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Player Created Fractals

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Of course, the big problem with is developing the tools. Porting dev tools into the game in an easy to use and understand way, without breaking out of the confines of being in game is an absolutely massive undertaking. A massive undertaking with a built in guarantee that at least 99% of all resulting content being completely worthless to all involved.

This is one of those things that sounds like "Oh yeah, its a lot of work, but the content generation from it is so massive that it doesn't really matter if it takes dev time from other products or from making more fractals in house, its totally worth it all". It isn't of course. This is a lot of work for basically 0 net gain.

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not enough money. I don't think anyone here appreciates how complicated this is, especially without designing the game from the ground up to support this. Mario maker was possible because the game is far less... sophisticated, for lack of a better term. So was city of heroes, the dungeons in that game were super basic, and already designed to be very similar looking.

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