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What professions do people not want in unranked


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Asking someone to change professions in unranked sPvP is a bad joke, since the whole point of the place is a testing ground for new builds. Double thief is only looked down upon because, more often than not, the two thieves cannot work together and one often tries to be a mid-fighter in sub-paar teamfight build.

If I had to list a profession I wouldn't want on my team, it would be Core Revenant or Renegade. Both provide sub-paar damage, support and nobody knows how to play it. Heralds can be a mixed bag - either they're REALLY PRO, or ALREADY DEAD.

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In Unranked people usually play for fun, so builds that are not fun to play with or against get the hate. That's my personal reason for not playing scourge in unranked. Scourge also isn't my default ranked class, so I get to play it rarely but sometimes there's a necro in the enemy team and none in mine, so I get to make the swap.

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