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Please Allow Us to Skip Dialogue

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As a guy that plays alot of classes and i love to 100% everything, having to watch/listen to the same dialog over and over again is starting to get on my nerves and i am at a point where i cant do it anymore and it really puts me off in playing the game, going for achievements is a pain when you cant skip.

Can we PLEASE get an option to skip dialog if we already watched/listened to it? pretty please? now with POF around the corner i really hope you guys had this in mind..

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@hedich.4283 said:As a guy that plays alot of classed and i love to 100% everything, having to watch/listen to the same dialog over and over again is starting to get on my nerves and i am at a point where i cant do it anymore and it really puts me off in playing the game, going for achievements is a pain when you cant skip.

Can we PLEASE get an option to skip dialog if we already watched/listened to it? pretty please? now with POF around the corner i really hope you guys had this in mind..

I'd love an option like that, but especially in agreement with your last part: if we already watched/listened to it.

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Yes, especially when you are attempting story achievements, some of the dialogue gets absolutely and majorly annoying after a while. For instance, take the "World Summit" mission: you have to have the same conversations, watch the whole procession over and over again, if you don't manage to get all the achievements on your first try.

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Worst ones are those where battle starts without interaction just when long dialogues end. Usually you can ALT+TAB off the game during those endless chatters but in these cases you have to be prepared to fight so you can not even do something else.

P.S. Just yesterday was doing Confessor's Stronghold with 4th character, and Justiciar Adrienne was bugged again so I was forced to start over entire instance, go through all those dialogues, again, do all those boring fights, again. Guess what? I chose to quit the game instead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As far as I know it's not that they won't let us, but rather that they can't let us skip the kind of scenes/dialogue you mention. It is a technical limitation of how the in-engine scenes are put together. The only kind of scenes that they can let us skip are the cinematic pre-rendered stuff (or the 2012 talking character models scenes).

Or to put it another way, they don't have the technology and creating it obviously is not easy or it would have happened by now (this is a common criticism of the newer story stuff after all).

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Here’s what they’ve said about skipping in the story instances

Jeffrey Vaughn.1793There’s a bigger technical issue—during “in game” scenes, the NPCs are moving around and things are happening (gadgets might be activating, props may be animating, etc.) and if you just skipped all that, it could lead to some really bizarre behavior. Trying to manually set a “failsafe” to teleport the NPCs, fire off effects, etc. to replicate what the world state is if the cutscene plays is extremely tedious and error prone.That’s why the old style “dialogue cutscenes” (and the fancy but rare full blown l sequences, like the Order movies and racial intros) are skippable, because we aren’t doing anything to the world while the dialogue plays, so skipping it doesn’t have any effect. We’ve moved away from those, because the in-game scenes are a lot more satisfying, but there’s a trade off.

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@hedich.4283 said:As a guy that plays alot of classes and i love to 100% everything, having to watch/listen to the same dialog over and over again is starting to get on my nerves and i am at a point where i cant do it anymore and it really puts me off in playing the game, going for achievements is a pain when you cant skip.

Can we PLEASE get an option to skip dialog if we already watched/listened to it? pretty please? now with POF around the corner i really hope you guys had this in mind..



I absolutely can't stand listening to the ridiculous story. Please let me skip it.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:Here’s what they’ve said about skipping in the story instances

Jeffrey Vaughn.1793There’s a bigger technical issue—during “in game” scenes, the NPCs are moving around and things are happening (gadgets might be activating, props may be animating, etc.) and if you just skipped all that, it could lead to some really bizarre behavior. Trying to manually set a “failsafe” to teleport the NPCs, fire off effects, etc. to replicate what the world state is if the cutscene plays is extremely tedious and error prone.That’s why the old style “dialogue cutscenes” (and the fancy but rare full blown l sequences, like the Order movies and racial intros) are skippable, because we aren’t doing anything to the world while the dialogue plays, so skipping it doesn’t have any effect. We’ve moved away from those, because the in-game scenes are a lot more satisfying, but there’s a trade off.

I removed the @ because I want to provide my criticism without shooting the messenger. If "Just a flesh wound.3589" does read this, thank you for posting this info.I can't speak for everyone, but even an error-prone solution would satisfy me. Quarantine this feature behind an option that indicates it is temperamental. Users can keep a list of instances where it doesn't work well on the wiki. This would be an acceptable compromise, I think.Also, I'm not sure I agree about how satisfying the in-game scenes are. I actually preferred the old method of presentation. It was highly stylized and I appreciated it. I can't imagine this decision being reversed, though, so the point is moot.

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Agreed and we've asked for this for a while. I do understand there's sometimes an issue though. I recall, on the old forums, this was discussed when the episode where we played Caithe was released. Skipping the dialogue caused chaos with the mission involving the asura because of NPC placement.

Either way, I still wish we had the option . . . especially with timed achievements. Nothing worse than watching it fail because of unskippable dialogue.

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Not only can you not skip it you are forced to read it on screen. Please let us turn off speech bubbles. Such a beautiful world and you ruin it with something so cheap looking, it kills immersion. Sure it might be hard sometimes to tell who is talking but at least give me that option. You can turn them off for other players, but not for npcs and you yourself.

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  • 3 months later...

Please allow us to skip through text rapidly or skip talking events/scenes entirely. It makes getting through achievements so painful and frustrating and sometimes rage inducing, because the penalty for failing an achieve is 5-20 min + of talking just to get to the achievement again. I dont know why we cant fast forward or skip dialogue like we could in GW1, this should be something that is fairly simple to program in.

  • Confused 2
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Here’s what ANet has said before about skipping cutscenes

Jeffrey Vaughn.1793There’s a bigger technical issue—during “in game” scenes, the NPCs are moving around and things are happening (gadgets might be activating, props may be animating, etc.) and if you just skipped all that, it could lead to some really bizarre behavior. Trying to manually set a “failsafe” to teleport the NPCs, fire off effects, etc. to replicate what the world state is if the cutscene plays is extremely tedious and error prone.That’s why the old style “dialogue cutscenes” (and the fancy but rare full blown l sequences, like the Order movies and racial intros) are skippable, because we aren’t doing anything to the world while the dialogue plays, so skipping it doesn’t have any effect. We’ve moved away from those, because the in-game scenes are a lot more satisfying, but there’s a trade off.

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  • 3 months later...

@hedich.4283 said:As a guy that plays alot of classes and i love to 100% everything, having to watch/listen to the same dialog over and over again is starting to get on my nerves and i am at a point where i cant do it anymore and it really puts me off in playing the game, going for achievements is a pain when you cant skip.

Can we PLEASE get an option to skip dialog if we already watched/listened to it? pretty please? now with POF around the corner i really hope you guys had this in mind..

Please for the love of all things let this happen!!

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  • 2 months later...

Seriously, why is this not a thing yet, it has been years with this being the general consensus of what the player base would prefer. I cannot count the number of friends that have quit playing because of this very issue. If you want to keep players in your game you have to make repeatable content, and listening to the same dialog over and over and over and over and over just rubs people off the wrong way.

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I find the comment about it not being possible technically acceptable for old stories (who seriously wants to rework those without breaking anything), but sad for new stories since LWS3.

Anet already learned to make checkpoints. Why not let us skip to those (like it was done before) when replaying a story through a "my ears bleed" mote or something.

Especially the first Kourna story with 6+ minutes of introductional blabber (requiring your "interaction" by walking to 4 people you stopped caring about) before Shatterer swings into the game. I didn't even bother doing the annoying achievement anymore to rescue all people there because of that.

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