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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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@"Olivekat.2198" said:I asked for a game refund 5 days ago, got a response after 3 days to confirm a refund request and then nothing. There has been activity on my ticket since then that wasn't me, but still no reply. Both expansion packs are still active on my account which leads me to believe the process has not even been started. This issue is extremely urgent to me but apparently only to me and I feel like I'm being ignored.

I'm in the exact same situation. I made a ticket 8 days ago because I bought the Ultimate Edition a day before they announced the sale. My original support ticket post asked for a full refund, but said I was also open to a partial one or just being given an equivalent amount in gems if that was possible. It took a couple days for them to reply back to me that the Ultimate Edition wasn't on sale and that they couldn't give me a partial refund. They conveniently ignored my original request for a full refund, so I posted again restating that I wanted a full refund, which took another couple days for them to reply back and asked me to agree to the terms and approve the refund, which I did. That was on Monday and it's now Friday, yet still no contact from support since even though I see someone's looked at my ticket because the "Last Activity" was updated.

I've been dealing with Logitech support at the same time because of a faulty mouse and their support vs. ArenaNet's is night and day. It took Logitech 2 days from my original RMA request to approving it and shipping me out a new one. I was going to repurchase GW2 again after the refund went through but honestly the atrocious support has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm considering just dropping GW2 completely. There's 2 days left of the sale and if I don't get a resolution by then, then I'll take that as a sign that ArenaNet doesn't want my money.

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I have created a ticket (Ticket #7124464) about that I have bought the game 5 days ago, but I didn't realize there was a discount. So I would like to get second "Standard Edition" key in order to gift to my friend with the price difference instead of refund.

It's been 4 days since I created the ticket, and still waiting. Problem is, the discount ends on Monday. And I don't know what to do now.

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Same thing i just ask for a refund for me and my wife with ticket #7127302 & #7127419 yesterday after a couple hours of "exploring" and to my surprise the game is really far in term of fps from the basegame. It's literally unplayable for us., sadly the money is urgently needed aswell. I wish the just mark the ticket as investigated, reviewed or anything like that instead of "last activity" as we as customer don't know whats going on. At least some marker or a reply would put our fear to rest, would be really appreciated if it happened.

EDIT: Just realized got the email as the tickets has been received and reviewed on 2nd Nov. So its been 2 days now.EDIT2: Refund is in process around 4-5 days now.

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This is my girlfriend account. My account was suspended after I had purchased POF because the payment bounced. I submitted a ticket 8 days ago(Ticket #7120401). Yesterday, a GM told me that it was all set and I could make a purchase. So I made a new purchase and apply a key to the account. However, my account is still suspended.

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@gifu.5084 said:This is my girlfriend account. My account was suspended after I had purchased POF because the payment bounced. I submitted a ticket 8 days ago(Ticket #7120401). Yesterday, a GM told me that it was all set and I could make a purchase. So I made a new purchase and apply a key to the account. However, my account is still suspended.

If you haven't already, you will need to update your ticket and discuss the suspension with the CS Team.

Good luck.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, this is not a complaint/rant post btw. Cause Guild Wars 1 has been my favorite game since it came out. LolI put a ticket in to support a couple days ago about getting my guild wars 1 account back that was hacked while I was away. I'm just wondering what the usual turnaround time is for tickets? I've been dying to play lol.

Thanks in advance =)

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You should have received the automated response almost immediately.Then, usually, during normal processing times, a personal response within 72 hours.Lastly, the solution to the issue can take anywhere from a few minutes to several weeks. It just depends on the issue, how fast the player responds with the requisite information, how many tickets are in the queue, and the priority of the issue, etc.

Good luck.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As we've said previously, each ticket or e-mail is handled individually, and response times can vary, depending on the issue at hand.

You will receive an automatic response when you submit a ticket. If you do not receive such a response within an hour of submitting a ticket, then it's possible that the ticket did not get added to the system. In that rare case, you should create a new ticket and mention that you wrote (date and time would be helpful) on the same subject. Critical: Look for the automatic response, and do not create a new ticket until you are certain that you did not receive it.

Most ticket are getting resolution in 24-48 hours. Some unusual cases will take longer.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:As we've said previously, each ticket or e-mail is handled individually, and response times can vary, depending on the issue at hand.

You will receive an automatic response when you submit a ticket. If you do not receive such a response within an hour of submitting a ticket, then it's possible that the ticket did not get added to the system. In that rare case, you should create a new ticket and mention that you wrote (date and time would be helpful) on the same subject. Critical: Look for the automatic response, and do not create a new ticket until you are certain that you did not receive it.

Most ticket are getting resolution in 24-48 hours. Some unusual cases will take longer.

No they dont, 3 days here and nothing, my only problem is with "Empty Window when trying to buy gems" that alot of players has.

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@"Aegon.7394" said:

No they dont, 3 days here and nothing, my only problem is with "Empty Window when trying to buy gems" that alot of players has.

And that's what is really frustrating... I am pretty sure, that they are fixing the problem. And I heard this problem from other people. So why aren't they answering you with "Hey, we know your problem. We are already in the process of solving the problem."That would be a decent feedback, which let us/you know that the support team read your ticket and is already about to find a solution. So we basically cannot know, if they may read the ticket in time but need longer to fix it as usual. So when the feedback doesn't come, it leaves us in the "uncertain" area, where we get really impatient because we think that our ticket is still in the queue of billions of other tickets.So in my opinion, writing an answer like "Hey supporter 'xyz' is here, I read your ticket and am working on it, writing you again, if there are updates/next steps on your ticket/problem!" makes the time of waiting definitly more relaxed, because we know there is a support-hero who cares about me and my problem! That's how humans mind works.Greetings :)

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Every member of our Customer Support team is located in the United States. I'm not going to ask for personal information, such as every individual's country of origin. But I strongly believe that the vast majority of our agents -- if not all our agents -- are native English speakers, and Americans, to boot.

You are more than welcome to report any concerns you have to the CS Team. You may respond the the ticket to ask that your issue be escalated to a supervisor, explaining (respectfully, please) why you found your experience to be less than acceptable.

As you have read, several other forum members have had a good experience with CS, and while any team that is comprised of human beings cannot possibly be 100% perfect, overall I believe our players are satisfied. Some of what you've stated, and implied, sounds negative and a little pejorative. Saying you want to "make things better" by impugning the competence and linguistic skill of anyone who is not a Native (sic) speaker hardly seems a good basis for a civil conversation. If you want to make things better, please do share your concerns with a CS supervisor.

hey Gaile i dont mean to bother you but can you please let Arenanet know that the story Guns Gems and Steal where you kill the Joko Loyalists is broke and not working for anyone i have a ticket in and i know its gonna take a while but its one of the main storys so its very important

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@Adrop.1473 said:

@"Aegon.7394" said:

No they dont, 3 days here and nothing, my only problem is with "Empty Window when trying to buy gems" that alot of players has.

And that's what is really frustrating... I am pretty sure, that they are fixing the problem. And I heard this problem from other people. So why aren't they answering you with "Hey, we know your problem. We are already in the process of solving the problem."That would be a decent feedback, which let us/you know that the support team read your ticket and is already about to find a solution. So we basically cannot know, if they may read the ticket in time but need longer to fix it as usual. So when the feedback doesn't come, it leaves us in the "uncertain" area, where we get really impatient because we think that our ticket is still in the queue of billions of other tickets.So in my opinion, writing an answer like "Hey supporter 'xyz' is here, I read your ticket and am working on it, writing you again, if there are updates/next steps on your ticket/problem!" makes the time of waiting definitly more relaxed, because we know there is a support-hero who cares about me and my problem! That's how humans mind works.Greetings :)

Got my problem fixed in 4 days, once cs responded they where kind and got it fixed fast.

It would be nice if they had a thread regarding this issue that i guess is a safe lock for some accounts, that i think is great to avoid other account issues.

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  • 3 months later...

I hope that is is where I am supposed to post, sorry for the Necro if not, but do we have a current estimate on ticket wait times? I normally am Very patient, but I can not play until my issue is fixed sadly. I’m not asking for my ticket to be rushed or anything as I understand it’s a first come first serve thing, but I am just curious if I should even hope to play anytime soon. On 4 days now and no response. Again just wanting an estimate if it’s aprox 4 days or 2 weeks etc

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@Naivea.5238 said:I hope that is is where I am supposed to post, sorry for the Necro if not, but do we have a current estimate on ticket wait times? I normally am Very patient, but I can not play until my issue is fixed sadly. I’m not asking for my ticket to be rushed or anything as I understand it’s a first come first serve thing, but I am just curious if I should even hope to play anytime soon. On 4 days now and no response. Again just wanting an estimate if it’s approx 4 days or 2 weeks etc

It sometimes takes longer (Depends on how many support tickets they receive) It took 3 days for them to reply to me and now when I recently contacted them about the queues in pvp not working I got a response from them in like 2-3 hours.

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