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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.

By "warning" I meant something like "We've detected that you are using third-party software that violates our rules, you have one week to uninstall it".

Why should they give you a warning to uninstall... Its like someone robbing a bank, getting caught and asking "You have detected I robbed a bank, give me one week to return the money"...

Because it might help prevent false positives. Those of us that have never used 3rd party software and still got banned could have used support to prevent it.

I am not sure I understand (no sarcasm). How can they give you a heads-up, if you have no 3rd party software installed in your pc? Also, why should people (like myself) who have no 3rd party tools installed, be worried about a headsup, or a false-positive?

Well somehow it was flagged. Had they warned me I would have opened a support ticket telling them that it was flagged incorrectly and maybe could work with them to prove it and help reduce other false positives. Thus preventing others from the same problem.

Btw, 3rd party programs arent the only reason for bans. Illegal gold selling/buying, RMtransactions etc can get you bans, too. (I am not referring to you, btw)

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@SaMaeL.7412 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:Again, it's been VERY clear, using 3rd party programs is at the PLAYER'S risk. As I can remember, even if Anet DID flag some programs as useable, that doesn't remove the risk of using those programs for the player; Anet is not going to validate every 3rd party thing when they probably aren't really keen on players using that software in the first place. Why would they take such a strong stance on it if they weren't? If something changed in any 3rd party thing that Anet didn't like, you're going to get slammed hard. Any game that DOESN'T send that message is just ripe for hackers and cheaters to find and poke holes in it anyway they can. Anet can't allow that to happen. A strong message must be sent.

I'm not even sure what programs got these people banned, so I'm not going to assume it was the one you are referencing as getting the thumbs up ... it doesn't really matter. People took a risk ... now they got the heavy ban hammer. I've YET to play a game that doesn't take 3rd party software as seriously as Anet has here.

Dude u are not even making sense... Did u even read what u wrote???

Anet GM's have said taco and arcdps are safe to use.. If anet flagged some programs as usable then those programs are risk free and they have no right to ban players for using them. If you don't want people to use 3rd party programs then don't accept any as usable. simple as that

No, they never said Arc is safe to use, they always say it's "use at your own ris" and that anet takes no responsibility for consequences of using this tool. About TACO I don't know but since they actively promote it it's definitely less risky than arc.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:What if they triggered false positives in some cases?Out of 1600 accounts, how many false positives do you think there were? And how many people are claiming that they received a false positive?In every case, even when ANet made a big mistake (when people first learned to speed gather using mounts), false positives were rare, relative to the totals.

Even a single unjustified ban is wrong, especially if they deny reviewing the case after sending ticket.

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:But Gaile said they are not accepting appealsThey have made that statement alongside every announcement of a global wave of suspensions/bans. It's always been the case that they are will to consider a review of some of the cases.

I don't know why say it; it seems counterproductive to me. Maybe it's a legal thing?

I assume it's legal thing most likely but still it doesn't sound good from customers' perspective.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.

By "warning" I meant something like "We've detected that you are using third-party software that violates our rules, you have one week to uninstall it".

Why should they give you a warning to uninstall... Its like someone robbing a bank, getting caught and asking "You have detected I robbed a bank, give me one week to return the money"...

Because it might help prevent false positives. Those of us that have never used 3rd party software and still got banned could have used support to prevent it.

I am not sure I understand (no sarcasm). How can they give you a heads-up, if you have no 3rd party software installed in your pc? Also, why should people (like myself) who have no 3rd party tools installed, be worried about a headsup, or a false-positive?

Well somehow it was flagged. Had they warned me I would have opened a support ticket telling them that it was flagged incorrectly and maybe could work with them to prove it and help reduce other false positives. Thus preventing others from the same problem.

Btw, 3rd party programs arent the only reason for bans. Illegal gold selling/buying, RMtransactions etc can get you bans, too. (I am not referring to you, btw)

Totally understand and agree. Log in error specifies the ban was instated for 3rd party software. But I also refrain from doing all the things that you mentioned. We play by the rules and still got banned.

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An officer in my guild told me that some members got banned for botting. The officer threatened us with guild kick and dragon brand blacklist on the voice chat services on the server.

Dragon brand had a decent number of bans from what i can tell. Any ways don't take the risk and don't try to take short cuts - you will pay eventually.

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@Pimpology.6234 said:

@aandiarie.7195 said:I thought anet said you can use a thing for stuff that doesn't give you an advantage. O_O :open_mouth:

Both taco and ARC DPS give
, but anet suggested they were okay in all the forum posts i've seen about the issue.

Being devils advocate... even using discord or gaming mouse with additional buttons can be considered advantage.

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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Anthony.7630" said:I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.

Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.

I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.

I would agree with you prior to it happening to me. I hope it never happens to you. I'm shocked and frustrated. And when they prove me right in their investigation, I'll be able to say "told ya so"... For all the good that does us now...

The investigation is over. I think the chances are 0.000000000000000000000001% that they got any of it wrong.

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I asked around to see who was banned and if any at all were innocent. I only found so far 2 instances of innocence. 1 is a young kid and the other was a person using a macro for a totally different game. They didn't have anything for gw2. So I think there can be rare instance of false positives. Macros people use for other games shouldn't have triggered a positive, but for 1 person it did.

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@"Anthony.7630" said:I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.

Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.

I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.

I would agree with you prior to it happening to me. I hope it never happens to you. I'm shocked and frustrated. And when they prove me right in their investigation, I'll be able to say "told ya so"... For all the good that does us now...

The investigation is over. I think the chances are 0.000000000000000000000001% that they got any of it wrong.

Well, when the time comes. I'll get back to you with the "I told you so" . Never hacked. No add-ons. No violations whatsoever.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@freeman.7315 said:I think Anet could have actually saved all those who got banned by mistake if they would simply make an official in-game dmg meter and a build template. But hey,i guess instead of doing something that would actually improve the quality of the game and stop most people from using these 3rd party software, they would rather make sittable chairs. Yeah....

That's like blaming a grocery store for high prices when someone steals a loaf of bread.

This isn't ArenaNet's fault. They have rules in place. Just because there isn't a feature in the game you want, doesn't give you the right do do whatever you want.

I am not defending people who hacked,cheated or broken ToS in any way. But too many people are claiming they were using Arc and Taco only or one respectively, and still got banned. As far as i'm aware of both of those were allowed by Anet and even promoted in certain cases. Anet themselves made dmg meter and build templates essential with introduction of raids. But by all means,let them pour all their time for usable in game beds that we can have on the next update.

Keyword: They CLAIM. Mistakes can be made, from ANET's side, sure. But how many are the (self claimed) innocent ones who (reportedly) did nothing wrong, out of the 1600?

Even single mistake is unacceptable if they refuse appeals. Keep in mind that when suspending your account Anet also only claims things, they never show you evidence.

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I remember on runescape, when there was mass bans for real money trading, there was also a massive number of threads about people claiming they were wrongfully banned. It all followed the same formula:

"Just because somebody ran up to me, gave me a bunch of gold out of nowhere, and told me that my order has been filled doesn't mean that I've bought the gold!" Repeated dozens and dozens of times. At a certain point you realize that no, these people were banned for RMT-ing, and they're just making a mass of complaint threads in the hopes they could get away scott free or tarnish the company's reputation in response.

Having this history, what proof do I have that this isn't the case here?

You want proof? I never once in 5 1/2 years ever used an addon. However the last month or so for reasons I put in another thread I used a certain hack. Trust me when I tell you that these 1500+ accounts banned are legit. Why? Because:

"The accounts in question will remain suspended for at least six months, and in the case of this investigation, we
will not
be accepting appeals about these account suspensions."_
are the key words here. This is legit or you people are lying to yourselves.

How is your claim more of a proof than a person who claims they didn't use 3rd parties at all?

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@"Anthony.7630" said:I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.

Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.

I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.

I would agree with you prior to it happening to me. I hope it never happens to you. I'm shocked and frustrated. And when they prove me right in their investigation, I'll be able to say "told ya so"... For all the good that does us now...

The investigation is over. I think the chances are 0.000000000000000000000001% that they got any of it wrong.

Why. There were cases in the past of unjustified bans and CS refused to cooperate and suspensions were lifted only after making drama on reddit. As a player you have no reason to trust neither anet nor a player claiming innocence.

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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Are you sure your son never logs on to his account in some other place, like a friend's for example? I've seen this happen to someone I know with some other game. He wanted to show off something to a friend, used the friend's computer, which, surprise surprise, was riddled with hacks and cheats.

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@dimiran.7921 said:

@Mokoshakar.1436 said:I just got the suspension too, and i was using reshade, Taco and yolomouse. I dont think my mouse ( logitech g600 ) keybinds could be the problem since im using them for a long time. I dont know what trigger the suspension, i hope i get the awnser with the support.

Yolomouse is probably what got you banned . Specially if it is not the original program for the logitech mouse.

Can YoloMouse actually trigger something in the game? I use it along with arcdps and taco and got banned while other players using only taco and arcdps didn't get suspension.

Yes, they do warn that some gaming mouse/key boards and 3rd party software can cause the flags for a ban. Specially if they allow for more then one action per button.

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People on here should also not take everything these suspended players say for granted.

Anyone remember the "Suck at Love" duo, and how they professed their innocence so arrogantly, until it was revealed they actually were guilty and now we don't hear about them anymore.

If you believe you've been suspended unfairly, send a ticket to Anet support, but don't come on here typing about all these usual 3rd party addons you're using. ArcDPS, Taco, in their vanilla form are ok and Anet haven't stated otherwise; however seeing as you were proficient in adding those addons, what are you not telling us about since you were suspended and none of us others were... did you perhaps run a third program you're not writing about now by any chance?

If not, then back to the ticket to Anet support and most likely you'll be unbanned very soon.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

Why. There were cases in the past of unjustified bans and CS refused to cooperate and suspensions were lifted only after making drama on reddit. As a player you have no reason to trust neither anet nor a player claiming innocence.

You said it right there. ONLY after making drama. This is not about approved addons. In all my life I have never been banned from any game for any reason. I have in this one and for just cause. They have the data on those 1500+ accounts and trust me that with today's technology you got busted. Since they WILL NOT accept appeals I am pretty confident they have data that you did something.

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

Why. There were cases in the past of unjustified bans and CS refused to cooperate and suspensions were lifted only after making drama on reddit. As a player you have no reason to trust neither anet nor a player claiming innocence.

You said it right there. ONLY after making drama. This is not about approved addons. In all my life I have never been banned from any game for any reason. I have in this one and for just cause. They have the data on those 1500+ accounts and trust me that with today's technology you got busted. Since they WILL NOT accept appeals I am pretty confident they have data that you did something.

The point is, after the drama Anet investigated and actually lifted some suspension as they were handed by mistake. This means, they can do wrong, they did wrong in the past and assuming every single ban is justified has no precedence. Your personal experience with other companies is irrelevant.

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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Anthony.7630" said:I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.

Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.

I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.

I would agree with you prior to it happening to me. I hope it never happens to you. I'm shocked and frustrated. And when they prove me right in their investigation, I'll be able to say "told ya so"... For all the good that does us now...

The investigation is over. I think the chances are 0.000000000000000000000001% that they got any of it wrong.

Well, when the time comes. I'll get back to you with the "I told you so" . Never hacked. No add-ons. No violations whatsoever.

I wish you luck. I wish ANET would put out a notice something like this:"Please sign this agreement that you did not in anyway circumvent the system. Sign it publicly and then we will release the data we collected on you."

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MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: Game ban (not to sure if this one is needed)



SOCIAL VIOLATIONS: Area ban (/say /map /team /guild chat etc)Which include the following:

  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Extreme Flaming
  • Compromising Security
  • Impersonation
  • Enticement
  • Flooding / Spamming
  • Advertising

I guess this pretty much sums up the majority of the TOS rules - maybe if ArenaNet made something similar with a infographic to go with it. I don't think anyone has actually read the TOS.

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@Chilli.2976 said:I guess this pretty much sums up the majority of the TOS rules - maybe if ArenaNet made something similar with a infographic to go with it. I don't think anyone has actually read the TOS.

I have read them. Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are the only two games where I have as I respect ArenaNet as a developer and I love these games. That being said, if you do not read the Terms of Service then that is something you need to fix. Whether you read them or not, you are entering into an agreement when you check the box or hit the accept button. This means you a liable for any rule breaking.

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@Donutdude.9582 said:

@Chilli.2976 said:I guess this pretty much sums up the majority of the TOS rules - maybe if ArenaNet made something similar with a infographic to go with it. I don't think anyone has actually read the TOS.

I have read them. Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are the only two games where I have as I respect ArenaNet as a developer and I love these games. That being said, if you do not read the Terms of Service then that is something you need to fix. Whether you read them or not, you are entering into an agreement when you check the box or hit the accept button. This means you a liable for any rule breaking.

I understand that - but also doing something like this as a break down of the official TOS will be helpful.

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