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Can we please have a new PvP game mode Anet??


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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I'd prefer classes be properly balanced for conquest before attempting new game modes.New maps would be fine, but I don't think exploring new game modes is a good step right now until they tidy up steeply overperforming builds.

Good balance is different for different game modes. Yes, some broken builds would remain broken in other builds. But some stuff that is broken in a conquest style game mode would be well balanced, or even on the weak side, in another game mode that didn't rely at all on capturing and holding nodes. Scourge can be oppressive because their shades can cover an entire node, but if you didn't have to worry about capturing/keeping a node from a scourge, then you would be free to maneuver around them as you fight them, and not have to worry about their team gaining points through that entire fight because they held a node.


The reason I wish them to balance for conquest, though, is to show that they're willing to do it to as close as reasonably possible, and arent just violently shaking the meta every few months to see what happens. As it stands now, I wouldn't give a new mode much time on release if there isn't a reasonably consistent look at what makes gameplay weak or strong across the spheres. We certainly have enough specs to handle multiple modes, but the moment you introduce another sphere to keep tabs on you reduce balancing speed significantly.

And right now its glacial.

Ah, this is a very good point. Still, I very much like the direction their balance team has gone recently. Still not quite as fast at releasing balance patches as I want, and they still seem averse to throwing in hotfixes, but the overall direction is a good one.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I'd prefer classes be properly balanced for conquest before attempting new game modes.New maps would be fine, but I don't think exploring new game modes is a good step right now until they tidy up steeply overperforming builds.

Good balance is different for different game modes. Yes, some broken builds would remain broken in other builds. But some stuff that is broken in a conquest style game mode would be well balanced, or even on the weak side, in another game mode that didn't rely at all on capturing and holding nodes. Scourge can be oppressive because their shades can cover an entire node, but if you didn't have to worry about capturing/keeping a node from a scourge, then you would be free to maneuver around them as you fight them, and not have to worry about their team gaining points through that entire fight because they held a node.


The reason I wish them to balance for conquest, though, is to show that they're willing to do it to as close as reasonably possible, and arent just violently shaking the meta every few months to see what happens. As it stands now, I wouldn't give a new mode much time on release if there isn't a reasonably consistent look at what makes gameplay weak or strong across the spheres. We certainly have enough specs to handle multiple modes, but the moment you introduce another sphere to keep tabs on you reduce balancing speed significantly.

And right now its glacial.

Ah, this is a very good point. Still, I very much like the direction their balance team has gone recently. Still not quite as fast at releasing balance patches as I want, and they still seem averse to throwing in hotfixes, but the overall direction is a good one.

I mean, you're right.There's still issues but it's gotten better. Don't want to miss the improvements by just focusing on the issues.

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