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Finally Hit the Jackpot With BL Keys!


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Congratulations. My jackpot would be either the permanent hair stylist or something I could sell for enough gold to then buy a stylist.

But as despite some lulls due to finances, I've bought on the order of 25 keys a month for several years, and never gotten anything that rare (heck, I bought a few extra last month because I really wanted the unbound magic glider, perfect for my new Firebrand, and did not get the glider) ... well, somehow I don't think it'll happen. I will just have to vicariously enjoy stories such as yours.

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Tonight must have been Permanent Upgrade Extractor Contract night...but I'm still holding on to mine, along with the Permanent Trading Post Contract I got earlier in the week...haven't decided what to do with them yet. I don't really need the gold and I already have around 70 single use Extractors, as for the TP contract...I mostly sell, don't do much buying so I don't really need it...but, ...

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Congratulations! I've bought 75 keys before when they were on sale and have bought several 25 packs through the years, but never have gotten anything of that kind of value. I've also never had a precursor drop either. As another has said, I'll live vicariously through those who have been on the lucky end of a key! Glad to see someone actually gets a good drop from time to time!

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@Offair.2563 said:nice to get 3200 g in one go, but how much did u invest to get it.

Well, I've been playing since the start, but I never considered buying keys an investment. It's just a fun thing I like to do every couple of months, like playing the lottery. Since 3000g is about 125 keys, I'd say at this point I'd say I finally broke even :)

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@SRoode.7318 said:

@Offair.2563 said:nice to get 3200 g in one go, but how much did u invest to get it.

Well, I've been playing since the start, but I never considered buying keys an investment. It's just a fun thing I like to do every couple of months, like playing the lottery. Since 3000g is about 125 keys, I'd say at this point I'd say I finally broke even :)

That's a healthy way of looking at it.

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@Donari.5237 said:Ah, but so has my 0 permanent hair kits and 0 permanent banks taken 5 years to accrue /grins

I don't have the worst RNG in the game, I've had some nifty things, but never anything precursor level in value.

You don't have the worst RNG, you are quite right about that. I always get like the wardrobe unlocks (the bad ones at that) and minis. The best thing I have gotten is 33 commemorative sprockets.


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