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[Suggestion] Remove any value/price from Ascended equipment

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Simply, there's no way that any of us will sell an ascended item to a vendor for 2 or 4 silver coins.However, it is possibile to do this by mistake.And also it is not helpful to have any item in the vendor list ( we could skip them, but it's sensless to have them on the list to begin with ).

What do you think about?

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I'm in favor of making it difficult to accidentally sell ascended gear. I don't have a preference with how ANet manages to pull that off. The OP's suggestion is okay.

The actual issue is that Ascended gear shows up in the vendor 'sell' tab. This is both distracting and potentially disastrous, since folks can accidentally sell the gear for far below its value. This forces us to use a work-around of some sort, or being careful about something that we probably shouldn't need to worry about.

However, removing the vendor value of ascended gear isn't free and it's not the only solution. Besides which, some people do sell ascended trinkets (they don't think it's worth saving them unless they happen to own the sal kits already). So now it's "remove the vendor value for all ascended except [xyz]", which is trickier to pull off (not necessarily difficult, just requires more careful attention on the part of the devs).

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, one reason to vote no might be the cost of changing up the system. We, the players, really have no idea what's involved, or why there is an item cost involved. It might use resources that could be spent on something more enjoyable. /shrug

Obviously, but it would be a minimal part ( just to set their price value to zero ).And after that, if any ascended remains untouched it will be fixed with the next patch.

What I am saying is that there's nothing to invent or work with.It's simply a change of price which will require more or less nothing ( 1000 items to modify or even less ).

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Is this gear flagged where you can't buy it back? I haven't had to use the buy back feature yet so I'm not sure how it works, but it's sure a lot easier to read what I'm selling, instead of running down the list selling everything in my inventory. I have stuff I don't want popping up in that window in an invisible bag, so I don't see it popping up, and my query would then be, wouldn't it behoove one that doesn't want to sell something like that to have it in a special bag? It's not like it's not something that you can either make yourself, or buy for ingame currency.

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@Shirlias.8104 said:Unfortunately when you doubleclick a 2h to replace 2 one hand weapons only one is put inside the invisible bag.

Any suggestion?

This might seem like a weird solution but in line with the larger inventory space I think making two handed weapons take up 2 inventory slots would solve that issue of messing up the order when swapping to equip two one handed weapons.

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@Curunen.8729 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:Unfortunately when you doubleclick a 2h to replace 2 one hand weapons only one is put inside the invisible bag.

Any suggestion?

This might seem like a weird solution but in line with the larger inventory space I think making two handed weapons take up 2 inventory slots would solve that issue of messing up the order when swapping to equip two one handed weapons.

Would be definitely simplier set to zero the value of all ascended equipment to be honest :lol:

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@Shirlias.8104 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:Unfortunately when you doubleclick a 2h to replace 2 one hand weapons only one is put inside the invisible bag.

Any suggestion?

This might seem like a weird solution but in line with the larger inventory space I think making two handed weapons take up 2 inventory slots would solve that issue of messing up the order when swapping to equip two one handed weapons.

Would be definitely simplier set to zero the value of all ascended equipment to be honest :lol:

If the only goal of the suggestion was to remove a-gear from the vendor list then sure, that's simpler. However, there is a second issue that this addresses, which is that a lot of us don't like the amount of micromanagement required to keep our gear in the same spot, when swapping a one-handed weapon with a two-handed. Making a 2H take up two spots would address that.

(However, I'm against the idea: I'd rather deal with inventory problems than to worry about needing more space for 2H weapons.)

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This must, imho, being solved though builds.Finding a ploy in order to deal with imperfect features is what we have to do to begin with, but at the end it's ANET that have to fix it in order to make it "right".

I am starting to guess that with the current system they are no more able to realize a build feature which works with legendaries.It's easier if not stupid to do a build system with different ascended pieces, but i wonder about legendaries.

Let's consider that they were able to work on rune swap because there is only 1 slot per rune each piece, but some weapons have 2 slots ( this is imho the issue they are not able to solve. And obviously they can't release a sigil swap for 1h only, because it would be ridiculous ) and because of that they are facing problems.

it is sad that endgame QoL equipment like legendaries is instead a pita.In order to deal with sigils, currently the best way is to purchase a permanent extractor ( over 3k gold value ) and have different sigils slots on the backpack.Same goes for runes ( the only difference is that you don't need the extractor to manage your equipment ).

And also let's consider the time spent.Changing all ascended equipment = 10/15 sec.Changing all legendary equipment = 1,5 min ( and I hope that you don't plan to change any sigil ).

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@"Shirlias.8104" said:This must, imho, being solved though builds.Finding a ploy in order to deal with imperfect features is what we have to do to begin with, but at the end it's ANET that have to fix it in order to make it "right".

I am starting to guess that with the current system they are no more able to realize a build feature which works with legendaries.It's easier if not stupid to do a build system with different ascended pieces, but i wonder about legendaries.

Let's consider that they were able to work on rune swap because there is only 1 slot per rune each piece, but some weapons have 2 slots ( this is imho the issue they are not able to solve. And obviously they can't release a sigil swap for 1h only, because it would be ridiculous ) and because of that they are facing problems.

it is sad that endgame QoL equipment like legendaries is instead a pita.In order to deal with sigils, currently the best way is to purchase a permanent extractor ( over 3k gold value ) and have different sigils slots on the backpack.Same goes for runes ( the only difference is that you don't need the extractor to manage your equipment ).

And also let's consider the time spent.Changing all ascended equipment = 10/15 sec.Changing all legendary equipment = 1,5 min ( and I hope that you don't plan to change any sigil ).

In swtor, where you can change your build on the fly if you have the account perk, I had a tank spec set and a dps spec set, or a healer/dps, depending on the class. I could then change not only my build, but my gear on the fly. This required that I carried my gear with me, of course, but was much more realistic than expecting BW to implement a system for gear that took what spec I was running into consideration, and automatically changed the mods, which for end game could be quite expensive, to compensate. Yes, sometimes it's on a player to accommodate a play style they have, not on the developers to build the game around it. We have Invis bags, and even bags specifically set up to hold gear, just for things like this. The plus side to this? You no longer need to worry about investing in a permanent extractor, because you'll no longer need to extract your gear, just change it, and you're golden.

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When we sell to vendor, we can buy it back if we do an error? Or is this no more working? I have not used that feature recently, so I am not sure if it is still like that or not. However, I can recall that at earlier times, I did some selling by accident and did not worry too much about because I then simply talked to the vendor and bought it back. Will check in game today. :)

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I'm actually against this, as proposed. I usually sell the (few) ascended rings I get as drops since they're no good to me, and it's not worth salvaging them. Not being able to sell would mean:

  • No more 4s95c per ring. Very minor but still it might be an issue for some.
  • Since the other option would be to destroy them, that would be very cumbersome - it would by neccessity require me to type the item's name as verification.

I do however agree with the underlying issue so maybe an alternate solution could be to add a tab to merchants - or even separate merchants in cities and VIP areas - which would be the only place one could vendor ascended items? That way ascended items would be protected from regualr selling.

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@Zohane.7208 said:I'm actually against this, as proposed. I usually sell the (few) ascended rings I get as drops since they're no good to me, and it's not worth salvaging them.

I would like to know why it's not worth for you salvaging ascended rings. For me, it's gold for little effort. I just attune the ring and salvage. Sometimes you get more than 20 matrices, which is more than 6 gold. You only need to get about 5 matrices to make profit, even if you bought the salvage kit. I and everybody I know get more salvage kits than rings from fractals though, so we never have to actually pay for them.

Why would you sell those rings to a vendor for basically nothing?

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@Zohane.7208 said:I'm actually against this, as proposed. I usually sell the (few) ascended rings I get as drops since they're no good to me, and it's not worth salvaging them.

I would like to know why it's not worth for you salvaging ascended rings. For me, it's gold for little effort. I just attune the ring and salvage. Sometimes you get more than 20 matrices, which is more than 6 gold. You only need to get about 5 matrices to make profit, even if you bought the salvage kit. I and everybody I know get more salvage kits than rings from fractals though, so we never have to actually pay for them.

Why would you sell those rings to a vendor for basically nothing?

I sell them simply because I don't seem to have the same level of luck that all your friends seem to have. I usually only got 3-4 matrices when I salvaged so for me it was actually a loss to salvage.

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@robertthebard.8150 said:In swtor, where you can change your build on the fly if you have the account perk, I had a tank spec set and a dps spec set, or a healer/dps, depending on the class. I could then change not only my build, but my gear on the fly. This required that I carried my gear with me, of course, but was much more realistic than expecting BW to implement a system for gear that took what spec I was running into consideration, and automatically changed the mods, which for end game could be quite expensive, to compensate. Yes, sometimes it's on a player to accommodate a play style they have, not on the developers to build the game around it. We have Invis bags, and even bags specifically set up to hold gear, just for things like this. The plus side to this? You no longer need to worry about investing in a permanent extractor, because you'll no longer need to extract your gear, just change it, and you're golden.

I play SWTOR, and I know the feature you're talking about. It is the source of recurrent complaints on the forums about (a) gear swaps and (b) skill layout swaps. The second isn't a problem, as such, in GW2, since the abilities on a weapon are fixed, BUT the gear swap is a reasonable complaint.

Automatic swaps are an interesting topic for discussion, but frankly I think most players would be satisfied by having player-selectable presets for gear and (in SWTOR) ability layouts or (in GW2) specialisation-track layouts. Runes of Magic has a ... complicated ... class system, and they introduced multiple gear sets - you swap your primary and secondary class, and you can open your character panel and switch to a gear set appropriate for the new combination.

EDIT: two more things:

  • The SWTOR feature is a per-character perk, not an account perk.
  • The Runes of Magic gear switch was manual, not automatic.
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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, one reason to vote no might be the cost of changing up the system. We, the players, really have no idea what's involved, or why there is an item cost involved. It might use resources that could be spent on something more enjoyable. /shrug

Should be as easy as changing a value in the item database. If that is more than 10 seconds of work per item Anet programmed something terribly wrong

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, one reason to vote no might be the cost of changing up the system. We, the players, really have no idea what's involved, or why there is an item cost involved. It might use resources that could be spent on something more enjoyable. /shrug

Should be as easy as changing a value in the item database. If that is more than 10 seconds of work per item Anet programmed something terribly wrong


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There's no "I don't care" option. ;o I never make this mistake because I only use one Ascended set on every character so all of my items are always equipped and I pay attention to what I'm doing so I don't accidentally sell things. So I personally do not need this change but if that's what people want, feel free to remove the value.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Well, one reason to vote no might be the cost of changing up the system. We, the players, really have no idea what's involved, or why there is an item cost involved. It might use resources that could be spent on something more enjoyable. /shrug

Should be as easy as changing a value in the item database. If that is more than 10 seconds of work per item Anet programmed something terribly wrong

That's not how things work in an Enterprise environment. Even if it's that easy to write a script to update all the values...

  • The developer has to stop whatever else they are doing to write and validate the script.
  • QA has to validate the script in two ways: that it does what it's supposed to do and that it doesn't affect something else.
  • The changes have to be considered and approved to go into the live build.

None of that takes ages, but it's a series of distractions that add up. It's ultimately not "free" or cheap as it sounds to add something that takes only 10 seconds for a developer to code.

By itself, those aren't reasons not to do something. They are reasons for making sure there's a good reason that the change is worth making.

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@Shirlias.8104 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:None of that takes ages

That's the point.And the break wouldn't that long to let dev forget what he was working on ( because he has just to modify a value)

The point is it's a distraction. If you've watched folks working on enterprise code, you realize that they (and their managers) are confronted with dozens of such "easy" fixes/changes a day. If they accepted all of them, they wouldn't get a portion of the scheduled work completed.

Imagine that answer questions was listed in your job description as 10% of your time. Easy, right? Now imagine that you're expected to manage that by answering a one-minute phone call every 10 minutes. At six calls per hour, that's still only 10% of your time, but it's hard to build any momentum towards any real work. It's not "hard;" it's distracting.

And again, @Shirlias.8104: I'm not against the change. I don't think it's the only way that ANet can help alleviate the issue and I'm not sure that I agree it's a high priority issue.

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