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Change the function of Embrace the Darkness


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@Artorias.8271 said:Embrace the Darkness - conditions applied to you are converted to torment, pulse torment to nearby foes every second.

My idea how to rework this skill. With one condition currently on you, it is possible to combo it with other traits, not only Diabolic Inferno. Combined with Pulsating Pestilence, Cleansing Channel (only one condition on swap) etc. Solves problem with high condi pressure from classes like Scourge. And it even fits to these huge spikes rising from your back, very torment like ^^

Except, with limited removals and such those stacks would mount up FAST. If you have just swapped legend and such you would have serious problems. Maybe if Mal had built in condi removal/transfer then it could work.

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@Milan.9035 said:

@"Huskyboy.1053" said:Man I don't know why all of you think condi rev needs more sustain. I have no problem 1v2ing if I kite properly. I won't win the 1v2 but I can sustain for a long time, long enough to be useful to my team. But that's with my build, maybe you all are playing glassier builds.

Lol. How about you share with us your great build. Anyone can claim anything, but we need some evidence.

I showed my build in a similar thread, you were actually in that thread yourself: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/513054#Comment_513054

And here is my rating from the end of last season: https://imgur.com/a/V0Rno4L

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