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Please Please Please give us /Resign option


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Nope. The longer a match goes the more chance I have to carry it. The second you get wiped at mid or a three cap comes out you are instantly going to have kids trying to resign so that they can find a match where they get carried because that is the only way a lot of the community seems to play.

Edit* maybe give people the option to /resign for themselves. They leave the game and lose 100 rating, team loses 0.

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It would need to only trigger with a unanimous vote. All 5 members of the team would have to agree to resign. And it should only be an option when 1) the other team has over 300 points and 2) they winning team has 200 points more than the losing team. (or something like that).

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NO. Such option only leads to people losing on purpose faster.

What we need is draft matchmaking.

A way to preset builds and queue with them instead with characters, and at the start of matches, have drafting process taking turns picking builds and banning enemy builds.

Draft matchmaking does wonder for balance by letting players take out what we all know is working too well too often and what it's outright broken.

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@Aza.2105 said:

@pah.4931 said:It would need to only trigger with a unanimous vote. All 5 members of the team would have to agree to resign.

Thats how it was in gw1, all party members needed to agree to resign. It was never abused.

@Sombra.3246 said:We need a /Resign option in SPvP to give us a chance to not waste time on horrible match ups.

Please comment down below if you agree.

I completely agree with you guys.

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@Aza.2105 said:

@pah.4931 said:It would need to only trigger with a unanimous vote. All 5 members of the team would have to agree to resign.

Thats how it was in gw1, all party members needed to agree to resign. It was never abused.

Time has changed though, it's not the same gamers nor the same mentality 12 years after. Back in time, people hardly gave up even when match was totally unbalanced or even when about to lose. Today, i'm convinced many people would surrender way too quickly, especially in a meta where, at low level, a scourge or a holo can roll 2-4 players in a matter of seconds.

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@Abazigal.3679 said:Today, i'm convinced many people would surrender way too quickly, especially in a meta where, at low level, a scourge or a holo can roll 2-4 players in a matter of seconds.

That's why we need a /resign, because of the laughable balance. Two holos or scourges in a team? Getting steam rolled? Smash that resign! If all professions were more or less equal it would be a matter of pride to keep going till the end but at how current things are, there's no shame in reducing the wasted time.

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@Aza.2105 said:

@pah.4931 said:It would need to only trigger with a unanimous vote. All 5 members of the team would have to agree to resign.

Thats how it was in gw1, all party members needed to agree to resign. It was never abused.

There was another command in GW1 called /roll. Both teams did a roll and the one with the lowest roll resigned, easy and quick matches.Usually it was a way to solve dead-locked matches in random arenas, but sometimes it was used in other forms of play, so saying it was never abused is false.Maybe only rarely, but it was abused sometimes.

Outside requiring a complete team vote, the resign option should only become available after an amount of time passes and not be used right after the first mid battle.

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Disagree. It's only 15 minutes.. (at most.). After seeing and hating resign options preventing turnaround matches on other MOBAs, I never want a resign option in GW2 PVP. It's only 15 minutes anyway. Good system of how the match ends in 15 mins no matter what. The frustration from people having one bad fight and instantly resigning would be much worse. Right now already there are ragequitters. This is just feeding the same annoying guys who decide to afk 2 minutes in or ragequit 5 minutes in. I don't want to deal also with the psychological annoyance of having to convince my team not to resign. It's even unfairer to the FTP who are not even able to say anything in say chat. The only reason why I could recover from the salty idiots in a different MOBA was because of GW2's silly pvp. I have seen many people surrender way too quickly in other games, and having my 15 minutes of fun being ruined by these guys that you have to stroke their psychological feather to keep freaking playing would ruin pvp for me. Again. I don't play pvp to psychologically coddle my teammates. Good riddance to "resigning" for a 15 minute casual match, IMO.

the only exception IMO is an option that allows people who have a game with a ragequitter/bot/technical issue poor d/cer in it to get credit/loot/game end quick or something. No idea how that would be implemented though, a unaminous vote would not help in the case of ragequitters and bots.

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@"cloudsareyum.8120" said:Disagree. It's only 15 minutes.. (at most.). After seeing and hating resign options preventing turnaround matches on other MOBAs, I never want a resign option in GW2 PVP. It's only 15 minutes anyway. Good system of how the match ends in 15 mins no matter what. The frustration from people having one bad fight and instantly resigning would be much worse. Right now already there are ragequitters. This is just feeding the same annoying guys who decide to afk 2 minutes in or ragequit 5 minutes in. I don't want to deal also with the psychological annoyance of having to convince my team not to resign. It's even unfairer to the FTP who are not even able to say anything in say chat. The only reason why I could recover from the salty idiots in a different MOBA was because of GW2's silly pvp. I have seen many people surrender way too quickly in other games, and having my 15 minutes of fun being ruined by these guys that you have to stroke their psychological feather to keep freaking playing would ruin pvp for me. Again. I don't play pvp to psychologically coddle my teammates. Good riddance to "resigning" for a 15 minute casual match, IMO.

the only exception IMO is an option that allows people who have a game with a ragequitter/bot/technical issue poor d/cer in it to get credit/loot/game end quick or something. No idea how that would be implemented though, a unaminous vote would not help in the case of ragequitters and bots.

If you don't want to resign then you would have the option to vote "no". I don't see why the wishes of the few has to trump the wishes of the many. That's why i want a resign option based of majority votes and not on unanimity. Because most of the times when you are far behind you are there for a reason, i.e. the opposing team is much better then yours. So what would be the point of slamming your head against a brick wall? That's the definition of insanity... The snowball is real and when you lose most of the encounters there really is no point in feeding the ego of the enemy team.

You say it's just 15 mins, well honestly i'd prefer an option to surrender if I encounter tough match ups so I would invest what little time I can salvage in something that betters me for future matches, like dueling arenas. Or start a fresh match where I can come back with fresh mental strength and no handicap.

Keeping people on a match they are surely losing is a selfish thing to do.

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@emblack.3754 said:

@"cloudsareyum.8120" said:Disagree. It's only 15 minutes.. (at most.). After seeing and hating resign options preventing turnaround matches on other MOBAs, I never want a resign option in GW2 PVP. It's only 15 minutes anyway. Good system of how the match ends in 15 mins no matter what. The frustration from people having one bad fight and instantly resigning would be much worse. Right now already there are ragequitters. This is just feeding the same annoying guys who decide to afk 2 minutes in or ragequit 5 minutes in. I don't want to deal also with the psychological annoyance of having to convince my team not to resign. It's even unfairer to the FTP who
are not even able to say anything in say chat
. The only reason why I could recover from the salty idiots in a different MOBA was because of GW2's silly pvp. I have seen many people surrender way too quickly in other games, and having my 15 minutes of fun being ruined by these guys that you have to stroke their psychological feather to keep freaking playing would ruin pvp for me. Again. I don't play pvp to psychologically coddle my teammates. Good riddance to "resigning" for a 15 minute casual match, IMO.

the only exception IMO is an option that allows people who have a game with a ragequitter/bot/technical issue poor d/cer in it to get credit/loot/game end quick or something. No idea how that would be implemented though, a unaminous vote would not help in the case of ragequitters and bots.

If you don't want to resign then you would have the option to vote "no". I don't see why the wishes of the few has to trump the wishes of the many. That's why i want a resign option based of majority votes and not on unanimity. Because most of the times when you are far behind you are there for a reason, i.e. the opposing team is much better then yours. So what would be the point of slamming your head against a brick wall? That's the definition of insanity... The snowball is real and when you lose most of the encounters there really is no point in feeding the ego of the enemy team.

You say it's just 15 mins, well honestly i'd prefer an option to surrender if I encounter tough match ups so I would invest what little time I can salvage in something that betters me for future matches, like dueling arenas. Or start a fresh match where I can come back with fresh mental strength and no handicap.

Keeping people on a match they are surely losing is a selfish thing to do.

ruining my fun over less than 15 minutes is an equally selfish thing to do. is the type who enjoys a fight, save AFKers and ragequitters, of which the surrenders are exactly that- nothing but the same jerks who afk halfway in and ruin the game for everyoneand I've seen surrenders over and over again in other games with similar game modes that were way too early. you don't want to open that can of worms. people give up after 2 minutes these days. I just don't trust that "That One Rager" will provoke everyone to surrendering even when you're about even on score and points. the games in which you are losing are usually <10 minutes. it would take even more time just to do a surrender vote, plus politics that free to play players are helpless to influence.

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