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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Are you sure your son never logs on to his account in some other place, like a friend's for example? I've seen this happen to someone I know with some other game. He wanted to show off something to a friend, used the friend's computer, which, surprise surprise, was riddled with hacks and cheats.

I'm Positive. He doesn't have a lot of friends. None of them play guild wars. It's just me and my kids. Thank you for the ideas and things to warn them about just in case anything changes.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:This is a game from the Guild Wars family. Surely (ref: thread title) it should be a

I did once see that happen to someone. I was standing in the GToB and someone in my field of vision (but behind another character) had been banned. Big huge figure swirled up, swing of scythe, swirled back down into the ground. Very impressive.

Interesting. I never knew there was a graphic representation for this action in-game.

It was in GW, not GW2. There are youtube videos out there if you're curious.

I've seen someone get Dhuum'd in Guild Wars right next to me. It's amazing and kind of scary at the same time!

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Nezekan.2671" said:I got suspended in middle of fractals and I'm only using arcdps, nothing more. This is unacceptable and horrendous practice, add to that the slow process of answering tickets, its too much.

I already submitted a ticket yesterday but we will probably not get an answer today, and I highly doubt the support staff even work during the weekends. So the earliest time we will get an answer is Monday, which again I doubt we will get an answer. I think the quickest time Anet staff answered a support ticket was 7 days. So its very possible no one will get an answer until 23rd.

Did you now? Just ArcDPS huh? Funny, not one SINGLE soul I know of in game, nor anyone in their guilds, got banned for REGULARLY using ArcDPS. Considering all the people and connections they have to 400-500 member guilds, I'd wager I'm connected to AT LEAST 20,000 players. Not a single one was banned for using ArcDPS.

Tell you what.... I'll make you a deal.

If I get banned in the coming weeks for only using TacO and ArcDPS, I will LITERALLY buy you a brand new Guild Wars 2 account including all expansions, I'll buy you $1000 in gems and I'll give you every single material on my account after my ban expires.

But, if I am not banned for using the "same program" as you, you have to come on the forums and admit your post is an outright lie.

I will GUARANTEE I will do what I've listed here. In fact, I'll even have @"Chris Cleary.8017" ban my account forever if I fail to uphold my deal (assuming I'm banned). That's how entirely confident I am in saying "liar liar, pants on fire."

Fair deal would be if the person you quote has their ban lifted, you pay the guy. You assume Anet did no mistake. So if he gets to Anet and they admit the mistake, your whole campaign in this thread is dead :)

Actually Sojar is one of the few posters who have tried to map out the specifics of how things work, how they interact and what will likely trigger a flag if something does not align with Anets policies and coding checks. This is why I said right from the start we should not jump the gun and immediately look at the 2 obvious 3rd party applications that are used in large qty in game. I may not like the fact they are allowed but pointing fingers without being informed on the the hows and what's does not help.Having a good tech grounding on this issue allows some to make confident statements and the more I looked around the more I have to to agree with Sojar and believe it's more nefarious code that is at the heart of all these bans... if it were arc or taco then those numbers would be 000's more... I think anet have been watching for a little whiles now maybe since the scorpion videos issues came up and then the PvP hacks and win trade stuff... and sab has proved to be a good content tool to put the net out and catch some bad fish... of course there are likely 000's more that could and still might be hit with bans but this show and go might be a "let's hope it makes others uninstall and stop using" kind of approach.

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@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

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@Zedek.8932 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

Maybe he accidentally bound something to the "G keys"?

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Nezekan.2671" said:I got suspended in middle of fractals and I'm only using arcdps, nothing more. This is unacceptable and horrendous practice, add to that the slow process of answering tickets, its too much.

I already submitted a ticket yesterday but we will probably not get an answer today, and I highly doubt the support staff even work during the weekends. So the earliest time we will get an answer is Monday, which again I doubt we will get an answer. I think the quickest time Anet staff answered a support ticket was 7 days. So its very possible no one will get an answer until 23rd.

Did you now? Just ArcDPS huh? Funny, not one SINGLE soul I know of in game, nor anyone in their guilds, got banned for REGULARLY using ArcDPS. Considering all the people and connections they have to 400-500 member guilds, I'd wager I'm connected to AT LEAST 20,000 players. Not a single one was banned for using ArcDPS.

Tell you what.... I'll make you a deal.

If I get banned in the coming weeks for only using TacO and ArcDPS, I will LITERALLY buy you a brand new Guild Wars 2 account including all expansions, I'll buy you $1000 in gems and I'll give you every single material on my account after my ban expires.

But, if I am not banned for using the "same program" as you, you have to come on the forums and admit your post is an outright lie.

I will GUARANTEE I will do what I've listed here. In fact, I'll even have @"Chris Cleary.8017" ban my account forever if I fail to uphold my deal (assuming I'm banned). That's how entirely confident I am in saying "liar liar, pants on fire."

Fair deal would be if the person you quote has their ban lifted, you pay the guy. You assume Anet did no mistake. So if he gets to Anet and they admit the mistake, your whole campaign in this thread is dead :)

Actually Sojar is one of the few posters who have tried to map out the specifics of how things work, how they interact and what will likely trigger a flag if something does not align with Anets policies and coding checks. This is why I said right from the start we should not jump the gun and immediately look at the 2 obvious 3rd party applications that are used in large qty in game. I may not like the fact they are allowed but pointing fingers without being informed on the the hows and what's does not help.Having a good tech grounding on this issue allows some to make confident statements and the more I looked around the more I have to to agree with Sojar and believe it's more nefarious code that is at the heart of all these bans... if it were arc or taco then those numbers would be 000's more... I think anet have been watching for a little whiles now maybe since the scorpion videos issues came up and then the PvP hacks and win trade stuff... and sab has proved to be a good content tool to put the net out and catch some bad fish... of course there are likely 000's more that could and still might be hit with bans but this show and go might be a "let's hope it makes others uninstall and stop using" kind of approach.

Except he's acting like he's working at anet and knows how it was done. He doesn't know, he may guess it but still there is no reason to respect his messages especially considering agressive way he's discussing the subject and personal innuendos he sends left and right to anyone who dares not to admire his endless.... opinions.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

I doubt people who used just that got banned.I have a Razer keyboard and have Razer Synapse running all the time. My account is completely fine.

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@Vova.2640 said:

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

I doubt people who used just that got banned.I have a Razer keyboard and have Razer Synapse running all the time. My account is completely fine.

Until now... Just teasing. How can you even use that mouse with all those buttons lol

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@Vova.2640 said:

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

I doubt people who used just that got banned.I have a Razer keyboard and have Razer Synapse running all the time. My account is completely fine.

And how many macros which do two or more actions for a single keypress do you use?

I have razer synapse too for my orbweaver but I've only ever rebound the keys to other, single keys,that's the difference.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:@""Sojar.1495"

keyboards with macros built into them exist, might wanna look at some pictures and educate yourself before being so condescending on the internet.

Still means you need to program the macro it's using. And then hitting said macro.

Having the keyboard isn't the issue.

Yes i know i am just saying a 6 month ban for hitting my music macro (which are allowed) in WVW by accident is extremely harsh.

According to anet what i did is worse than real world money trading PVP wins.I'll make a very fine distinction here. There is, in fact, no "music macro" - all a keyboard macro ever does is simulate keypresses. When used in GW2, a macro will press keys which are mapped to skills (or other things). If you have an instrument equipped, it will produce notes which hopefully produce lovely music. If, however, you have a weapon equipped, it will cause wepon skills (and utility skills) to be activated. So the exact same macro can produce a perfectly allowed result (music) or a disallowed result (combat).

In fact, you could activate the macro in your Word processor and it would generate keypresses there too. The result would likely not make sense but still.

As far as I can recall, all Anet have said is that macros are allowed while playing music.

In your case, the mistake was having a macro mapped to a key you happened to press - this produced automated combat.

True but i play revenant and spamming 2345 6789 is very counteractive as a revenant in WVW as i'm trying to keep boons up and not waste energy. If ANET emailed me or whispered/mail me in game, i would've just deleted the macros, apologised and moved on. I just don't think its fair i'm being lumped in with players who actually cheated for an advantage by using teleportation or fly hacks.

So... It wasnt JUST music, after all. Imagine that.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:OMG - They need to add this to Guild Wars 2!

Imagine GW2 version where Dhuum lands on banned character, killing it with his throne sitting nonchalantly and laughing.

Lol yes would be hilarious! O how I miss the Dhuum bans!

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I just realized a friend has been banned as well. He was also using arcdps and nothing more. He is pretty much a simpleton and it was I who taught him how to use and install arcdps. Its likely impossible for him to find and use any 3rd party and use it.

Does API code sharing counts for this? I shared my API with the following:


I think he probably used those as well, because I taught him that as well. This is very frustrating, specially because ANET support response times are the slowest I have ever seen in a MMO.

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Its funny how Deltaconnected added the following on their website after the bans:


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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

Just a heads up on kids ......Back when the youngest was still in middle school (he's 32 now) we gave him his own email address. Yes my other half is also IT. Kept checking things and all things ok. Go out to dinner come back and his email was banned for spamming, thousands of emails in seconds. Of course he could not have done it as he was no where near the computer .... got on the phone to complain about the ban to them and thheenn we found out that what had happened was he had gave his email password to a friend and it had gotten hacked. Yes he got in major trouble and learned a very strong lesson about what can happen. And yes we then apologized to the email company for getting mad at them when in fact it was not their fault and they were following the TOS.Sooooo it could be something akin to this, gave his pw to a friend to play while he was not playing or to try it out to see if maybe the friend wanted to get the game to play too. Probably not but it can and does happen.

BTW we also made bogus email accounts every so often to also try to see if he would give up personal info to who presented themselves as 'someone in their x class'. There were times that we pw his computer at the DOS leve when he was groundedl. The only way to take that pw off was to take the battery out on the motherboard which would reset the settings and we let him know that would happen. We also would look thru the history of websites he visited to make sure he wasn't seeing things that a 13 yr old shouldn't really see yet. Yes we did keep track and spied on him bbbuuuttt he knew it so I guess you could say it wasn't really spying if he knew it?

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

Not really. Binding 2 actions with a single macro has always been a violation and presents an advantage over those who do not bind those 2 actions to a single key.

I respect the OP for at least admitting he hacked, unlike the legions of people crying their innocence in the other threads while knowing damn well they are guilty.

Also not surprised DB is getting hit hard. Of all the hacks I've seen or heard of lately, the vast majority of them came from DB players.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:Its funny how Deltaconnected added the following on their website after the bans:


The message about no responsibility or support on Anet's part was always there, I'm not sure if it was worded exactly this way though.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Nezekan.2671 said:Its funny how Deltaconnected added the following on their website after the bans:


The message about no responsibility or support on Anet's part was always there, I'm not sure if it was worded exactly this way though.

Yes, but that specific one I quoted was added recently.

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2 things.

  1. Dodging or being invulnerable while mid air could and should be flagged as cheating as well as botting or black lion trade post sniping and gear checking, also add-ons that abuse jumping puzzles by showing you the direct path can be considered cheating. Also macro hot keys who play the game for you by casting skills automatically can be considered flagged. The grenade and morter kit is a great example- don't be lazy and mash the button. Also name spoofing and tracking stuff can be flagged. These all are not hacks but shortcuts that anet doesn't approve apparently. Hacks in wvw are included but probably rare.Oh and Chris spies on players for weeks to monitored their actions. Some action flagged you as breaking the game and I am sorry but that's what happened.

  2. Just like sex or viruses - the safest measure is abstinence or simply not using any short cut add-ons or enhanced features. You took the risk now you pay the price.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Nezekan.2671 said:Its funny how Deltaconnected added the following on their website after the bans:


The message about no responsibility or support on Anet's part was always there, I'm not sure if it was worded exactly this way though.

Yes, but that specific one I quoted was added recently.

Okay, that's interesting. Muddy waters :)

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