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Finally: Mesmer AFK-Farming possible!


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sorry for bad video quality but to understand what I mean it should be sufficient:

Edit:Here's a second one at another spot on the same map, without any other players. As one can see I do not click nor push any skill buttons.At 1:10 something interesting happens, a clone gets summoned in the same second the enemy died and independently attacks the next reachable target (while I stay out of combat), which is a nest on the ground. The clone gets replaced later in the next "fight" by another automatically summoned one. And because the nest wasn't destroyed, after the fight a clone is summoned and continues to attack it xD

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@"zell.3051" said:You should try it with mirage axe clones. You're welcome.

I tried but the axe clones seem to be inferior to staff clones - while they overall do more damage, enemies must be close together to all get hit, which often isn't the case.

At least this new kind of shattering-the-status-quo(-super-not)-"active" gameplay compensates a bit for making the pDisenchanter useless, because it doesn't remove any conditions anymore which was the only purpose for me to slot and use it frequently (it only strips boons from enemies, so Null-Field probably is the better choice now).

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