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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Euryon.9248 said:

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

Not really. Binding 2 actions with a single macro has always been a violation and presents an advantage over those who do not bind those 2 actions to a single key.

Yeah but that's the kind of thing someone might do without being aware it's against the ToS or even thinking about it at all.

After all they install some software from Razer or Logitech or some other big company and just use it to bind one of the keys to both dodge and jump. They're just using a basic feature on their keyboard or mouse so it's possible it's someone just unwittingly breaking a rule they're not even aware exists. That's why I have sympathy for them.

Going to a website, downloading a hack and using it to exploit the game on the other hand. Well that's a different matter. It's difficult to see how they wouldn't be aware that they're doing something they shouldn't.

I respect the OP for at least admitting he hacked, unlike the legions of people crying their innocence in the other threads while knowing kitten well they are guilty.

I, on the other hand, do not respect people for admitting they hacked when that admission only comes after being caught and they're basically just looking for sympathy.

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@Talindra.4958 said:anet probably should consider lower penalty such as a week ban and they are subject to good behaviour monitor in the next few months. 6 months ban perhaps is a little heavy.. ? Idk. . but using cheat is not acceptable ppl should know that

A six month ban is a low penalty. In most games if your caught using a hack you lose your account permanently. Xbox for instance, not only would they ban your account, they would ban your whole console as well. If any of the cheaters get thier accounts back in six months they should count themselves lucky.

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@PyrateSilly.4710 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

Just a heads up on kids ......Back when the youngest was still in middle school (he's 32 now) we gave him his own email address. Yes my other half is also IT. Kept checking things and all things ok. Go out to dinner come back and his email was banned for spamming, thousands of emails in seconds. Of course he could not have done it as he was no where near the computer .... got on the phone to complain about the ban to them and thheenn we found out that what had happened was he had gave his email password to a friend and it had gotten hacked. Yes he got in major trouble and learned a very strong lesson about what can happen. And yes we then apologized to the email company for getting mad at them when in fact it was not their fault and they were following the TOS.Sooooo it could be something akin to this, gave his pw to a friend to play while he was not playing or to try it out to see if maybe the friend wanted to get the game to play too. Probably not but it can and does happen.

BTW we also made bogus email accounts every so often to also try to see if he would give up personal info to who presented themselves as 'someone in their x class'. There were times that we pw his computer at the DOS leve when he was groundedl. The only way to take that pw off was to take the battery out on the motherboard which would reset the settings and we let him know that would happen. We also would look thru the history of websites he visited to make sure he wasn't seeing things that a 13 yr old shouldn't really see yet. Yes we did keep track and spied on him bbbuuuttt he knew it so I guess you could say it wasn't really spying if he knew it?

This brings up a good point. If you have shared your login with anyone (spouse/kids/kids friends) you have forfeited any right to claim that you know for a fact no 3rd-party software (or only Arc/Taco) have been used. You no longer know what might have been done with your account, no matter how much you "trust" them.

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@Euryon.9248 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

Just a heads up on kids ......Back when the youngest was still in middle school (he's 32 now) we gave him his own email address. Yes my other half is also IT. Kept checking things and all things ok. Go out to dinner come back and his email was banned for spamming, thousands of emails in seconds. Of course he could not have done it as he was no where near the computer .... got on the phone to complain about the ban to them and thheenn we found out that what had happened was he had gave his email password to a friend and it had gotten hacked. Yes he got in major trouble and learned a very strong lesson about what can happen. And yes we then apologized to the email company for getting mad at them when in fact it was not their fault and they were following the TOS.Sooooo it could be something akin to this, gave his pw to a friend to play while he was not playing or to try it out to see if maybe the friend wanted to get the game to play too. Probably not but it can and does happen.

BTW we also made bogus email accounts every so often to also try to see if he would give up personal info to who presented themselves as 'someone in their x class'. There were times that we pw his computer at the DOS leve when he was groundedl. The only way to take that pw off was to take the battery out on the motherboard which would reset the settings and we let him know that would happen. We also would look thru the history of websites he visited to make sure he wasn't seeing things that a 13 yr old shouldn't really see yet. Yes we did keep track and spied on him bbbuuuttt he knew it so I guess you could say it wasn't really spying if he knew it?

This brings up a good point. If you have shared your login with
(spouse/kids/kids friends) you have forfeited any right to claim that you know for a fact no 3rd-party software (or only Arc/Taco) have been used. You no longer know what might have been done with your account, no matter how much you "trust" them.

Which we never have. I play by the rules 100 percent. I have account security enabled to help prevent any unauthorized logins. Still got burned. They have our money and I have no recourse to justice. Time to move on to console games and not risk this for future purchases. The worst part is I have 5 accounts and zero difference in their installation. One was banned and the rest not. I can't find anything wrong.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@usnedward.9023 said:I am not here to complain. I am in no way sorry that it happened to me or anyone else. I run Zero addons so I know the particular hack I used affected many others. It's the chance I took.

Uggh, sorry you got burned. Since you run zero addons does that mean vanilla arc and/or taco can cause the problem?

Zero is the name of the hack he used in this context.

Thanks, I read it as 'no addons'. Since I do not use either arc or taco I did not recognize the name.

No no no.. Zero as in 0 as in no addons. The particular hack I used is not important. All these addons I see people mentioning are not the target of the ban or the list would have been more extensive.

@Pifil.5193 said:

@"aspirine.6852" said:I don't get it, what exactly did you do.

Quite simply he used a hack that allowed him to cheat in WvW, he got caught and got banned.

Yes there it is. I may have also "tinkered" in PvE as it became a little addictive. It's sort of like going out having one beer. Ooooh that taste's good. May I have another. I was careful and now you see where "careful" got me.

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I appreciate the kind comments people have left. I for sure thought this would be a hate post. You have to understand WHY I wrote this post. I wrote it because I read in another post and on reddit how "I didn't cheat" or "ANET is 100% wrong on this" or "My friend, son or whomever doesn't cheat". I call bull on that. There is a reason of they WILL NOT entertain any attempts at appeals on this matter.

The other reason is the particular hack I looked into has been in play for a looooong time and I became frustrated and instead of waiting for the playing field to be leveled I attempted to level it myself (with others). I never used the hack on purpose for an advantage against someone in WvW. I stayed and fought. Sometimes I died and sometimes I didn't. BUT in the end it really doesn't matter. Being an IT Professional and working close with a development team as an analyst I know the time it can take to rid troublesome issues but I reached a point of "I don't care" anymore.

@Pifil.5193 said:

@Vova.2640 said:It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.

I never went into SAB. I despise it. MACROs are hard to ban for in my opinion. Hard to prove. This ban is six months and i doubt it is a blanket ban covering multiple cheat systems but rather a particular one or two.

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@Talindra.4958 said:anet probably should consider lower penalty such as a week ban and they are subject to good behaviour monitor in the next few months. 6 months ban perhaps is a little heavy.. ? Idk. . but using cheat is not acceptable ppl should know that

Depends on if the bans were for actual blatant cheaters like this guy, or something a little more harmless like someone using macros for jump-dodge because they couldn't beat SAB otherwise.

If they really only banned blatant cheaters like this, then 6 months is super generous. People who use these hacks know what they're doing, know it's wrong, but continue to use them and ruin other people's games anyway. They deserve a lifetime ban IMO. One week would be a joke.

edit: sorry I read a later post of yours where you said you didn't understand the extent of these hacks, so it's not my intention to berate you over an old opinion.

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party regardless allowed or not, or risk banned?

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

Yes, so is breathing, sleeping, eating, existing....

Or you could cease being gullible and learn that your guildie is outright lying to your face.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

I think he mentioned (though I could be wrong) that he bound jump and dodge to one key. It has always been one push, one key.

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To all those banned,You know why you’re banned, trying to polarize the community to use as leverage, to then beg for leniency is just pitiful.

Your punishment is not severe enough, if you ask me. The 6 months are more than enough time for ANet to go over all the cases and revert any false positives. To the ones that will stay banned, reach into your wallets, buy again and start over or simply #GTFO.


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@TexZero.7910 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

Yes, so is breathing, sleeping, eating, existing....

Or you could cease being gullible and learn that your guildie is outright lying to your face.

How you know he is lying? I have anet banning me before, which lead to them unbanned me and compensating me for that.

@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

I think he mentioned (though I could be wrong) that he bound jump and dodge to one key. It has always been one push, one key.

Erm. He use the arcdps build template too. Given that he has 36k ap, doubt he will do anything stupid that will get himself banned.

I wonder if lags contribute to fales positive, my guildie lag spike and dc a lot, especially in WvW.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:How you know he is lying? I have anet banning me before, which lead to them unbanned me and compensating me for that.Lets see....

I'll go with

How do you know everything he's told you is the truth ?andHistory for 200 Alex!

Ban Waves of this nature have been done before and there's never been a case where someone pleading their innocence was actually innocent.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:How you know he is lying? I have anet banning me before, which lead to them unbanned me and compensating me for that.Lets see....

I'll go with

How do you know everything he's told you is the truth ?andHistory for 200 Alex!

Ban Waves of this nature have been done before and there's never been a case where someone pleading their innocence was actually innocent.

Oh, let me bold it.

I have anet banning me before, which lead to them unbanned me and compensating me for that.

Oh, incase wasn't obvious. I was part of the ban wave back then.

Oh, I am a trader, please don't educate me about truth or falesehood, because, is common thing for me, a trader.

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Whenever you use third-party software, you are risking to be banned, as innocent as it may look on the surface, you never know what it is really doing below the surface. I will never thrust any third-party software enough to use it with my main account.

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