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Please tone down the Lightshow.

X T D.6458

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If you have done the meta events in Domain of Istan, you have no doubt seen the light spam from the Champion Heirarchs and Abominations. Their attacks cover the entire screen in very bright lights, its so bad they should come with an epilepsy and migraine warning. Anet can you please tone down their effects.

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@sorudo.9054 said:hah, it's bad enough with so many players spamming high effect attacks to even know where the enemy is much less what's happening, if we could just disable other players effects it would help tons.

Yea that is another problem, combined with the lag in that map from all those players in one tight space spamming everything.

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@X T D.6458 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:hah, it's bad enough with so many players spamming high effect attacks to even know where the enemy is much less what's happening, if we could just disable other players effects it would help tons.

Yea that is another problem, combined with the lag in that map from all those players in one tight space spamming everything.

the lag comes from the effects, the game client needs to draw all of them and send it to all the players who can see them.if we can hide them the client can simply be ignored which means less traffic.

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Most stuff is really obvious, you're not going to risk getting hit by things you can't see beyond the first few times where you start seeing their tells. I recommend checking Effect LOD in your settings, reduces the amount of effects going off immensely. Personally I don't have an issue with it anymore

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@Blocki.4931 said:Most stuff is really obvious, you're not going to risk getting hit by things you can't see beyond the first few times where you start seeing their tells. I recommend checking Effect LOD in your settings, reduces the amount of effects going off immensely. Personally I don't have an issue with it anymore

I have it on, it doesnt help.

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@X T D.6458 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Most stuff is really obvious, you're not going to risk getting hit by things you can't see beyond the first few times where you start seeing their tells. I recommend checking Effect LOD in your settings, reduces the amount of effects going off immensely. Personally I don't have an issue with it anymore

I have it on, it doesnt help.

Same. Hmm, it may help me to a very small degree, but the visual noise has increased since the effect setting was added so no real improvement.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Ray Koopa.2354 said:Effects should be client side anyway.

But would people grind for months for Legendaries knowing that only they can see the shinies?

Depressingly, I don't think they would =(

I wouldnt mind if legendaries had a two step effect system. Step one is a touch more effect than normal weapons, but not too over the top, and is visible to all. Step two is client side and as over the top as one can imagine.

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I have to turn down my graphic settings to the lowest possible options during the Palawadan-event, otherwise the game lags too strongly. Also I do it to be able to see what is actually going on during a fight, at least to some extent. Because of the lightshow the OP mentioned if I don't change the graphic settings it feels as if I fight the bosses in Palawadan more or less blind, since I cannot see very much besides bright lights and colours with the boss located somewhere in the center of all. Palawadan with lowered graphic settings is much less exhausting as it is with the lightshow in full power. I think the lightshow in Palawadan is a little bit too much.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"Ray Koopa.2354" said:Effects should be client side anyway.

But would people grind for months for Legendaries knowing that only they can see the shinies?

Depressingly, I don't think they would =(

A lot of the annoying brightness aren't from legendary effects, while they stand out, it isn't in some obnoxious way. Many of the offenders in this game are simply the world or enemy NPCs. It's even worse if you have "Post processing" set to high, anytime I do fractals I have to make sure it is turned off, otherwise for a few fractals I can't see the ground at all because the area is a big ball of light.

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@Yamazuki.6073 said:

@"Ray Koopa.2354" said:Effects should be client side anyway.

But would people grind for months for Legendaries knowing that only they can see the shinies?

Depressingly, I don't think they would =(

A lot of the annoying brightness aren't from legendary effects, while they stand out, it isn't in some obnoxious way. Many of the offenders in this game are simply the world or enemy NPCs. It's even worse if you have "
Post processing
" set to high, anytime I do fractals I have to make sure it is turned off, otherwise for a few fractals I can't see the ground at all because the area is a big ball of light.

This is how I play. Turning off post-processing effects makes the game playable. Even on the low setting, the lighting effects blot out much of the action and it only gets worse the more players there are present. I'm not sure why GW2 handles this so badly, but it's bad. No two ways about it!

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For me it is not Istan alone. I just can't see kitten in any location where a lot of players group up in a tight space. Enemies use abilities and those should be visible, ok. However, with all the effects caused by players, all the lightning and flashes and fancy gear you sometimes have a hard time seeing what those enemies actually do.

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It isn't Istan alone, but the visual overload seems to get worse with the newer zones. Pretty sure one day I'll sentimentally look back at the MMO where I fought perpetual flashlights.

I second the request for reduced particle effects, at least optionally. The perceived 99th time.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Ray Koopa.2354 said:Effects should be client side anyway.

But would people grind for months for Legendaries knowing that only they can see the shinies?

Depressingly, I don't think they would =(

That's not what I meant. They just don't need to be synced themselves over net (the client knows itself when to play them) and I'm pretty sure they aren't.

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@X T D.6458 said:If you have done the meta events in Domain of Istan, you have no doubt seen the light spam from the Champion Heirarchs and Abominations.

I just did a Ley-Line event in Mount Maelstrom, and I couldn't find my own mouse pointer on the screen for the love of it. Everything was filled with lightflashes, enemy names and other effects. It's a travesty.

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