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What do you think of the MESMER REWORK for PVP?


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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early to tell. There's a ton of changes that go along with this and any one of those could tip the scales one way or another. That being said, it definitely seems to be more of a PvE-oriented change, so I think it's fair to be skeptical of how this will turn out for mesmers in PvP.

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We have no idea what exactly is being changed and replaced trait and skill wise so we can't call anything yet.

A few things we know for sure is phants are no longer an option to constantly harass players and dodging them once is enough.If the AI is just as bad it means stealthing targets with any sort of support will get away free of charge as the phant runs off to hit something else, then poof into a clone.This all will be a bigger issue for core and chrono who make less use of illusions outside of shatters, and I want to say same premise for condi specs on a whole since clones scale much better than phants.It also means illusions become a much more durable resource hopefully in line with that of adrenaline or initiative.

I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be good but fair.

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In my opinion, yeah, Mesmer(other professions need one too, like thief...) could use a rework...but would be nice before they make any changes they showed to us, what are these changes...i hated Mesmers since i started playing this game, having cancers like old Bunker Chrono and now the mega cancer Mirage only amplified this heatred, but still, dont wanna see Mesmer destroyed by this rework.

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It seems like a totally pve focused change that will make mirage even more op in pvp. In PvP phantasms rarely attack multiple times anyway, they either die through cleave damage or the opponent dues because mirage bursts you faster than anything. To compensate for phants only attacking once they're talking like they're going to buff that one attack.

Basically mirage will be even more bursty in PvP. That's what it looks like. Chrono shield change looks bad though. Will kill the smoothness of having Insta quickness to cast other skills, don't like this change at all.

But who knows. Every time they put out a balance patch things somehow get worse so my expectations are low.

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@Flauvious.6195 said:It seems like a totally pve focused change that will make mirage even more op in pvp. In PvP phantasms rarely attack multiple times anyway, they either die through cleave damage or the opponent dues because mirage bursts you faster than anything. To compensate for phants only attacking once they're talking like they're going to buff that one attack.

Basically mirage will be even more bursty in PvP. That's what it looks like. Chrono shield change looks bad though. Will kill the smoothness of having Insta quickness to cast other skills, don't like this change at all.

But who knows. Every time they put out a balance patch things somehow get worse so my expectations are low.

Honestly the change will mainly hit pvp chronophantasma shatter, since you won’t have double shatter from phantasms.

Moreover confusion itself is being reworked so it’s really to early to make any claims about post patch mirage.

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I'm familiar with some of the issues mesmers face in PvE and PvP, and I think this is a step in the right direction. I enjoy playing mesmer, but the passive play style in PvE is really boring. Now, hopefully they considered that phantasms not being out all the time will have an effect on DPS output. For the most part, these changes are for PvE, but they could help add some more confusion (not the condition) to PvP too, which will make the class more interesting, but likely more annoying to fight against. I'm looking forward to seeing how they somehow screw all this up still.

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It doesn't affect PvP much, they're changing how Phantasm builds work which is primarily a PvE build. Phantasm builds simply don't work in PvP, it requires you to NOT shatter and to let your clones build of damage. Of course in PvP, players constantly move and you shatter constantly so that simply would not be viable. Also, you shouldn't form any opinions whatsoever yet if there's been nothing concrete released. Otherwise, you're just forming an opinion on something that's not there.

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Class is still baby tier because it requires a selected target to aim absolutely everything for you. Also it added more of the taunt meme to the game. If phantasms were free form attacks (did not require a target; used a ground reticle to aim) which spawned persistent clones which then attacked if the user initiated on a selected target, it would have been a much better change. Here's to anet to finally going (at least halfway) on a suggestion from years and years ago, though. Bravo, bravo.

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@Exciton.8942 said:Chrono is heavily nerfed due to its reliance on chronophantasm and alacrity.

All mirage builds should benefit from this change.

Yeah but confusion is also being changed in the context of pvp/wvw so the build as it exists now might not work the same either

Due to most Mesmer skills having their power damage numbers centered around the upkeep of phantasms, it wouldn’t surprise me if various power builds started to be more relavent

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I actually like the phantasm changes a lot, altho it all depends on what their attacks do now.Until now phantasms where so limited with their attack effects that they basically just were some bonus dmg every few seconds.You couldn't really put hard CCs, or pulsing dmg fields or major boon/condition duration on their attacks, because it would be broken if they triggered those with each attack. Now however you can.

I like to think of it as a unique spell that just happens to also spawn a clone after its activation.Since people already are complaining about the pve side of these changes.... imagine Shield phantasms giving long lasting aoe-quickness with their one attack. Not broken since it only triggers once per cast.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:I see classes becoming more and more generic. Now Phantasms are very like Guardian Spirit weapons. That makes me sad. .

pretty much what i was about to type,spirit weapons, now a utility skill that do their special thing once and that is it.turrets, now a utility skill that do their special thing once and that is it.phantasms, now a utility skill that do their special thing once and that is it.

freaking generic junk...

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