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not so secret JP... Why did they put the diving goggles so hard to access?

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Just go at it on a weekend, there will be other players who do the JP and attempt to get to the goggle location. There will be cursing in map chat and at some point and a player who does something else in the zone and has a mesmer at the goggles will have mercy, switch to it and offer free teleports.

When I did it the first (and only) time I was at it for more than 2 hours before an angel put me out of my misery. Don't expect to succeed with the dive the first 5 attempts. The angel that helped me ported me back up 4 or 5 times because I failed the jump (of course I watched a Youtube video first). It's possible to put a portal at the mountain side close to the waypoint, so you can just walk over and get up to the goggles again. I almost doubt anyone has made it up to the goggles "manually" within the last 2 years or so because so many players left a mesmer there.

I had to do the JP again for The Predator collection, and again a mesmer popped up and helped everybody.

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I think it's good that it is challenging likes jumping puzzles, though is terrible at them, and there are always skilled mesmers/pof necros willing to help. Maybe you could look on lfg asking for help? A good thing about this game is that us who love jumping puzzles can enjoy, and us who hate jumping puzzles can ask for help from mesmers or pof necros who like them haha.My only quarrel with not so secret (and trolls revenge) is that unfortunately the difficult and fun puzzles is in a high volume map (Lion's arch and the airship pass), so I am forced to jump at maybe <10 fps.

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@Kalendraf.9521 said:

@"Faaris.8013" said:I almost doubt anyone has made it up to the goggles "manually" within the last 2 years or so because so many players left a mesmer there.

Given how fickle the spinning sprockets are for aiming the launch and sticking the landings, I wouldn't doubt that.

The gears shoot you straight forward. So depends on how you have your camera angled. Aim for where you want to go, and that's where you'll go flying towards. ;)

As for doing the puzzle normally, it's really not that hard. The main thing you need is patience. Only takes a couple minutes to do it manually from start to goggles.

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@Kong.3280 said:

@"Faaris.8013" said:I almost doubt anyone has made it up to the goggles "manually" within the last 2 years or so because so many players left a mesmer there.

Given how fickle the spinning sprockets are for aiming the launch and sticking the landings, I wouldn't doubt that.

The gears shoot you straight forward. So depends on how you have your camera angled. Aim for where you want to go, and that's where you'll go flying towards. ;)My experience has been otherwise. Seems like some are based more on your camera or the direction the toon is facing while those above the airship are more like pure RNG, and any even a slight variation up there is enough to send you flying to your doom.

As for doing the puzzle normally, it's really not that hard. The main thing you need is patience. Only takes a couple minutes to do it manually from start to goggles.That assumes some level of skill. I pretty much stink at JPs, some more than others. This is one I'm terrible at, and no degree of patience can overcome my lack of skill.
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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Solaris.2489" said:I remember doing this jp non stop for 1 week until I could run through it in minutes + port people up to the goggles with 100% success rate. Then they changed it so the discs throw you too far and you have to switch weapons to not fall off. Absolute rubbish mechanic, it was difficult but fair before they changed it.The discs now seem to consider all your speed buffs/debuffs - which means they will overshoot you if you have any speed on. I had that problem for a long time, since i insisted on doing it on a chrono...And yep, it was far better before they broke it.

The easiest work around for the broken disc is to get the experimental rifle. Engineers can just equip their own rifle. Alternatively you can use swap to drop you off. It seems to be implemented as a leap and a swap causes you to stop moving forward. DH Wings of Resolve might also work.

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I did the NSS JP like 5 times now, but this morning, it just didn't work for me. Last time I did it as a sidequest while exploring Gendarran Fields with a leveling char. Funny actually. While there are JPs in this game where you stand on thin air, NSS has some bars or rods or whatever that are literally just 1 pixel in width. Meaning, you are just the tiniest fraction of a pixel too far to any direction, you'll start slipping and falling. It's just so goddamn frustrating.

My next step will be to utilize my dust-gathering Mesmer to set up some backup portals in strategic places. After all, it was the very reason I created one (before Mesmer became one-shot-god).

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@"Kalendraf.9521" said:

As for doing the puzzle normally, it's really not that hard. The main thing you need is patience. Only takes a couple minutes to do it manually from start to goggles.That assumes some level of skill. I pretty much stink at JPs, some more than others. This is one I'm terrible at, and no degree of patience can overcome my lack of skill.

Yeah that's the thing, I really do suck at them and no matter how many I do, I just don't feel like I'm improving. I like that there's something like this in the game to set it apart from other MMOs; but it's trying too hard in these puzzles to be some sort of action-platformer, and it just isn't. It doesn't have the precision needed. The platform hitboxes aren't exact - often times you appear to be standing on air, or you try to make a jump where it LOOKS like you can easily clear the height, but the game says "nope". It's why I don't really bother with them much

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@Kalendraf.9521 said:

The gears shoot you straight forward. So depends on how you have your camera angled. Aim for where you want to go, and that's where you'll go flying towards. ;)My experience has been otherwise. Seems like some are based more on your camera or the direction the toon is facing while those above the airship are more like pure RNG, and any even a slight variation up there is enough to send you flying to your doom.

Sorry for not being more clear. I did mean the direction your character is facing. I rotate the camera and character so they are facing the direction you want to go.

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I went and tried this last night. Took me several attempts just to get onto the first airship, and then nearly died on the next set of columns that go under the ship due to so much aggro from the Aetherblades firing up at me from the ground. Shortly after that I missed a jump and fell. I'd estimate there were about 4 other players there trying it and they never even managed to reach the airship at all. Considering that first section is probably the easiest part, it was a pretty sad showing by all of us. I called out on the map to see if anyone had a toon parked at the goggles, but like normal, it went unanswered. Very frustrating and not a fun JP at all.

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@"Kalendraf.9521" said:I went and tried this last night. Took me several attempts just to get onto the first airship, and then nearly died on the next set of columns that go under the ship due to so much aggro from the Aetherblades firing up at me from the ground. Shortly after that I missed a jump and fell. I'd estimate there were about 4 other players there trying it and they never even managed to reach the airship at all. Considering that first section is probably the easiest part, it was a pretty sad showing by all of us. I called out on the map to see if anyone had a toon parked at the goggles, but like normal, it went unanswered. Very frustrating and not a fun JP at all.

Surely, figuring out which way to go has a big part in this JP. The multiple jumps before the air ship are a part which you just have to get used to. I found to my amazement that I can do them better without 25% speed buff which I normally apply (Warrior's Sprint). So, rifle out, make those hops and GS again. The part below the air ship is really my biggest gripe with the JP. Once you are on top of the "fin" of the air ship, it goes only up. The messiest part is being fired too far by one of those spinning gears and falling to your death. Really makes me headbutting my Laptop. That being said, I'll only do that JP for the legendary collection and then that's it. Luckily, I already got the dive master thingy.

P.S.: I found the tutorial by Ayin Maiden to be quite useful. Oh, and patience. Lots of patience.

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@Kalendraf.9521 said:I went and tried this last night. Took me several attempts just to get onto the first airship, and then nearly died on the next set of columns that go under the ship due to so much aggro from the Aetherblades firing up at me from the ground. Shortly after that I missed a jump and fell. I'd estimate there were about 4 other players there trying it and they never even managed to reach the airship at all. Considering that first section is probably the easiest part, it was a pretty sad showing by all of us. I called out on the map to see if anyone had a toon parked at the goggles, but like normal, it went unanswered. Very frustrating and not a fun JP at all.

That entire section, getting up onto the ship and then jumping across the pillars beneath it, I find to be the hardest part. Character movement speed makes a huge difference. Especially on the pillars and, where i assume you fell, jumping from last pillar to the curved pipe. The Aetherblades on the ground constantly attacking, you have to kill them and get out of combat. If you're in combat, you will almost certainly fail that last jump.

Any time you take damage, even from falling after using one of the bounce pads, your character goes into combat. This decreases the characters movement speed, jump height, and jump distance. That alone, is a major factor people don't seem to consider when doing the JP. Always make sure you are not in combat before doing any jump.

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The curved pipe is exactly the spot where I fell. Out of the dozens of tries where I actually managed to get onto the columns under the ship, that particular spot has been my nemesis in well over half of them. Either I jump too early or too late, but rarely have I managed to catch the right spot to clamber up. The next section after that is tricky for me since it seems to involve some pointpoint landings which are hard for me. As for the speed factors, I'm well aware of the slowdown effects from being in combat, as well as how speed buffs can actually make JPs harder. As for the enemies, I try to stay out of their range, or wait until patrols are clear, but some are hard to avoid. I generally disable any speed boosts (traits or skills) to avoid problems with over-jumping.

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@Kalendraf.9521 said:I went and tried this last night. Took me several attempts just to get onto the first airship, and then nearly died on the next set of columns that go under the ship due to so much aggro from the Aetherblades firing up at me from the ground. Shortly after that I missed a jump and fell. I'd estimate there were about 4 other players there trying it and they never even managed to reach the airship at all. Considering that first section is probably the easiest part, it was a pretty sad showing by all of us. I called out on the map to see if anyone had a toon parked at the goggles, but like normal, it went unanswered. Very frustrating and not a fun JP at all.

Sorry for your bad luck mate, I actually thought about this thread and did some ports last night for 2 folks. One thing that is kind of discouraging from a Mesmers pov though, or at least mine lol, is when I wave at people, and ask if they'd like any help up or if I can be of assistance and they don't say anything, just go around you like your not even there. Perfectly fine to want to do it on your own, but it gives me a meh feeling when I spend time and leave toons there just to help people, and like 80% of people don't even take the time to wave back, let alone respond lol.

That little ramble aside if you happen to see me on feel free to add me and hit me up for a port, I'd be more than happy to get you where yah need to go~

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Took me a loong time to finish this. Really tough and soo frustrating. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Felt so good when I finally finished.

Not enough tough challenges in this game imo.

Plenty of people port those who don't want to do the jp up to the goggles. No need to change it.

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I knew it! I KNEW IT!!! I tried the JP again with my orange midget of confusion (Asura Mesmer, who would have thought?) and made it almost on the first try!!! What the heck? All the time I put down back-up portals and I guess that reinsurance made all the difference. Y'know, psychology and such... Now I parked the orange midget of confusion up there to give others a lift when in dire need.

@Kalendraf.9521 When you're fed up with that JP, give me a PN and I'll see what I can do ;) But if I were you, I would at least give it some more tries. Because as @Grim West.3194 said, it felt really good having conquered that goddamn JP =)

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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:It's not that hard. Also usually there are ppl who parked a mesmer there, so just ask in map chat. Geez, it sounds as if this is the most tough and challenging thing you can do in this game and even harder than finishing all Dark Souls without getting hit once...

For those of us who suck at the platforming in this game, it kinda is!

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I play a ton of odyssey. The problem is, GW2 ISN'T a platforming game. It's an MMO with platforming segments wedged in. The platforming is super vague - many times you'll be standing on air, or the animation makes it seem like you can easily jump to a certain platform but the game is going "nope" because the platform's hit box is actually a little higher. Or - something I'm running into in HoT a lot - it's not immediately obvious which slopes are scalable and which are too steep, until you slide off and are falling 10000 feet.

Like I said on page 1 - I like that the game has these little extras to set it apart from others. But it's easy to see why people get frustrated at them, and why it's hard to improve

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, and sorry for bringing this up again, but since this is older than one year, I wonder if any of the people who offered to help in this post are still active and willing to help? My husband and me are trying to get the diving master achievement and the last part of this puzzle is terrible, specially for me (I am really, really clumsy at jps).

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@Sonia.7910 said:Hello, and sorry for bringing this up again, but since this is older than one year, I wonder if any of the people who offered to help in this post are still active and willing to help? My husband and me are trying to get the diving master achievement and the last part of this puzzle is terrible, specially for me (I am really, really clumsy at jps).

There are usually mesmers porting the JP several times a day. If you do not see anyone advertising, either post in map chat or looking for group, there are still many players helping with this puzzle.

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