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Condition duration reduced> Condition damage reduced [Runes]


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Since the duration is now meaningless ( a -20% duration won't do anything because of expertise, traits, sigils, runes and an overall condition spam ).What about to convert ( maybe just for SPvP at first ) runes like "runes of the hoelbrak" into -20% dmg reduction?

This could ( and i say "could" ) help with the current condition spam/pressure more than a -20% duration.

What do you think?

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@Aza.2105 said:It won't do much. Renegade trait line has a -33% condi damage reduction trait. You know what it does? Pretty much nothing, instead of dying in 1 second you die in 1.33 secs lol.

If you suffer from 20k dmg you'll only take 16k instead, which is better than 20% duration reduction.

Ofc they are not meant to save you but give you more surv against conditions ( I know what are you talking since i tried it out, but even so it would be better than now ), but since we don't have any option do deal vs conditions if not a removal ( while physical dmg is affected by everything, like thoughness, protection, physical invul, weakness, etc... ).

Or maybe always talking about spvp, just remove the condi extra dmg from vulnerability, leaving it only a physical effect ( as weakness is. Because while it could still affect procs from condi user, it's nothing if compared to all physical ad dmg ).

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@"Aza.2105" said:It won't do much. Renegade trait line has a -33% condi damage reduction trait. You know what it does? Pretty much nothing, instead of dying in 1 second you die in 1.33 secs lol.

ya some of the traits/runes that reduces "condi" damange by x % usually doesn't really make a difference that big at all.....i ran a lot of testing with adaptive armor and hoelbrak runes and the outcomes of the overall damage has always been the same give or take a few hundred off each other.

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