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The Mysterious House Opened in DR

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@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:I don’t think it’s a new house but rather an old house that’s been opened up. Dulfy lists the chairs and houses needed for the achievement. It’s not all the possible chairs but you can look at that and see if one of houses is one you’re looking for.

Hmmm, I didn't see any there that were new, but a good suggestion!

@Endless Soul.5178 said:Did anyone check the Delaqua residence?

I did, afraid that one's still closed off.

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I went around DR last night finding houses you could get into in each of the quarters. I found a couple that I don't remember ever going into before. It was fun to explore and I found small groups in one room sitting in chairs in front of a fireplace and some others at some of the bars sitting around at tables. In one house I went up to the top floor and found a person sitting at a vanity in front of a mirror. I think it really brought the area alive to find players wandering around going in and out of houses. Each of the areas seemed a lot more lived in than it ever has when all you saw were mostly NPCs. Funny that something this simple has enlivened the game so much. We spent part of the evening setting up a seating area in our guild hall as well. Great job, Anet!

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