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[EU][PvE][Raid] Adverse to Mechanics is looking for Static Raid members for full clears


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Hey all, Adverse to Mechanics [DPS] are a group of friends who have been successfully raiding together through W1-5 for several months now and are looking to add a few members to the group to form a full static. We're all well experienced with the current raid bosses (bar Dhuum) and play a variety of classes and so may be malleable to your roles, however players with a Druid are particularly preferrable at the moment.


Our goal is to form a friendly team of dedicated raiders, capable of clearing the current wings efficiently each week and tackling new ones as they release. As well as this, we're shameless Achievement Hunters and would like to tick off various CMs for completion with an ultimate goal of Dhuum CM being our cherry on top.


  • Wednesdays 18:30 - 20:30 (GMT)
  • Sundays 18:30 - 20:30 (GMT)
  • Optional Training days (No set day, organised when people are willing and able)

We currently aim to clear 2 wings each session with some time spent training on W5 after if the group is up for it. A large deal of time is currently spent looking for pugs to fill up empty roles; with a full group we're hoping we can eliminate this downtime and devote more time to training on newer wings as they release so these times may be subject to change.


  • 50-200LI
  • Some knowledge of mechanics on all current bosses and a general willingness to learn - We don't mind if you're fuzzy about a certain mechanic, we do mind if you don't let us know and help you, consequently causing the team's performance to suffer.
  • Multiple geared classes (2 minimum) - Submitted roles should be in full ascended gear (Exotic armour is acceptable) and running a meta build (qtfy/Snow Crows). As mentioned earlier, if you've got a Druid, we especially want you!
  • Voice communication - We use Discord to voice chat and we'd like you to as well; real-time communication lets us quickly respond to any issues which may arise in a fight and is a crucial part of our success.
  • Punctuality - We raid two days a week at set times which work for our members, if you're not showing up on time you're unfairly taking time out of other peoples lives which we won't tolerate. Life sometimes gets in the way of raids and we're not going to hold it against you if it does, in these events we'd like you to give us a heads-up, ideally 12 hours prior, so we can plan accordingly.
  • A sense of humour - We like to have a laugh while raiding and are generally pretty laidback. We'd like to continue our comfortable atmosphere with your inclusion, so if you lack patience, are a bit tightly strung or find dark humour distasteful, we might not be the group for you. Remember at the end of the day, we all do this for fun.

Contact us

If you've made it through to this part and this all seems interesting to you, send us a message! We'd like to know more about you so expect us to ask a few questions about yourself but if they all check out we can bring you along for a session and hopefully find that you're a good match for us.

You can contact myself in the following ways:

  • Discord: Pombear#1644 (If you want a quick response, this is where you'll get it)
  • GW2: Pombear.8027 (Safest option would be to send me a mail, I might not be online for a whisper)

I will not be actively monitoring this thread so for a quick response please direct all inquiries through the methods above.Thanks for the read and we'll hopefully hear from you soon.

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