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What to do if I catch hacker?


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Hi,this seasson I saw some players how they - lagging. It looks like they had some connection issue but they have increased speed. How you answer if necro run faster then you, if you have swiftness and he not.

I not stream or rec vids so how can I follow and report this player? There is not section in report player like : " Hacks " thanks for answer , sorry for my english

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The best ways is to stream and upload somewhere, then open a ticket and link the video inside ( make sure that you can show in the video that you add him, and show both account name and character name in addition to the fact that he definitely used hacks ).

Posting it on the forum will award you with a ban so it's probably not a good idea, and also reporting by provviding screens over videos does not represent a solid proof.

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@"David.5974" said:Hi,this seasson I saw some players how they - lagging. It looks like they had some connection issue but they have increased speed. How you answer if necro run faster then you, if you have swiftness and he not.

I not stream or rec vids so how can I follow and report this player? There is not section in report player like : " Hacks " thanks for answer , sorry for my english

Thing is ,iv seen a guy who hack since s1 till season 8 , even been caught on video with teleporting around entire map(was reported billion times too via support etc) and guess what? He still playing , guess why ?

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Some1 posted on youtube ,people use speedhack to so on map u cant tell he is speedhacking,while if u see it on your own he is clearly speedhacking and run like he have 3 superspeeds combined and turn it off when coming closer to other points/mid/etc to pretend THAT COULD BE LAG BROS ITS NOT HACK

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  • 5 months later...

Same question - the match is already over, he IMMEDIATELY quit the room, coudn't report the idiot who runs with slow and nobody is able to catch. So HOW EASY IT IS TO REPORT THOSE IDIOTS ANET? I must find him in game, click on his smelly head and click REPORT? And wwhats with the super inadequate report reasons? Answer!

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@CDBeauty.3691 said:Same question - the match is already over, he IMMEDIATELY quit the room, coudn't report the idiot who runs with slow and nobody is able to catch. So HOW EASY IT IS TO REPORT THOSE IDIOTS ANET? I must find him in game, click on his smelly head and click REPORT? And wwhats with the super inadequate report reasons? Answer!

if you use the ingame report function use botting. if you remember his name you can add him to your friends or blocklist and report from there after the match, no need to click on his head midfight for a report.

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There was a guy hacking in the mists arena the other day. He was trying to gank and out run people with the hacked mobility.

I made it a game to try and kill him. Every time he landed in arena he had to retreat or die.

I also reported him for botting. I do think reporting is a good idea. But as a practical matter, “hackers must die” is the most emotionally satisfying choice.

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