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[EU][PvE] Friendly EU Guild TMQ seeks new officers!


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The Messengers Quest [TMQ] is looking for new officers to help manage our growing guild.
Right now, our guild management consist of a leader and co-leader that manage the day to day activities and the guild overall. The guild has a team of officers that organize events and a core member count around 30 and a total growing member count around 70. With the guild growing at a steady pace we want to add some more hands to help us manage the guild. Therefore, we are looking for people that want to organize PvE (non-raid) content and have the ambition of becoming a guild officer.


The Messengers Quest is a friendly European based guild. We promote a fun, mature atmosphere that allows a good group of people to come together to enjoy Guild Wars 2 in all its many aspects. TMQ is open for members that want to be active and contribute to the guild and its community. It’s a place where people are helping each-other to complete personal stories, map completion, fractals, random dungeons or other events. We believe that a community is built on regular participation of its members and over the years we’ve created a place where activities are always evolving and spontaneous parties constantly form, be it in game or via our own voice-comm server to chit-chat and have fun.


The guild tries to keep the roster count to a reasonable size in which we’re large enough to be able to organize meta events and be effective at tackling goals that require a large member count. All this while being small enough to preserve the feeling that every member is important to the success of the guild, the feeling of a close community and knowing your fellow members. Any person who wants to join our friendly community should have a mature attitude, be willing to actively represent us and actively partake in our community by being active in-game, on our website and in our community overall on atleast a weekly basis, as this is the core of our guild. Keeping in mind that we're a European based guild, we do only accept European players due the time zone difficulties and our event times are based on the Central European time zone.


We’re looking for officers with a drive to work towards the growth of the guild. Since the guild is a growing state it can be an intense and demanding job from time to time. As such we’re preferring officer applicants with experience in such a role or a clear vision how to do this. Apart from the tasks that come with the officer role, applicants are expected to help with general tasks that grow and manage the community such as posting interesting content on the forum and keeping discord/guild chat fun and alive. Potential officers should atleast be available a few hours per week to organize events.

TMQ has a clear vision on how to build and grow our community and part of this vision is our website, the place where we share our experiences, schedule our events and commemorate our community. Potential officers should be willing to utilize the website in order fulfil their role. Furthermore, as a community centered guild it’s a home to all kinds of cultures, lifestyles, people and playstyles. It is a place where every member counts, not their skills, not their items and not their experience of the game. Therefore, performance centered mentalities have no place in TMQ.


Applicants that are accepted will be invited to the guild and go through an evaluation period to determine if there is a ‘’culture-fit’’ with the guild. In this period, we’ll guide you through every part of the guild and give you the tools to fulfill the officer role. This includes an explanation of the website functions, discord functions and the other tools/channels we use.After this period, we work out together if the role is something for you and move to officially making you an officer in within The Messengers Quest. If you or we conclude during or after the evaluation period that the role might not be for you, fear not, you’ll still have a place as a member in our guild!


If you’re interested in becoming a TMQ officer after reading this visit our officer recruitment page!

Still have some questions? Although applications go via our recruitment page feel free to message us if you like some additional information:


Please Note:While TMQ pursues 100% representation it is not required. We do not believe in mandating loyalty, but inspiring it in our members. That said we do consider ourselves a main guild/community and you will be expected to represent most of the time you spend online. We enforce our Guild Rules & Code of Conduct regularly and we ask you to understand them when making an application. This especially goes for officer applicants!

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