the alliance and how does it management features look like to you?

I think I would be more open to brainstorming if the devs say anything. They're absence for so long on this topic does not motivate me to start throwing ideas out for no one but other players to hear. That said, your optimism is a little inspiring. I almost wanted to join in. I hope other players are in a better place with this than me.

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allijances wh3en?

btw did anyone realise how the NPCs in the new episode talk about "alliances" ahaha. i felt honestly a bit pranked. hope's still up that they plan something for the release of End of Dragons DLC. not a big hope tho.

also see guys, i'd totally be willing to work out this for Anet if i'd work for them, but creating waterproof concepts without getting paid is something pretty questionable. you'd also always need ppl that u can contact to ask "can this work alike", which we here do not have. best communication u may get is a warning for offtopics thaha.

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If ANET already corrects the problems of hack, lag, lagskill, better rewards for WVW players, at least equivalent to PVP, include benefits to the server that is leading WVW in the skirmish , like buff (which really BENEFITS DROP from RARE ITEMS, PATCHES and ASCENDED, skins). I would be very happy already.It is very difficult to sustain a character with WVW rewards, a pvp player makes a lot of gold in one season, completes tickets and legendary items faster than WVW.

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After today (anet just forgot to relink) i doubt that the alliances may come in future. They just talking as it seems but either there will be a new game with an working alliances and wvw before i could think of anet doing something for an unique gamemode (show me one game that has a similare mode) or i quit the game and start to play something the devs take care off.No updates, if i would do that at my work.....
All updates (the 1 or 2) so far are in my eyes "sorry we are anet and well, we talk a lot and well, we have it on the plans for the 2020's" it may come within the decad.

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