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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Zulu.5489" said:I am glad i checked here, I was getting a little upset with how long it was taking but now that i know they are backed up, makes me feel better knowing something instead of checking and no response at all

Yes, it is always easier to be patient if one knows the reason for the delay.

That's why it continues to surprise me that ANet's automated response doesn't set our expectations by letting us know there's a long backup. Even if it were the generic, "we apologize for the delays and wish we could tell you how much time you'll have to wait." I'm also disappointed that Mike O'Brien hasn't made a public statement, backing up his support team, apologizing for the delay, and letting us know how hard they are working on making things better.

It shouldn't be left to players to explain to players. :(

I agree. It seems the players have been the ones doing the job of explaining the delay to those who are unfortunately experiencing the problem.. Also it's been what about 5 months now (I think it started when they banned all those cheaters) since the back up started? I'm guessing it is getting better given there seems to be a lower number of complaints. Still it seems a bit lacking for Anet not to address the issue more often (and instead rely on the player base) as it has been almost 2 months since their last post about it and maybe at least give some sort of occasional update on how things are progressing.

The very helpful players here already provide a significant amount of support for other players which most likely reduces the number of tickets submitted as the advice often solves the problem. A monthly update from Anet regarding the support back log would be nice. It would also help the players addressing the concerns of other players as well since we could give more up to date information aside from, "tickets may take 1-'x' weeks due to current back log."

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@JustTrogdor.7892 said:Also it's been what about 5 months now (I think it started when they banned all those cheaters) since the back up started?

There was already a backlog before that, just nothing close to as bad.

To protect accounts from phishers, ANet has added requirements to proving ownership before resetting passwords. That means more time spent by agents, which results in slower overall response times. I believe (but lack evidence) that a lot of people returned for Wintersday and forgot their passwords, and that set Support back. Add Lunar New Years (also popular) plus new LS releases. Plus the mass suspension. Plus the change of policy for the EU on privacy (resulting in questions and requests for data). Plus the migration of people from Bliss.

It's all understandable from anyone who has ever worked customer support in a global firm, with more than a few thousand customer/clients. (And all incomprehensible for those who just want to get back in the game or reset authentication or replace a lost item.)

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In that case it seems GW2 support has been highly lacking for some time now. I think it is time for players to stop making excuses for Anet when it comes to customer support. To say well, "this happened," then "this happened," and "now this also happened," is getting a bit worn out in my opinion. They have had the better part of a year to correct it and prepare for the next thing that "happens". I wonder how many customers they have lost due to this.

That makes me think of another question. Is there not someone in charge of the support team? It seems the support team should have a manager or lead. If so do they not have forum privileges where they could take a few minutes every so often and post updates on the back log? It seems Gaile, who no longer works for support, has to do something that isn't really her job and look into it every few months. That doesn't seem very fair to her. I think Anet uses Zendesk at least for the support software. Maybe support is sourced to Zendesk as well and there is nothing Anet can do about it?

Either way I think Anet needs to be more transparent when it comes to customer support issues. Perhaps that means adding a note to the auto generated email when things are backed up as you suggested or having someone from support posting more updates here.

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@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:In that case it seems GW2 support has been highly lacking for some time now. I think it is time for players to stop making excuses for Anet when it comes to customer support. To say well, "this happened," then "this happened," and "now this also happened," is getting a bit worn out in my opinion. They have had the better part of a year to correct it and prepare for the next thing that "happens". I wonder how many customers they have lost due to this.

That makes me think of another question. Is there not someone in charge of the support team? It seems the support team should have a manager or lead. If so do they not have forum privileges where they could take a few minutes every so often and post updates on the back log? It seems Gaile, who no longer works for support, has to do something that isn't really her job and look into it every few months. That doesn't seem very fair to her. I think Anet uses Zendesk at least for the support software. Maybe support is sourced to Zendesk as well and there is nothing Anet can do about it?

Either way I think Anet needs to be more transparent when it comes to customer support issues. Perhaps that means adding a note to the auto generated email when things are backed up as you suggested or having someone from support posting more updates here.

I definitely agree. If there's anyone in charge at all of Support, he's not doing a very good job. "Email Support" having a turnaround time of 1 to 2 weeks is atrocious lol. If this happened to the "real life" companies, say good bye to your customer base. Good thing it's just a "game" that customers can "play" the game to get distracted while waiting for the reply. smh.

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To be fair, it's much easier and faster to check chat logs and click a few buttons in real time than figure out which team to send the ticket to and look up all the information related to the support ticket. That said, 30 minutes against 45 days, sweet lord that's depressing... Fingers crossed support comes back to me soon.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Lukosmagno.8169 said:i have write an update 10 days ago with a screen of my documents but they reset all the tiket and create a new tiket.

Well your only supposed to create 1 ticket for each problem so no wonder they closed the mass you sent in and made it on single ticket.

yeah i create just one tiket,but in 45 days no one respond me,so i up this tiket and they delete this and create a new one.it's been two months since I can not log in

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@Lukosmagno.8169 said:

@Lukosmagno.8169 said:i have write an update 10 days ago with a screen of my documents but they reset all the tiket and create a new tiket.

Well your only supposed to create 1 ticket for each problem so no wonder they closed the mass you sent in and made it on single ticket.

yeah i create just one tiket,but in 45 days no one respond me,so i up this tiket and they delete this and create a new one.it's been two months since I can not log in

And you did it at homepage not in game right?

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I don't want be a person that nags, I have never chased up a ticket, but I guess back in the days when I submitted tickets they were answered within hours. I heard on Reddit last week or the week before that ticket response is back to normal, so what is normal?

I submitted a ticket on the 8th September and I haven't had a response. I have post on the update post and updated the ticket, but nothing. I was expecting something to be sorted by now?

Thanks :)

@Emmalouise.1763 said:Hi Gaile, my ticket has been unanswered for 7 days now and I am wondering if you could advise if there is a problem with it? I am eager to get it resolved before the patch.Thanks :)Ticket No 7068518

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@Emmalouise.1763 said:Hello,

I don't want be a person that nags, I have never chased up a ticket, but I guess back in the days when I submitted tickets they were answered within hours. I heard on Reddit last week or the week before that ticket response is back to normal, so what is normal?

I submitted a ticket on the 8th September and I haven't had a response. I have post on the update post and updated the ticket, but nothing. I was expecting something to be sorted by now?

Thanks :)

@Emmalouise.1763 said:Hi Gaile, my ticket has been unanswered for 7 days now and I am wondering if you could advise if there is a problem with it? I am eager to get it resolved before the patch.Thanks :)Ticket No 7068518

They haven't said that response times are back to normal. They said that they are on the way back.Generally speaking, they try to answer tickets quickly, but 3-day turn around was the only number I've ever seen mentioned by them as an internal goal. Depending on the issue, it wouldn't surprise me if some people are getting answers within 24 hours and some need two weeks, with most 2-4 days.(I also wouldn't be surprised if most are under 3 days or over 5.)

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Emmalouise.1763 said:Hello,

I don't want be a person that nags, I have never chased up a ticket, but I guess back in the days when I submitted tickets they were answered within hours. I heard on Reddit last week or the week before that ticket response is back to normal, so what is normal?

I submitted a ticket on the 8th September and I haven't had a response. I have post on the update post and updated the ticket, but nothing. I was expecting something to be sorted by now?

Thanks :)

@Emmalouise.1763 said:Hi Gaile, my ticket has been unanswered for 7 days now and I am wondering if you could advise if there is a problem with it? I am eager to get it resolved before the patch.Thanks :)Ticket No 7068518

They haven't said that response times are back to normal. They said that they are on the way back.Generally speaking, they try to answer tickets quickly, but 3-day turn around was the only number I've ever seen mentioned by them as an internal goal. Depending on the issue, it wouldn't surprise me if some people are getting answers within 24 hours and some need two weeks, with most 2-4 days.(I also wouldn't be surprised if most are under 3 days or over 5.)

My problem is quite straight forward. I am making my 3rd set of legendary armor. I bought 6 Envoy Insignia's, lagged for a sec and clicked and bought another 6 and wasted all my LI. I just need confirmation that I can delete the spare 6 insignia's and they send 150 LI back. so I can make the armor and not have to farm all the LI again.

I was hoping this would be fixed in time for the patch after hearing about the LI coverting to LD thing.

I have no desire to make more than 3 armors, first world problems, huh :/

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@Emmalouise.1763 said:My problem is quite straight forward. I am making my 3rd set of legendary armor. I bought 6 Envoy Insignia's, lagged for a sec and clicked and bought another 6 and wasted all my LI. I just need confirmation that I can delete the spare 6 insignia's and they send 150 LI back. so I can make the armor and not have to farm all the LI again.Don't delete anything. Wait for ANet to get back to you.The most likely thing to happen will be that, yes, they'll ask you to delete and afterward be able to send you corresponding LI tokens, which you can convert to currency.

The reason for waiting is that (a) they need to investigate and it's far, far easier for them to see what you have on you right now than what you might (or might not) have (had) earlier. The key to any support request (whether for ANet or elsewhere) is always: make it easy for them to make it easy for you.

I was hoping this would be fixed in time for the patch after hearing about the LI coverting to LD thing.It would be nice, but I wouldn't count on it. My guess is that replacement requests are low priority and that anything related to LI ends up being tricky, so takes more time to research.

I have no desire to make more than 3 armors,Can't blame you

first world problems, huh :/Eh, sure, it's a problem a lot of other people would like to have. But it's still a problem for you. And since ANet is generous (to a fault, perhaps) in helping us take a mulligan on overspending gold or other currencies, this seems very much like something worth asking about.

(It's just that you might have to wait longer than someone trying to unlock their account after a long absence, for example.)

Good luck :)

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