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QOL Request: Preserve window states/positions

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I would like to request that the states and positions of windows (inventory, bank, guild panel, crafting windows, etc.) remember their state between opens/closes: position on the screen, selected tabs/dropdowns, vertical scroll position, search text, etc. As an example, every time I open my bank, it is positioned in the center of the screen, and every time I move it to the side so I can view my inventory at the same time. It may not be practical to do it for absolutely every window (like NPC dialogs), but for the really common ones (bank, inventory, crafting, windows accessed through the icons in the top-left of the screen), could it please be considered? Also, preserving open windows when changing maps via portal scrolls and waypoints. Thank you.

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Does that mean you are running the game at 4K resolution? Could possibly be a safety-bounds feature kicking in if the original code was not expecting large x-y values. Try this out with a lower resolution and if there is a difference in behavior you can report it as a bug.

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The game should save the settings per character and not per account. Most of my characters have different bag amounts and bag sizes and its annoying to open a characters inventory to see a vast blank space without bagslots or to see the scroll bar on the inventory panel.

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@Leablo.2651 said:Does that mean you are running the game at 4K resolution? Could possibly be a safety-bounds feature kicking in if the original code was not expecting large x-y values. Try this out with a lower resolution and if there is a difference in behavior you can report it as a bug.

That's a good thought, but I don't think it's resolution, in general, because some windows (like inventory) retain their positions. But others (like guild bank) are always reset to center-screen. To me, this is a bug, but I figured since positions are retained in some cases, it's more of implementation incompleteness.

As far as window state goes (like return to the [Collections -> Rare Collections -> some collection] I was previously viewing when I re-open the Hero panel), I'm doubtful that would be related to resolution, but if there's a bug somewhere it could definitely be possible (i.e., some state-restoring code is being skipped).

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