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[NA][PVE][Raid] Looking for members for static prog group


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Hello! Lightning Flash [LF] is recruiting! We're a semi-hardcore raid guild focused on progression. We raid once a week, Fridays at reset+1 (6 PST/9EST), for 2-3 hours.

Once accepted, you will be trialed. We don't necessarily expect you to know every little thing about every boss (although that's definitely a plus!), just that you can play your class to a decent level. Most of us are multiclass, so we're recruiting pretty much anything (although I will say the bar for support class tryouts is lower ;). And of course we expect you to at least listen in discord, talking is a plus but not 100% required.

Also of note we're not a weekly clear group, we get out clears from other places and we progress. We're currently progressing dhuum (thanks to roster changes), after that we're going to do w4 cm's for the people in the group that haven't gotten them, then w5 cm's or w6.

So if that sounds like something that would interest you message/mail Thexor.3715 or Aitchbar.5074

PS: big plus if you like the spiciest of memes

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