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Chairs of Power Borderland

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So heres the concept for a 3rd borderland:The square footage for the base level of the map would be relativly small, because the map will be focus on the Wizard's Tower in the center. This Wizard's Tower will be massive, like The Tower of Nightmare massive. There will be four floors and each floor with have the square footage of a home instance. The first three floors will have a (keep) in the center and three sets of portals going up and down along the edge of the tower. Spread throughout the towers floors will also be (supply camps) and (towers) like the other maps. Of course it goes without saying, the keep supply camps and towers wont actually look like they do on other maps, because you wouldnt have a tower inside a tower, much less a keep >.>. Instead they will be thematically relevent to important rooms that would be nessisary in a wizards tower.

In the center of the top floor will be the special function of this map, the Council of Sages. Here four powerful mages rule the tower and cast their map wide spells of great power. To claim this section, you must force the four seated sages(npcs if tower is unclaimed, enemy players if it is) to flee and have four members from your world sit in the four seats and take their place as the new sages.

Each chair has one elemental power: earth, fire, wind, and water. These attacks can hit anywhere on the entire map, and are similar to Ele staff skill 5, but have a longer cooldown, much larger radious and greatly extended duriation of effect. In addition there will also be an elemental shield skill, and a kick and spit skills to defend your seat. The seat will operate like mounts, it has its own health bar, when the bar is brough to zero you are expunged from the chair and left to the mercy of the attacking zerg.

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