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Daily veteran creature slayer


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@"Gorani.7205" said:There are two issues with WvW dailies and the Veteran daily in particular

  1. How they they relate to other dailies (from PvE e.g.) and
  2. How "difficult" they are

First, the relation to other dailies. I think Veteran Slayer is fine compared to stuff like daily miner, vista viewer, mystic forger etc. It is an easy one. Second, and here is the problem with the Veteran Slayer is the "difficulty". They are somewhat difficult, because the re-spawn timer is quite long and everyone is competing for that quick kill. Monuments reset faster, land claims are faster to re-spawn and come in a lot more numbers when you compare them to the Veterans.A good solution would be to have the rewards (participation, WXP) as well has the re-spawn time halved.

And since we talk about dailies: daily ranker was introduced when you could buy liquid WxP and should be reduced to one rank. It would be way more in line with other dailies and the time needed to get them.

I do almost agree on everything.

I am just not sure if half the current spawn time would be enough ( I'd say more 1/3 or 1/4 ).This, obviously, if they plan to mantein the quest inside the WvW.

If I recall correctly, they stated that they wanted stuff like that in order to provvide easy daily x3 even on outnumbered/farmed borderlands.

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and punish the people > @Shirlias.8104 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:If you make them spawn faster they will just get used for AFK Farming.

remove the contribution, since they have nothing to do with wvw.

...and punish the people who wvw regularly and get a little bump on their contribution by sniping one or two of these as they go about their caps and roaming.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:and punish the people > @Shirlias.8104 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:If you make them spawn faster they will just get used for AFK Farming.remove the contribution, since they have nothing to do with wvw....and punish the people who wvw regularly and get a little bump on their contribution by sniping one or two of these as they go about their caps and roaming.

Alpine Worm? Sure that's on the way between two objectives, but the others aren't really. If the veteran creatures had never given participation, we wouldn't be suggesting that ANet make it a priority to add it in the game. We'd be suggesting far more interesting (and game-mode relevant) alternatives.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:and punish the people > @Shirlias.8104 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:If you make them spawn faster they will just get used for AFK Farming.

remove the contribution, since they have nothing to do with wvw.

...and punish the people who wvw regularly and get a little bump on their contribution by sniping one or two of these as they go about their caps and roaming.

You said yourself."A little bump".

I doubt it will hurt somehow ulness the roamer tends to go afk ( the fact that the veteran is close and gives contributions supports afkers ).

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Sorry guys I just can't see past taking rewards away from WvW'ers no matter how insignificant. It's already by far the least rewarding game mode.Not a huge deal for sure but...The thread was started by someone who is most likely a PvE-focused player, annoyed by how long it is taking to earn his fast and easy 2g.

This isn't a problem. Wait 5-10 mins for the harpy or go compete to tag mobs in Daily Metrica Event Completer. The choice is there.

If 5-10 minutes waiting to get your 2 gold becomes so counterproductive that you need to post on the forums about it, then you probably shouldn't be wasting your time doing dailies anyways.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:Sorry guys I just can't see past taking rewards away from WvW'ers no matter how insignificant. It's already by far the least rewarding game mode.Not a huge deal for sure but...The thread was started by someone who is most likely a PvE-focused player, annoyed by how long it is taking to earn his fast and easy 2g.

This isn't a problem. Wait 5-10 mins for the harpy or go compete to tag mobs in Daily Metrica Event Completer. The choice is there.

If 5-10 minutes waiting to get your 2 gold becomes so counterproductive that you need to post on the forums about it, then you probably shouldn't be wasting your time doing dailies anyways.

Waiting ten minutes for the spawn is not playing.Trying to see that in terms of reward only, imho, is definitely wrong.

However, I started the thread and I am not PvE focused ( as a roamer, i never used to do any veteran in order to take up my partecipation ).I happened to notice this because I happened to find the spawn ( and decided to wait for it because i was too far to tag, and realized that it was extremely slow ).Currently I am rank 332, and i never noticed the spawn till today.

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@Shirlias.8104 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:Sorry guys I just can't see past taking rewards away from WvW'ers no matter how insignificant. It's already by far the least rewarding game mode.Not a huge deal for sure but...The thread was started by someone who is most likely a PvE-focused player, annoyed by how long it is taking to earn his fast and easy 2g.

This isn't a problem. Wait 5-10 mins for the harpy or go compete to tag mobs in Daily Metrica Event Completer. The choice is there.

If 5-10 minutes waiting to get your 2 gold becomes so counterproductive that you need to post on the forums about it, then you probably shouldn't be wasting your time doing dailies anyways.

Waiting ten minutes for the spawn is not playing.Trying to see that in terms of reward only, imho, is definitely wrong.

However, I started the thread and I am not PvE focused ( as a roamer, i never used to do any veteran in order to take up my partecipation ).I happened to notice this because I happened to find the spawn ( and decided to wait for it because i was too far to tag, and realized that it was extremely slow ).Currently I am rank 332, and i never noticed the spawn till today.

My bad regarding the assumption.

if you made it to 332 (and I actually think this represents a significant time invested in the game mode) without noticing either way, then the odds are it's correctly tuned.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:So weird that there are so many people against this lmao. Like what is going to happen if they respawn twice as fast? Oh yeah nothing but convenience for people waiting around for this duuuumb daily

Right, right. It would be better to remove the daily altogether so people aren't waiting around for a PvE foe to spawn in a WvW zone.

So by this logic shouldnt AN also remove the event 'Kill the overgrown grub' since its a pve champion mob in eternal battlegrounds that doesnt affect wvw gameplay?

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@Khailyn.6248 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:So weird that there are so many people against this lmao. Like what is going to happen if they respawn twice as fast? Oh yeah nothing but convenience for people waiting around for this duuuumb daily

Right, right. It would be better to remove the daily altogether so people aren't waiting around for a PvE foe to spawn in a WvW zone.

So by this logic shouldnt AN also remove the event 'Kill the overgrown grub' since its a pve champion mob in eternal battlegrounds that doesnt affect wvw gameplay?

You should try kiting it to/inside Bravost sometime. =)

~ Kovu

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@Khailyn.6248 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:So weird that there are so many people against this lmao. Like what is going to happen if they respawn twice as fast? Oh yeah nothing but convenience for people waiting around for this duuuumb daily

Right, right. It would be better to remove the daily altogether so people aren't waiting around for a PvE foe to spawn in a WvW zone.

So by this logic shouldnt AN also remove the event 'Kill the overgrown grub' since its a pve champion mob in eternal battlegrounds that doesnt affect wvw gameplay?

Well, probably. However some groups sometimes manage to kite the grub into the nearby objectives to help break down the walls. (See above.)

But that misses the critical point: if ANet is going to spend energy worrying about people spending too much time camping the spawn locations, a simple solution is to remove it from the daily rotation. Which is why my recommendation has been to replace Daily Vet with something more relevant.

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The maximum respawn on Veteran Creatures is 10 minutes exactly. I have timed it on numerous occasions as I do it before going to work and I'm on a tight schedule. Whether it has a range is harder to say since usually you don't know when it was last killed, but when I've seen it killed as I ran towards it (happens annoyingly often) I have never seen it respawn before the 10 minutes are up.

As for whether there should be PvE objectives in WvW - of course there should. It's not PvP. It's PvPvE, meaning PvE in an open PvP environment. That's what the game mode is. WvW has many, many PvE objectives and events in all maps and at all difficulty levels, from solo stuff like the Veteran creatures to "World Boss" events like Overgrown Grub. How people can have played the game for nearly six years and not realized that WvW is, and was always intended to be, a hybrid of PvE and PvP mystifies me.

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Just remove the participation factor. That will keep people from camping it for pip purposes, so there would be no reason to sit there for longer than a single cycle (10 mins) to get a daily and move on. Leave it as a daily, though; there are easy PvE dailies (vista viewer) so no reason all the wvw dailies should be time-consuming or onerous to do solo.

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