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Special effects on new horns with Total Makeover kit / Olmakhan Helm?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Not true. My character was already female, and I have the new female horns. You can swap genders as many times as you like with the one Makeover Kit.

Swap to male, set the male horns that enable the new horns on female, swap back, new horns appear on existing female. Nothing is permanent until you choose the final iteration.

Oh? I misunderstood then, I thought you'd actually have to make the change first or it wouldn't take effect when used. That's much less bad then.

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Still works , didn't have makover kit but you can easly preview it on Aescethian (Makover Preview) , repeated the trick with all male horns but didn't found Gawr horns (glowing ones for male). Really nice trick tho , hopes A-Net gonna add all of them permamently so we don't have to use a bug and don't make life any harder for ppls that already used the trick.

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