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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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When I first started playing this game almost 4 years ago I thought the outfits in the cash shops were so cute! And I wanted upgrades and stuff. I loved the game and I'm like hey! no sub! so I didn't mind dropping a lot of cash to support a game I was instantly in love with. I spent $275 in 3 days. And then I was banned. I thought it was for being reported for being vulgar to another player so I waited for a week and when I wasn't unbanned I supported a ticket asking for more information asking how long my ban was etc. They responded it was permanent because I submitted chargebacks. I replied CLEARLY they made a grave mistake coz I called my bank and my bank submitted no such chargebacks. They said they needed to investigate further and it was found that my account had been falsely flagged as RMT because I spent so much within the first few days of a new account. They reversed the ban, and let me keep the chargebacks. It served them well though because I've spent literally thousands of dollars on the game since.

That said I think very few of those banned are innocent.

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I watched a video about people using hacks like flying, superfast run and necro minion master afk farm etc. Some of these have been know for years.Since these hacks were download up 500k times, I am surprised the ban number wasn't higher. Action was log over due. Thanks Anet

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I don't understand why ANet hasn't programmed the game to detect 3rd party apps and just freeze the client with a message about removing unacceptable 3rd party app then restart the game client. It would be simple and no bans needed. They could maintain both a list of acceptable 3rd party apps w/tested versions and a sort of antivirus like database to scan for footprints of unapproved software. Banning for 3rd party software without an effort on ANet's part to do something like this just breeds ill will and polarizes the player community; frankly Guild Wars 2 can't afford either at this point.

As far as macros are concerned; I am surprised that a disabled player or group of disabled players haven't challenged them on this because of the American Disability Act. Macros would be extremely useful for disabled players. I don't have any use for them for the most part although I have thought about linking my exercise bike to my PC with a micro-controller generated macros so I could bike thru Tyria.

I wonder if false positives over the no macro rule isn't linked to players hitting combinations of keys out of habit. I know I hit key combinations quickly over and over quite a bit that might look like a macro to whatever they used to detect them. When someone does the same thing over and over they become very fast at it.

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@Tekoneiric.6817 said:

I wonder if false positives over the no macro rule isn't linked to players hitting combinations of keys out of habit. I know I hit key combinations quickly over and over quite a bit that might look like a macro to whatever they used to detect them. When someone does the same thing over and over they become very fast at it.

I doubt that anyone is THAT fast.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

Yes, so is breathing, sleeping, eating, existing....

Or you could cease being gullible and learn that your guildie is outright lying to your face.

How you know he is lying? I have anet banning me before, which lead to them unbanned me and compensating me for that.

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

I think he mentioned (though I could be wrong) that he bound jump and dodge to one key. It has always been one push, one key.

Erm. He use the arcdps build template too. Given that he has 36k ap, doubt he will do anything stupid that will get himself banned.

I wonder if lags contribute to fales positive, my guildie lag spike and dc a lot, especially in WvW.

If lags were the cause of false positives, half the community would have been banned, probably including myself.Although you're dancing around the issue, it almost certainly is not ArcDPS that got your friend banned, but using macros to do multiple actions with a single click (whether via mouse or keyboard).

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@kharmin.7683 said:

I wonder if false positives over the no macro rule isn't linked to players hitting combinations of keys out of habit. I know I hit key combinations quickly over and over quite a bit that might look like a macro to whatever they used to detect them. When someone does the same thing over and over they become very fast at it.

I doubt that anyone is THAT fast.

No, they aren't. Human input is bound by specific limits, and it has a certain cadence and pattern you can see. Machine based input acts a very different way. This is just another instance of someone trying to sew doubt into the situation by suggesting all they did was XYZ, when, in fact, they have done a fair bit more then what they suggest they've done.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Nezekan.2671" said:I got suspended in middle of fractals and I'm only using arcdps, nothing more. This is unacceptable and horrendous practice, add to that the slow process of answering tickets, its too much.

I already submitted a ticket yesterday but we will probably not get an answer today, and I highly doubt the support staff even work during the weekends. So the earliest time we will get an answer is Monday, which again I doubt we will get an answer. I think the quickest time Anet staff answered a support ticket was 7 days. So its very possible no one will get an answer until 23rd.

Did you now? Just ArcDPS huh? Funny, not one SINGLE soul I know of in game, nor anyone in their guilds, got banned for REGULARLY using ArcDPS. Considering all the people and connections they have to 400-500 member guilds, I'd wager I'm connected to AT LEAST 20,000 players. Not a single one was banned for using ArcDPS.

Tell you what.... I'll make you a deal.

If I get banned in the coming weeks for only using TacO and ArcDPS, I will LITERALLY buy you a brand new Guild Wars 2 account including all expansions, I'll buy you $1000 in gems and I'll give you every single material on my account after my ban expires.

But, if I am not banned for using the "same program" as you, you have to come on the forums and admit your post is an outright lie.

I will GUARANTEE I will do what I've listed here. In fact, I'll even have @"Chris Cleary.8017" ban my account forever if I fail to uphold my deal (assuming I'm banned). That's how entirely confident I am in saying "liar liar, pants on fire."

Fair deal would be if the person you quote has their ban lifted, you pay the guy. You assume Anet did no mistake. So if he gets to Anet and they admit the mistake, your whole campaign in this thread is dead :)

Actually Sojar is one of the few posters who have tried to map out the specifics of how things work, how they interact and what will likely trigger a flag if something does not align with Anets policies and coding checks. This is why I said right from the start we should not jump the gun and immediately look at the 2 obvious 3rd party applications that are used in large qty in game. I may not like the fact they are allowed but pointing fingers without being informed on the the hows and what's does not help.Having a good tech grounding on this issue allows some to make confident statements and the more I looked around the more I have to to agree with Sojar and believe it's more nefarious code that is at the heart of all these bans... if it were arc or taco then those numbers would be 000's more... I think anet have been watching for a little whiles now maybe since the scorpion videos issues came up and then the PvP hacks and win trade stuff... and sab has proved to be a good content tool to put the net out and catch some bad fish... of course there are likely 000's more that could and still might be hit with bans but this show and go might be a "let's hope it makes others uninstall and stop using" kind of approach.

Except he's acting like he's working at anet and knows how it was done. He doesn't know, he may guess it but still there is no reason to respect his messages especially considering agressive way he's discussing the subject and personal innuendos he sends left and right to anyone who dares not to admire his endless.... opinions.

Actually I don't see it that way, I just think your taking it personally that he does not perhaps conform to your opinion or beliefs... but that's ok we don't all agree on everything and we all have our own way of expressing ourselves.When you or anyone else begin to make trivial comments like he's an anet person is what is likely got his attitude to flare, just because he maybe has a greater knowledge in an area that could be shedding light on these issues.. best thing is to not make your own aggressive or assumptive comments and maybe the take in some of the information this person is putting out here. If you rise above the discussion style of Sojar, I think you might see he is making some decent points and counters to things being expressed and assumed throughout this whole thread.

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@Arlette.9684 said:To all those banned,You know why you’re banned, trying to polarize the community to use as leverage, to then beg for leniency is just pitiful.

Your punishment is not severe enough, if you ask me. The 6 months are more than enough time for ANet to go over all the cases and revert any false positives. To the ones that will stay banned, reach into your wallets, buy again and start over or simply #GTFO.


Being suspended doesn't automatically make someone guilty. You already acknowledged false positives exist, and you don't know who was rightfully suspended or who was accidentally. There's always going to be accidental suspensions or other sorts of mistakes, not even Riot with its multiple millions in investments can get a system that gets it right 100% of the time and have to undo suspensions and various restrictions.

How ANet handles suspensions could also being greatly improved as apart of their effort to draw in new players/maintain the existing player base.

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@"Tomas.6092" said:Maybe it's just a late April Fools by anet. Tomorrow all unbanned

Lets be honest those players have all likely got 1, 2, 10, 20 accounts and will be straight back on playing in a heart beat, waiting for the hack sites to release their own workarounds to combat anets detections.. its always a game of cat and mouse, but its good to see the cat has finally decided to come and play if only to net a small number of those pesky mice.

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@Yamazuki.6073 said:

@"Arlette.9684" said:To all those banned,You know why you’re banned, trying to polarize the community to use as leverage, to then beg for leniency is just pitiful.

Your punishment is not severe enough, if you ask me. The 6 months are more than enough time for ANet to go over all the cases and revert any false positives. To the ones that will stay banned, reach into your wallets, buy again and start over or simply #GTFO.


Being suspended doesn't automatically make someone guilty. You already acknowledged false positives exist, and you don't know who was rightfully suspended or who was accidentally. There's always going to be accidental suspensions or other sorts of mistakes, not even Riot with its multiple millions in investments can get a system that gets it right 100% of the time and have to undo suspensions and various restrictions.

How ANet handles suspensions could also being greatly improved as apart of their effort to draw in new players/maintain the existing player base.

Agreed that there might be chances that the banned person is not guilty. However, by communicating Anet's investigation in-depth or entertaining these appeals, there is a risk that botters/hackers learns how Anet detect them and create a workaround. Hence the "appeal will not be considered" decision.

I put my trust that Anet has done due diligence on their part to say "no appeal". It is not the ideal way, but it is the best option in the long run.

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@andybear.1753 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

Just a heads up on kids ......Back when the youngest was still in middle school (he's 32 now) we gave him his own email address. Yes my other half is also IT. Kept checking things and all things ok. Go out to dinner come back and his email was banned for spamming, thousands of emails in seconds. Of course he could not have done it as he was no where near the computer .... got on the phone to complain about the ban to them and thheenn we found out that what had happened was he had gave his email password to a friend and it had gotten hacked. Yes he got in major trouble and learned a very strong lesson about what can happen. And yes we then apologized to the email company for getting mad at them when in fact it was not their fault and they were following the TOS.Sooooo it could be something akin to this, gave his pw to a friend to play while he was not playing or to try it out to see if maybe the friend wanted to get the game to play too. Probably not but it can and does happen.

BTW we also made bogus email accounts every so often to also try to see if he would give up personal info to who presented themselves as 'someone in their x class'. There were times that we pw his computer at the DOS leve when he was groundedl. The only way to take that pw off was to take the battery out on the motherboard which would reset the settings and we let him know that would happen. We also would look thru the history of websites he visited to make sure he wasn't seeing things that a 13 yr old shouldn't really see yet. Yes we did keep track and spied on him bbbuuuttt he knew it so I guess you could say it wasn't really spying if he knew it?

This brings up a good point. If you have shared your login with
(spouse/kids/kids friends) you have forfeited any right to claim that you know for a fact no 3rd-party software (or only Arc/Taco) have been used. You no longer know what might have been done with your account, no matter how much you "trust" them.

Which we never have. I play by the rules 100 percent. I have account security enabled to help prevent any unauthorized logins. Still got burned. They have our money and I have no recourse to justice. Time to move on to console games and not risk this for future purchases. The worst part is I have 5 accounts and zero difference in their installation. One was banned and the rest not. I can't find anything wrong.

Interesting.. on some of those seedy site forums this excact argument was being put out there.. with just a slight twist in that the posters were saying only to use things on one account so if they get burned they only loose one account.. funny kind of upside down world we live in I guess :)

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

Yes, so is breathing, sleeping, eating, existing....

Or you could cease being gullible and learn that your guildie is outright lying to your face.

How you know he is lying? I have anet banning me before, which lead to them unbanned me and compensating me for that.

@SkyShroud.2865 said:So I got guildie that used arcdps and taco got banned.

I also use arcdps, taco and reshade, is anet gonna ban me next?

If ArcDPS and taco were being blacklisted, there would have been way more accounts banned. Odds are your guildie was using something else, too, or they somehow triggered a false positive.

Erm, the mention guildie rarely play the game though he pvp frequently. I guess most involved are pvpers? Does that means pvpers cannot use any 3rd party or risk banned?

It would seem they may have had an add on to one of the two, or were using a macro, or some other software.

On one of the post, someone mentioned he using mouse keys, like those mmorpg mouse thingy. That is ban too? Gosh.

I think he mentioned (though I could be wrong) that he bound jump and dodge to one key. It has always been one push, one key.

Erm. He use the arcdps build template too. Given that he has 36k ap, doubt he will do anything stupid that will get himself banned.

I wonder if lags contribute to fales positive, my guildie lag spike and dc a lot, especially in WvW.

I wondered when that age old "maybe its the lagasaurus to blame" would come into this thread :)

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@phandaria.4891 said:

@"Arlette.9684" said:To all those banned,You know why you’re banned, trying to polarize the community to use as leverage, to then beg for leniency is just pitiful.

Your punishment is not severe enough, if you ask me. The 6 months are more than enough time for ANet to go over all the cases and revert any false positives. To the ones that will stay banned, reach into your wallets, buy again and start over or simply #GTFO.


Being suspended doesn't automatically make someone guilty. You already acknowledged false positives exist, and you don't know who was rightfully suspended or who was accidentally. There's always going to be accidental suspensions or other sorts of mistakes, not even Riot with its multiple millions in investments can get a system that gets it right 100% of the time and have to undo suspensions and various restrictions.

How ANet handles suspensions could also being greatly improved as apart of their effort to draw in new players/maintain the existing player base.

Agreed that there might be chances that the banned person is not guilty. However, by communicating Anet's investigation in-depth or entertaining these appeals, there is a risk that botters/hackers learns how Anet detect them and create a workaround. Hence the "appeal will not be considered" decision.

I put my trust that Anet has done due diligence on their part to say "no appeal". It is not the ideal way, but it is the best option in the long run.

How it's detected isn't really a secret. Those who provide any software that give an advantage eventually find a work around, it's always a back and forth thing; it's the users that are mostly ignorant of the situation. The ban wave was even predicted ahead of time, so people could have possibly avoided it. I also wasn't suggesting they provide how it is found either, more of a formal e-mail to suspended accounts with information as to what exactly they were suspended for, and in the case of abusive behavior, attach logs. Length of suspension should also vary based on context, rather than a blanket ban wave for multiple reasons, of the same punishment, regardless of context and with no information and a post with poor choice of words.

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I think a permanent ban on the account would be better. Then a IP ban for repeat offenders. It may seem harsh but you don't want cheaters in your game just ruining it for everybody. I don't feel sympathy for those who got banned and no one should. You broke the rules and penalties are in order. And please stop using the excuse anet didn't do anything so I took it upon my self and did something and got banned for it. Guess what bro they are doing things at their speed.

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@misterman.1530 said:Well, if what we are seeing right now, they didn't get all the cheaters.Of course they didn't.. this was nothing more than a PR exercise to try and get those that cheat to take note, that the puddy cat isn't a kitten anymore... but it likely wont be long before the king rats will counter their detections again and the mice will scurry back out of their little holes again... probably already have.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in

I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Having to "install" something (via the Windows route over the MSI or other "installers") and just copy files (.DLLs for example) from A to B is a totally different thing. Especially 10-year olds might play with the idea to win over his siblings by cheating more than a 28-year old because of the lack of life experience, no matter how good your parenting is.

I understand what you are saying. 1. I'm IT systems engineer. And I have checked his system. Nothing there. 2. If you actually really knew him, you would know how unlikely that would be that he would attempt anything. He won't even copy the pictures off of his quad copter without my help.

Just a heads up on kids ......Back when the youngest was still in middle school (he's 32 now) we gave him his own email address. Yes my other half is also IT. Kept checking things and all things ok. Go out to dinner come back and his email was banned for spamming, thousands of emails in seconds. Of course he could not have done it as he was no where near the computer .... got on the phone to complain about the ban to them and thheenn we found out that what had happened was he had gave his email password to a friend and it had gotten hacked. Yes he got in major trouble and learned a very strong lesson about what can happen. And yes we then apologized to the email company for getting mad at them when in fact it was not their fault and they were following the TOS.Sooooo it could be something akin to this, gave his pw to a friend to play while he was not playing or to try it out to see if maybe the friend wanted to get the game to play too. Probably not but it can and does happen.

BTW we also made bogus email accounts every so often to also try to see if he would give up personal info to who presented themselves as 'someone in their x class'. There were times that we pw his computer at the DOS leve when he was groundedl. The only way to take that pw off was to take the battery out on the motherboard which would reset the settings and we let him know that would happen. We also would look thru the history of websites he visited to make sure he wasn't seeing things that a 13 yr old shouldn't really see yet. Yes we did keep track and spied on him bbbuuuttt he knew it so I guess you could say it wasn't really spying if he knew it?

This brings up a good point. If you have shared your login with
(spouse/kids/kids friends) you have forfeited any right to claim that you know for a fact no 3rd-party software (or only Arc/Taco) have been used. You no longer know what might have been done with your account, no matter how much you "trust" them.

Which we never have. I play by the rules 100 percent. I have account security enabled to help prevent any unauthorized logins. Still got burned. They have our money and I have no recourse to justice. Time to move on to console games and not risk this for future purchases. The worst part is I have 5 accounts and zero difference in their installation. One was banned and the rest not. I can't find anything wrong.

Interesting.. on some of those seedy site forums this excact argument was being put out there.. with just a slight twist in that the posters were saying only to use things on one account so if they get burned they only loose one account.. funny kind of upside down world we live in I guess :)

I don't follow you. But it's probably for the best. I have purchased 5 accounts so I can stay in with the toss regarding sharing of accounts. I don't personally use any more than 1. My family has 1 account per person. As required by the TOS. 100 percent legit.

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He means those cheaters on those sites are using the same argument there as they are here. And they also used a proxy account to cheat, but kept their real' account cheat-free. If both accounts were snagged, they'd say it's unfair because only one account was used for cheating. Therefore, they should still have their other account . . . even though both accounts belong to a known cheater.

Pretty nonsense argument, as alluded by his 'upside down world' comment, but that's his point . . . and one I agree with.

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