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Fellow warriors, don't let anet nerf Aura slicer. Fight against the upcoming nerf.


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For some reason, Anet thinks that increasing Aura slicer cooldown from 6 sec to 8 sec is a good idea, but here I will present you the facts to show you that Aura Slicer needs a buff not a nerf.

  • Aura slicer has a base damage of 440 and a 6 sec ICD. Now, lets compare Aura slicer with the #2 skill from other professions.

  • Whirling Wrath 8 sec cooldown with 1274 damage. If we use ratios, then 6 sec is equivalent to 955.5 damage. Therefore, whirling wrath deals 117% more damage than Aura slicer; additionally Whirling wrath is a 5 target skill.

  • Mighty blow deals 706 damage and ICD is 5 sec. if we use ratios, then 6 sec is equivalent to 847.2 damage. Therefore, Mighty blow deals 92.5% more damage than Aura slicer, additionally Whirling wrath is a 5 target skill.

  • Ghastly Claws deals 1464 damage and the ICD is 8 sec. If we use ratios, then 6 sec is equivalent to 1096.5 damage. Therefore, Ghastly Claws deals 149% more damage than Aura Slicer.

  • Life Siphon deals 990 damage and the ICD is 12 sec. If we use ratios, then 6 sec is equivalent to 495 damage. Therefore, Life Siphon deals 12.5% more damage than Aura Slicer. Additionally, Life Siphon deals 20% more damage if bleeding and a base 450 healing.

  • Illusionary Counter deals 367 direct damage + 880 condition damage for a total of 1247 damage minimum and the ICD is 8 sec. If we use ratios, then 6 sec is equivalent to 935.25 damage. Therefore, Illusionary Counter deals 113% more damage than aura slicer. Additionally, Illusionary Counter blocks and evades.

  • Blurred Frenzy deals 1760 damage and the ICD is 12 sec. If we use ratios then, 6 sec is equivalent to 880 damage. Therefore, Blurred Frenzy deals 100% more damage than aura slicer. Additionally, Blurred Frenzy evades all attacks and can hit 3 targets.

  • Dragon's Tooth deals 825 direct damage + 1310 condition damage for a total of 2135 damage. The ICD is the same as aura slicer, but it deals 385% more damage than aura slicer. Additionally, Dragon's Tooth hits 5 targets.

  • And Many more #2 skills, but I don't have the time to calculate all of them and post them here.

Now, if Aura slicer gets an ICD change to 8 sec, then the ICD ratio will be 4/3 which means that 3 new skill activation will be equal to 4 old skill activation. This translates to a 25% damage reduction. Additionally, the fast hands trait will be useless and you might as well equip rune of the warrior to get 8 sec cooldown on weapon swap instead of wasting a trait.

For these reason, we warriors should unite and protest about this upcoming nerf to Aura Slicer because it will ruin the skill and the fast hands trait. Don't let them destroy Aura Slicer!

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I dont understand why dagger is even being targeted for nerfs period. I mean Greatsword is used by so many SB's right now, why would you push dagger even further down the list of weaker weapons? Dagger feels good right now. Lets not turn it into another mace or rifle.

Spellbreaker was also nerfed last patch to make it easier to counterplay and now they want more nerfs.

We need to make a fuss I agree, Holosmith and Druid are getting passes as a result.

For me if any of these bigger nerfs go through I will be back on Core Warrior, SB is useless if too much is taken away.

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Honestly, dagger is in a good place as it is. D3 could be toned down slightly, but it's still not bad for the CD. Instead, they're nerfing warrior uptime on their opponents, since the damage of d2 is already pretty insignificant. Hell, the damage on dagger in general is pretty poor.

If they're concerned with warrior sustain, they need to nerf adrenal health to be one stack max or something. Warrior damage is already bottom tier compared to other classes, we're basically just gonna be relegated to a turtle/bunker that can't team fight or do anything but contest far.

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Just another one of those "skill balances" that made me facepalm compulsively. At least fix the skill animation so that the warrior doesn't look like he/she is executing the skill on a moon's surface. Instead of nerfing stuff that doesn't need nerf, introduce some "quality" into skills and make them fun to use. The skill is too slow and feels clunky, the nerf is unjustified, just as the nerf to warhorn and all its associated traits.

It feels like the balance team often just balances randomly and hopes for the best.

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I agree. MH dagger was already under-powered. Warrior needs to keep some non-GS in-combat mobility. This with all the rest of the Spellbreaker nerfs (which seem to be staying intact according to v2 of the adjustments) will make SB fall hard. I certainly won't be playing it if all the nerfs stick.

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@perko.8309 said:I agree. MH dagger was already under-powered. Warrior needs to keep some non-GS in-combat mobility. This with all the rest of the Spellbreaker nerfs (which seem to be staying intact according to v2 of the adjustments) will make SB fall hard. I certainly won't be playing it if all the nerfs stick.

The dagger auto nerfs especially don't make any sense. If anything, dagger auto needed to be buffed.

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