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Hacking into t3 keeps

wey daw ming.5784

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I dont post much here but its real tiring dealing with hacking. I heard that Anet doesn't seem to care about finding out who hacking cheats by hacking into t3 keeps but those that play this game do and I hear that if it doesnt have a affect on the money input to gems that you dont want to be bothered to try and fix it unless we have a crazy amount of info proving that someone did hack into a keep and take it. I want to tell you that if you check my account and see just how much real cash I have in this game now and check how much cash will be going into this game from this point on you will find a loss. If you dont understand what I am saying here is a simple explanation. I will not drop another penny into this game again until you do something about helping fix the game. Thanks

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Nearly the same happend in EU-WvW. A hole zerg toke advantage of a mirage who ported them in 3 of our towers direct to the lord.(1xT2 and 2xT3) I act. saw him going through the wall while the zerg was waiting outside to get ported! A friend of mine send the report incl. a video proof and after 3 weeks that mirage was still on! Yeah it "hicks" a lot! What we need is a option to report such incidents direct to a GM so that proper actions toke place in time! (Even to them who toke adv. of that hacking mirage!)

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@etsmith.9025 said:Anet won't take action until wallets are closed. No more expansions, no more support. Maybe we need to start contacting shareholders and or partners. Anet gets no support until this is addressed publically.

@Doctor.1384 said:Well itd be nice if a dev would at least acknowladge that the issue exists rather than have anet continue to pretend they dont see these posts

@"Tsargrad.6723" said:Nearly the same happend in EU-WvW. A hole zerg toke advantage of a mirage who ported them in 3 of our towers direct to the lord.(1xT2 and 2xT3) I act. saw him going through the wall while the zerg was waiting outside to get ported! A friend of mine send the report incl. a video proof and after 3 weeks that mirage was still on! Yeah it "hicks" a lot! What we need is a option to report such incidents direct to a GM so that proper actions toke place in time! (Even to them who toke adv. of that hacking mirage!)

@Sovereign.1093 said:this game has hax and those need fixing. pls do something.

@Sleepwalker.1398 said:

@Doctor.1384 said:Well itd be nice if a dev would at least acknowladge that the issue exists rather than have anet continue to pretend they dont see these posts

Oh they see the posts alright...and then they delete it and forum ban the OP for 2 days :)

@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:Hacks and exploits run rampant. They'll ban players here, but the underlying code problem that allows the hacks remains. Only they know if they're actually going to do anything about it. My guess is they did some sort of cost analysis and determined that they can live with annoyed players to keep the hackers around.

Thanks posting here it really shows that there are still people that still enjoy this game. I dont mind spending real cash for things in this game I get enjoyment from the game and I never felt bad spending real cash on things that I enjoy.. I have the money its not hurting me to do it and as much as I like this game the only way to make anet make some changes is to stop funding real cash into the game.

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While it's admirable how many try to raise awareness and the countless videos out there, the only things that would convince them to do something about it were 1) if this becomes a problem in PVE, 2) if we all decided to go on a massive strike, let's say everyone, literally everyone would delog from the game for at least a week or 3) everyone aware just ceased supporting them by no longer spending a penny on anything from the gem store.

I am pretty sure we would hear from them if they would see a significant decrease in revenue.

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@wey daw ming.5784 said:

@"Marillion.7290" said:Hey guys check my video ?

Ya but that just from leaping in with rocket boots thats not a hack just a exploit.

i dont see him jumping in in the video, how do you know that happend?i just see a video of killing the lord solo, wich is nothing special its probably the keep lord that you can kill the fastest.if he did use an exploit to get there tho, it doesnt make it much better than hacking.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:Unless outer and inner went down way earlier than the start of the video, he didn't get in legally.

The keep was not contested until well after he started killing the lord.

Yes, he exploited in to the keep. The outer and inner were both still up. Yes, he should be banned for the exploits. No, Anet won't even look at it.

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@MUDse.7623 said:

@"Marillion.7290" said:Hey guys check my video ?

Ya but that just from leaping in with rocket boots thats not a hack just a exploit.

i dont see him jumping in in the video, how do you know that happend?i just see a video of killing the lord solo, wich is nothing special its probably the keep lord that you can kill the fastest.if he did use an exploit to get there tho, it doesnt make it much better than hacking.

Oh I wasnt saying that he did, I thought that everyone knew that engies can rocket jump with it traited to leap 1200 could leap into air keep. sorry. I wasnt saying that he did

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