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IMPORTANT: Policies and Processes -- links inside

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  • ArenaNet Staff

In order to make it super easy to find policy information about playing the game and using the forums, we've created the new Guild Wars 2 and Forum Policies subforum. This subforum will replace various threads, most of which were "sticky threads" in the GW2 Discussion Subforum and will make them very accessible for forum members.

To aid ever further, here are direct links to those threads that contain very important information. Some explain our policies on essential topics. Others explain how to do something. Each thread is a closed thread on in the new subforum, but there's a discussion thread in the GW2 Discussion Forum in case you want to ask a question, share a thought, and so forth.


Note: These threads are for information only and are not open for posts.


Right now, this is an experiment. If we see continued "What's Anet's policy about..." threads for topics covered in the above threads, or if members ask how to do something that's covered here, then clearly this consolidation thread has not been effective. ;) Let's see how it goes, with an eye to reducing "clutter" in the sticky post section.

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  • 11 months later...
  • ArenaNet Staff

I will be updating the links, as we've just published updated policy documents. The policies themselves did not change, but we're outlining them in more detail and posting them in the spiffy new Guild Wars 2 and Forum Policies subforum.

More updates over the next couple of days, and localized copy will be published as soon as I get the French, German, and Spanish versions.

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