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Why do mounts turn so slowly?

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Serious question, I just don't understand why are they designed this way.It's hard as Kitty to control them even on ground; mid-air is just ridiculous, you have to carefully place yourself in the direction you want to jump (for example) before doing it..isn't that just poor design? It doesn't feel right..Why can't they just face the direction of the camera immediately instead of slowly rotate to it moving a huge distance that will 20% of the time make you fall of a cliff?

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I think that it's actually good design and I like it. For me they look and feel much more natural this way instead of character like instant rotation. It is something you just have to get used to when controlling the mounts. That and their unique abilities makes them different than mounts we have seen in other games.

Matter of opinion of course, some like it, some don't, doesn't mean it's broken.

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I never said they didn't felt natural.The thing is.. this is a videogame, a good feel should always be better than "more realistic".When your character run, it is instantly snapping to the cameras position, why is it okay for the character but not the mounts?Shouldn't that feel unnatural too? Would it be fun if your character turned slowly as well? I don't think so..

I know this is personal opinion, I'm just one of those that prefer fun over realism.

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Personally, it has nothing to do with fun vs realism - more like fun AND realism. Mounts may be clumsy, but honestly, that's why I like using them - they feel alive, and they definately take some getting used to!

Would it be fun if my character turned as slowly? Perhaps not, but our characters also aren't designed to traverse vast distances at breakneck speeds (glitches and superspeed bugs not included). I think this is a case of comparing a scalpel to a chainsaw.

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The momentum is outstanding and it made me scream in front of my screen more than once approaching a cliff with my Springer and hit the "brakes" and we keep sliding for a bit, stopping at the edge.. Once I did not make it and fell into a sulphur put in Joko's Domain or whatever that's called because I failed to take the turn. Audio-wise, the fat, deep stomps Jerry the Springer does add to it. It's a 800 kg bunny, not just a soap box.Very pleased with that!


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@"El Psy Congroo.7965" said:I never said they didn't felt natural.The thing is.. this is a videogame, a good feel should always be better than "more realistic".When your character run, it is instantly snapping to the cameras position, why is it okay for the character but not the mounts?Shouldn't that feel unnatural too? Would it be fun if your character turned slowly as well? I don't think so..

I know this is personal opinion, I'm just one of those that prefer fun over realism.

I think this is a reasonable point of criticism.

However, when we're talking about control in the game, pinpoint accurate movement is necessary for character movement to dodge, move away from danger, feint, snap accuracy for attacking, etc. Mounts, however, do not require most of that because you're not really using them in combat and they are banned from most jumping puzzles so what do you need snap pinpoint accurate mount movement for, exactly?

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I find practicing in the races is a great way to get used to a mount. The event races have helped me fine-tune my raptor, which is my primary "getting around" mount. I also practice launching my raptor onto pillars or ropes, which helps with the firecrackers.

I'm not very good at multi-mount races yet, so I'd be curious about pushing past that point. No rush... having fun!

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There's a trick to easily turn the springer to face the way you want it to: do a high jump from standstill, and use the "move backward" key ('s' for most people) while the beast is airborne. It will align to the camera facing without moving from the spot. Repeat if the first jump didn't turn you far enough.

I believe it works with the griffon too. Someone correct me if it doesn't. (I never really tried because I don't use the griffon in a manner that needs such precise maneuvering.)

Edit: actually, you can start holding the 's' key as soon as you're charging the jump.

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@"Manasa Devi.7958" said:There's a trick to easily turn the springer to face the way you want it to: do a high jump from standstill, and use the "move backward" key ('s' for most people) while the beast is airborne. It will align to the camera facing without moving from the spot. Repeat if the first jump didn't turn you far enough.

I believe it works with the griffon too. Someone correct me if it doesn't. (I never really tried because I don't use the griffon in a manner that needs such precise maneuvering.)

Edit: actually, you can start holding the 's' key as soon as you're charging the jump.

Better... you can turn while charging up. Its actually the way to turns you bunny towards where you want to jump. Its still a bit limited, but it does help.

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The mounts are meant to feel different depending on the mount. Each mount turns differently. Jackals are far more maneuverable, but they can't jump up cliffs. The right mount for the right job. The idea is adding a skill based system to the game, not just something for convenience. I like the way they did it more than f they were mounts like every other game

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Movement on mounts is actually one of the most impressive features in the entire game, they feel like they have a weight behind them and they move naturally. It even gives each mount it's own personality. Absolutely loved everything about them from the first second I rode one, to be honest I didn't expect that high quality of animations.

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They are supposed to be different creatures that help you move around, not a perfect and absolute way to solve all your movement QoL wishes. Their movement is different to give them identity and give you a sense of being riding something. They are imprecise in small angles to keep gliding and your own character movement from becoming obsolete, and to add a minimal challenge to basic movement.

They are designed to be FUN: Fun requires challenge and variety. Autopilot is not fun.

If their movement wasn't that way, they would have been just like other games mounts, without weight or value, just unneeded visual clutter, and all mi criticism to the implementation of mounts would have been true. And the game would be horrible.

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Why? It was inevitable that ANet, when adding mounts to GW2, would put their own spin on how mounts work and feel. They've done the same (using their own take on MMO conventions) for everything from harvesting to gear to raids. That's the why. In the case of mounts, they chose an immersive adaptation of what riding a real creature is like over the "creatures don't move like that" convenience found in some other games. While I prefer the closer-to-real feel, not everyone was going to. That's the other inevitable -- someone was going to be displeased no matter what ANet did.

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They actually used to turn quite quickly during the first beta weekend. But people complained about that, because they were too lazy to learn how each mount moved, and they ended up falling off cliffs and stuff with the turns. Overall it was just a learning curve. But Anet listened to them and ruined how the mounts turn now.

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