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Arrival of Tengu and construction of the Dominion of Winds


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I was thinking about Tengu today, and I wondered - what was it like during the period the Tengu arrived and built their new home?

Was the land given to them, or did they simply arrive and declare the land theirs? I can't seem to find any information on this.

Many races were displaced by the dragons - Tengu by Zhaitan respectively - and most have either joined the community of lion's arch or spread out into other areas. Tengu are the only ones to truly show up and claim their own territory, and they went to great lengths to keep themselves secluded/isolated by building a wall around their land. Apparently they have an Emperor and noble houses in there.

What's most intriguing to me though is that there was apparently no strife with their arrival and claiming of this land? No one cared that they came and built their "Dominion" right next to a major city? Is there some obscure piece of lore I'm missing where the Tengu already had claim to that land, or that it was otherwise gifted to them?

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I imagine it wasn't given to them- Kryta went to war with Lion's Arch over letting other races live there, after all, and that was despite the new city being founded and led by a human. The kingdom used to sort tengu into the same category as the centaurs, so I can't imagine there was any formal handing off.

But there's no telling how long it took before Kryta found out. The rise of Orr wiped out most of their coastal settlements, including LA, and from what we've been told the tengu set off directly after the tsunami hit. They would've claimed the Dominion years before Cobiah started rebuilding the city. That, combined with the fact that the island they'd claimed seems to have already been abandoned for well over a century when the tsunami hit, probably means that there weren't many people around to notice, and those who did probably weren't in a situation to do anything about it.

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If memory serves me correctly, you didn't have to go far outside LA in the original GW before you started to come across Tengu, so maybe they just formalised their holding during the troubled years.

If Anet aren't going to make Tengu a playable race, I personally, would like to see the areas opened up as normal open world areas and the Tengu as an antagonist race. They certainly have given cause for there to be bad feeling against them, anyone who played the first season of Living Story might remember how the Tengu were willing to shoot and kill anyone helping the refugees that got too close to their wall and gate.

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@Aaron Ansari.1604 That actually helps a lot. I didn't realize how devastated the coastal settlements were when Zhaitan rose. And I guess I didn't factor in the idea that the tsunami that brought them to Tyria also destroyed O.G. Lion's Arch.

@Oenanthe.6549 I do imagine they'll come into play somehow in the story. Either as a new playable race (probably unlikely) or that the Living World storylines will bring us to the Dominion of Winds eventually. If I were a betting man, I'd say something will happen there eventually where they'll be desperate enough to ask for help and finally open their gates.

Otherwise, I could definitely see them becoming antagonists. Mysterious territory with a mysterious Emperor? Definitely some sinister vibes there.

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@Yannir.4132 said:Honestly a new playable race is pretty much mandatory for the next expansion. I don't see them selling copies of it any other way. There's no other big features available to be the next BIG feature, and every expansion needs atleast 1.

We could head to the Charr homelands next and get drivable vehiclesas our big feature, that is if they aren't done giving us transportation-based masteries. You can already drive Charr cars around WvW, so it is possible.

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@Overlord RainyDay.2084 said:

@Yannir.4132 said:Honestly a new playable race is pretty much mandatory for the next expansion. I don't see them selling copies of it any other way. There's no other big features available to be the next BIG feature, and every expansion needs atleast 1.

If we're going to the Charr homelands they could always do drivable vehicles, if they aren't done giving us transportation-based masteries. You can already drive Charr cars around WvW, so it is possible.

I don’t know how that would be any different than mounts.

The only really big impactful feature they could have would be player housing.

Other things they could do would be some kind of harder dungeon style pve content that increases in difficulty further out but meh.

They could do open world pvp but I personally hope not.

The only thing I could see them adding really at this point outside of a new profession and new playable race is just player housing and I don’t think it would be tied to a mastery system.

Well, underwater content could become a big mastery overhaul at some point but I don’t really see that either.

They could do somekind if reputation system in place for masteries with unique cosmetic items locked behind them but I never really cared for that in WoW and wouldn’t really consider it a game-changing feature.

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I could see them adding a "Heroes" kind of system to PvE wherein you can "recruit" certain NPCs into Dragon's Watch and add one or two of them to your party. They could build a mastery system around something like that, perks and bonuses to you and those heroes when they're in your party. Maybe some sort of "commander" mastery that makes their AI smarter as you level. I'd err on the side of creating original companions for this though, vs having the main Dragon's Watch members be your "Heroes." Despite liking them a lot, it'd probably neuter their ability to do anything with them storywise (kill them off, leave Dragon's Watch, change form somehow, etc). The recruitable heroes can just be incidental and non-crucial to the plot of GW2, so they're just kind of tagging along with you. Would totally love them to be voiced and have personalities and such though, maybe dialogue chains or personal quests you can take them on (maybe to get cooler armor skins for them, or better weapons, etc). Could be very interactive.

Player housing could make sense as an expansion feature, but personally I don't think they could sell an expansion off player housing alone (but hey, I could be wrong). New playable race would be the next "big thing" they could do that they haven't done already. I'd rather they focus on making elite specs over a new class because the Revenant didn't pan out very well imo.

Otherwise the only movement based thing we don't have is true flight and underwater movement. I could definitely see them building an expansion off revamped underwater gameplay/content and creating a series of masteries for underwater play. But I think ANet gave up on under stuff so that seems unlikely (despite it seeming necessary for Bubbles).

BUT anyway, this is a Tengu thread. Should probably keep it on topic. xD

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In line with the topic of Tengu~

I think they could be added to the game in some unique ways, but they'd either take A LOT of work to implement OR their implementation would be less than ideal.

I think the simplest way is to add them in an expansion, and have the "Tengu" characters canonically joining the story of GW2 around the time of the new expansion (meaning this character could not have participated in the Zhaitan arc). The Tengu's personal story and starting areas would be contained within the Dominion of Winds. The personal story could span the years the Tengu lived within their walls as stuff happened in the world around them; political strife or something or other that your character is involved in. Eventually something happens that forces them to work with the other races, so they open their gates (or they are literally destroyed by something). They could even have an arc where they pick an order because their Emperor wants his people to build relationships with the other races now that they must ally, and I'm sure all the orders would be hungry for Tengu members for one reason or another.

If a Tengu character wants to play through the plot of Zhaitan, HoTs, PoF, etc they could just do what they did in GW1 and say "these events happened before you joined the world" and you're more or less witnessing them from somewhere else. Could be some sort of hardlight device built by the Asura - basically some kind of VR experience. That's not exactly desirable but might be the best way to give Tengu a personal story.

If they wanted to infuse them into Zhaitan arc and beyond, they would have to write a lot of original story content for a large portion of the vanilla personal story. BUT it could work if your Tengu character is "exiled" from the Dominion of the Winds. That way you can get the boot as the personal story begins, and you have an original Tengu exile story leading through the Zhaitan arc and onward. That would involve so much work though. I don't think they'll do it.

At best I could see Dominion of Winds becoming a Living World or expansion map, and having the Tengu infused in the plot (maybe even getting a new Tengu character in Dragon's Watch). I don't think that area is big enough to be multiple maps, but you never know. They could always retcon the size like they tend to do in updates sometimes. But you'd have the Emperor's palace/city, and perhaps a territory for each of the four Houses. So that's potentially five maps for a starting area. IDEK

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  • 1 month later...

@Yannir.4132 said:Honestly a new playable race is pretty much mandatory for the next expansion. I don't see them selling copies of it any other way. There's no other big features available to be the next BIG feature, and every expansion needs atleast 1.

Next big feature would be player housing with tonns of useless furniture to shove down players throats via gemstore.

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New race would entail, a new city, a new newbie area themed of this race(like Queensdale for humans, Metrica for Asuras), a new world summit in LS2. Any previous point in the lore, which would imply a "meeting of the leaders of the races" would look strange. Not counting the distribution of antagonists based on race: inquest, svanir, bandits, flame legion chaar, nightmare court among the maps.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:New race would entail, a new city, a new newbie area themed of this race(like Queensdale for humans, Metrica for Asuras), a new world summit in LS2. Any previous point in the lore, which would imply a "meeting of the leaders of the races" would look strange. Not counting the distribution of antagonists based on race: inquest, svanir, bandits, flame legion chaar, nightmare court among the maps.

We have hostile Tengu already in HoT in the form of the Quetzal.

Also you can always say the Tengu refused to participate in the summit.

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@dragonkain.3984 said:

@Yannir.4132 said:Honestly a new playable race is pretty much mandatory for the next expansion. I don't see them selling copies of it any other way. There's no other big features available to be the next BIG feature, and every expansion needs atleast 1.

Next big feature would be player housing with tonns of useless furniture to shove down players throats via gemstore.

Player housing is a side feature, not a main feature, because it's kinda niche. For example, I would have 0 interest in it myself.

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I wouldn't want to see the tengu in general as antagonists. We don't need a race that is entirely against the Five Races (because we already have the krait), and it is kind of antithetical to one of the themes of Guild Wars 2. We've had tengu allies in the past, like the blacksmith Izu Steelshrike, and as mentioned, the tengu in the maguuma jungle are the antagonistic faction. If willing, I'd like to see a couple more tengu emerge to be allies, even if their lands in general remain neutral. Hey, we might even enter the Domain of the Winds next episode as it gets infected by the scarab plague.

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People somehow forget that we had a tengu helping the Pact. Not to mention that a single individual could leave the Dominion to help. The future Commander.

Anyway I highly belive that the Dominion was build at a time when krytan's did not have any resources to stand against it.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:New race would entail, a new city, a new newbie area themed of this race(like Queensdale for humans, Metrica for Asuras), a new world summit in LS2. Any previous point in the lore, which would imply a "meeting of the leaders of the races" would look strange. Not counting the distribution of antagonists based on race: inquest, svanir, bandits, flame legion chaar, nightmare court among the maps.

They do have an antagonist, don't they? Destroyers. Plus, potentially one tribe going rogue or something. Or bandits cracking through the wall. It's not an issue, really.

Now, what if you just put Tengu as sort of hero-race (much like death knight was hero class in WoW)? Having short introductory story of their own within their zone, starting on later level (starting at 60, 60-80 within their own zone?) and joining the main story at the time of their potential expansion? They could simply require level 80 character and completed personal story on account to unlock.

People seem to think that introducing a new race requires almost rebuilding core game, but it doesn't if you just skip the personal story and make that particular race unable to play through some of the older living stories.

At the time I'm writing this, Blizzard is taking role of the Federal Reserve and literally printing money introducing a dozen of races following pattern I talked about above, with far less effort than I described and still don't break the ongoing lore. ArenaNet has all the tools it needs to introduce Tengu - their own zone, extensive lore, them being isolated to skip the story.

It's a matter of time and effort, lore won't bind tengu.

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a direct quote from the wiki:

The Shuttered Gate in Lion's Arch is said by its tengu guards to lead to the Dominion of Winds, but isn't likely to lead directly there as Lion's Arch is not directly next to the Dominion of Winds, and recently the guards have been refusing to let anyone pass.

also note that the dominion of winds is made up of a small coastal area and 2 islands (according to maps from the novels)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/0f/Tyria_map_%28novel%29.jpg

while not given an official year it's not unreasonable to assume that the walls was build during the time that la was transformed into the pirate city from launch in which time the coastal area was ravished by the risen. so from a tactical point it's a smart move from the human leaders to "give" that area to the tengu since they'd make a buffer between the risen and the humans of kryta.

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If there ever is a Tengu PC, I think they would need to be retconned as having participated in all the canonical story events, starting with joining the order. The low-level story would therefore need to be occurring at around the same time as the other low-level stories. However, it would be a good opportunity to show "historical" things from a fresh perspective. I don't think the isolation of the Tengu as a society would be altered during the course of Personal Story or anytime prior to the point where Tengu were added, the player would just be one of the few who left and got involved in the affairs of the larger world.

Given the larger size of recent maps, they could probably do the entire pre-Orders story in the starter map, if they wanted.

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@Silverkung.9127 said:Tengu at LionArch southwest at front bigger door and caledon forest they guard something big affter stone wall or door?Those both gate lead to city of tengu?Yes, both of those gates lead into the Tengu’s territory called “The Dominion of Winds.”

It’s a fairly sizeable area of land they managed to wall off. I think there are three maps that have portions of the wall: lions arch, kessex hills, and caledon forest. Maybe even bloodtide coast? Not sure. It’s a big area behind those walls though (not just a city).

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@Yannir.4132 said:

@Yannir.4132 said:Honestly a new playable race is pretty much mandatory for the next expansion. I don't see them selling copies of it any other way. There's no other big features available to be the next BIG feature, and every expansion needs atleast 1.

Next big feature would be player housing with tonns of useless furniture to shove down players throats via gemstore.

Player housing is a side feature, not a main feature, because it's kinda niche. For example, I would have 0 interest in it myself.

So are Mounts and Guild Halls, and yet...

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Is there any actual evidence Tengu migrated from Cantha to Kryta? Or is that something myself and others have assumed from Usoku’s purge?

I don’t think sailing between Cantha and Tyria was a major problem until Zhaitan awoke, right?

Or are the DoWs Tengu likely just native Krytan Tengu?

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@"Svennis.3852" said:Is there any actual evidence Tengu migrated from Cantha to Kryta? Or is that something myself and others have assumed from Usoku’s purge?

I don’t think sailing between Cantha and Tyria was a major problem until Zhaitan awoke, right?

Or are the DoWs Tengu likely just native Krytan Tengu?

There is a lot of evidence, but they don't all come from Cantha:

Some of our ancestors came from Cantha. Many others came from Elona and other parts of Tyria. They migrated here from all over, seeking safe haven from the Great Tsunami.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hayato

You might say I'm a lapsed tengu. My family emigrated to Kryta from Cantha when Emperor Usoko began his crusade against non-humans. And there aren't a lot of other tengu in Lion's Arch's melting pot.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kae_Mayumi/dialogue

Citizen (1): Oh. Right. Well, what about Cantha, then? Surely they can't have it that bad.Citizen (2): The tengu were the last ones to make that trip. But that was over a century ago, and they were leaving. And they went right past—Citizen (1): Orr, right. Well, I guess the bandits aren't that bad.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/District_Promenade#Ambient_dialogue

Do note that the first and last links indicates that while Usoku began his campaign against Kurzicks in 1127 AE, he didn't seem to campaign against non-humans until after 1219 AE after Zhaitan rose.

Which is one hell of a time gap, and likely remnants from when Zhaitan and Jormag's awakening times were swapped in early GW2 development (so it would have been "after 1165 AE" instead of "after 1219 AE").

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@"Svennis.3852" said:I was thinking about Tengu today, and I wondered - what was it like during the period the Tengu arrived and built their new home?

Was the land given to them, or did they simply arrive and declare the land theirs? I can't seem to find any information on this.

They were already in the area.The Dominion of Winds was founded together by multiple Tengu Tribes, one of which were already native to Kryta.I'm guessing you never played Gw1 but back then there was No Divinity's Reach and Kryta was mostly wild jungle and swampland.

Most of the villages and towns you see today in Gw2 did not exist in Gw1 nor did they exist when the Dominion of Winds was first founded.The Tengu Founded the Dominion of Winds after Zhaitan rose Orr from the depths and flooded the original Lions Arch, the original capitol city of Kryta.This was the same event that lead the Krytan people to move North and establish the city of Divinity's Reach, so the Dominion of Winds is technically older than Divinity's Reach. but not by much.Both the Dominion and Divinity's Reach are also older than the Pirate run Lions Arch we know in Gw2 as well by about a decade.

So the Tengu never needed any permission to establish their city nor was there any major Human settlement around at the time with the power nor the authority to give or deny them that permission.. and if the Humans had dared to do down there and make a fuss about it then chances are the united Tengu tribes would have had both the numbers and the military strength to wipe the weakened Humans out.

Many races were displaced by the dragons - Tengu by Zhaitan respectively - and most have either joined the community of lion's arch or spread out into other areas. Tengu are the only ones to truly show up and claim their own territory, and they went to great lengths to keep themselves secluded/isolated by building a wall around their land. Apparently they have an Emperor and noble houses in there.

The Tengu were not displaced by Zhaitan.. the only Tengu that were forcefully displaced were the Canthan tribes and that was because of Humans not Elder Dragons.They had no interaction with an Elder Dragon before they crossed the sea and had to fight their way through Zhaitans minions to get to the mainland.After founding the Dominion the only Dragon the Tengu seem to have had any real trouble with since is Primordus, though they may had had to deal with some risen on occasion as well.

What's most intriguing to me though is that there was apparently no strife with their arrival and claiming of this land? No one cared that they came and built their "Dominion" right next to a major city? Is there some obscure piece of lore I'm missing where the Tengu already had claim to that land, or that it was otherwise gifted to them?

As I said above The Tengu founded the Dominion after the original Lions Arch was destroyed by Zhaitan and before the Humans had founded Divinity's Reach so there was nothing stopping them from doing so at that time.It's also fair to point out that it took a Decade after old LA was destroyed for Pirates to claim and re-establish Lions Arch as a pirate city so if anything it's the other way around there, Tengu didn't build their city next to a major city.. it was the pirates who built a pirate city near the Tengu's major city :P

I should also clarify as well that the Dominion being next to Lions Arch is a pretty common misconception due to the Wall that is there.The Dominion is actually right next to the East side of Caledon Forest, The South side of Kessex Hills, West of Claw Island and North of Southsun Cove.Here's a picture for reference, The borders are not 100% accurate but you get the idea.These islands are where the Dominion of Winds is located, not directly next to Lions Arch as many often mistake it to be.ONxIJAm.jpg

@"Svennis.3852" said:Is there any actual evidence Tengu migrated from Cantha to Kryta? Or is that something myself and others have assumed from Usoku’s purge?

2 Tribes come from Cantha in part due to the Canthan purges so you are correct :)It was Zhaitans rise that originally triggered the Tengu's desire to return to Tyria though.

I don’t think sailing between Cantha and Tyria was a major problem until Zhaitan awoke, right?

They crossed the ocean into Tyria after Zhaitan woke up and rose Orr from the depths so they had a lot of trouble getting there due to Zhaitans army of undead.

Or are the DoWs Tengu likely just native Krytan Tengu?

There are several known tribes of Tengu in the Dominion of Winds, 2 Canthan Tribes, 1 Krytan Tribe and 1 Shiverpeak Tribe.. there are also said to be other unknown tribes from many different places living there as well such as Tengu from Elona which we have never seen before.In short we don't actually know how many Tengu tribes there are for certain nor how many are part of the Dominion, there could even be other's like the Quetzal Tengu who have lived outside the Dominion for some unknown reasons.

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