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Does Tempest Defense increase Damage on Taunted Bosses (or Defiant Foes)?

Me Games Ma.8426

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@Razor.6392 said:As someone who doesn't raid, I keep hearing about this trait and how broken it is for ele's dps stats. Is it really? Enemies are only stunned for a brief seconds after their breakbars are out...

Mainly it shines on KC burn phase, which is the only phase where dps matters outside of killing illusions. There are other brief moments but in general air has other 20% buff that makes the traitline desirable. I think in the past there're also undocumented bonus like daze and icebow 5 but I'm unsure whether it is fixed or not. Icebow 5 actually kills rotation but during CC phase it does give longer buff times. Either way raw 20% damage buff is quite powerful when we talk about 30+ dps and that bit of edge is just an icing on the cake when ele has more than 5k dps over 2nd top when boss aren't even stun/daze/knockdown.

To answer OP's question, no I don't think it works on taunted. And in case other people asks, no I don't find the trait OP but it is much more competitive than other air master traits.

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Nah there are two parts to the trait, so its a bit different from how superior elements and breakbar works. The listed CC like taunt in tooltip stands for the types of CC that will trigger shocking aura, they have no effect on the damage component of the trait which only includes stun and knockdown. Daze being part of the CC that triggers damage component is just a hidden bug that I don't think ANet found the time to fix it, even though it had been pointed out in the past.

Not quite sure if you're asking about superior elements as well but yeah it does give bonus on breakbars even though boss isn't exactly affected by it.

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