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@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:

@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:OP has right idea and this was suggested many times to add pips to eotm but most here prefer the stale game they play.

How would adding pips to the karma train map change anything?

Well lets see I camped camps to get wvw legendary backpiece and tickets for all the wvw ascended armor pieces in all weights. I even made a legendary armor chest piece. I am thoroughly sick of those maps and pips in general as they required too much time for my currently 1324 silver legend.

I remember running eotm when i needed karma for next legendaries long ago, it had some strategy it had some fun but its just viewed as a pitstop between wvw maps. You could play between max sized squads like make red max 25people so they have to evade other zergs to be effective and blue and green double there size. There were some situations where it was fun evading or hunting the other equal sized zerg. I got all kinds of different scenarios while in eotm, sometimes blue would just guard home or sneak behind lines using the capture wurm tunnels, or jump ontop of other zerg at mechanic champ. It was just a much more imaginative and fun map. Even if pips were added to eotm the ship has seemingly sailed for some like me who were ignored back then.

Well you may not remember EotM clearly but it was pretty much a karma train maps. For the most part, each color's zerg would avoid each other and just trade off capping stuff. That's what EotM would become with pips. It would also have the effect of pulling players out of WvW.

So I ask again, how would adding pips to that karma train map change anything?

Uhm I led karma trains in EOTM as comm many times I made many legendaries, do you read what is written or just cycle thru.

I read everything you said. Yes you can hunt enemy zergs and whatnot but that's not a strong enough argument for pips to go to EotM as most maps just had zergs going in circles capping stuff (AKA karma train). That's what the map was. Very little interaction with enemy players relative to WvW.

In your opinion. I also remember jumping down from a bridge onto another zerg while they tried to kill the airship captain. They were completely oblivous.

it had some strategy it had some fun but its just viewed as a pitstop between wvw maps.Uhm I led karma trains in EOTM as comm many times I made many legendaries, do you read what is written or just cycle thru.

A pit stop? So u commanded karma trains for ur legendaries doing a pit stop? Must have been a really short k train... K trains in eotm would run for hours...and having said that my point is, once again....... too many ppl would want to k train and run around in circles for hours for easy loot and it would affect real wvw badly again.

Just replace Desert BL with EOTM. Then EOTM lovers can run around to their hearts content.... I will put my farmer Joe boots on.

You know very well the karma was nerfed alot at the time EOTM was popular and I didnt set the requirements for karma needed to make legendaries.

@Voltekka.2375 said:EotM has nothing competitive. Unless bashing down doors is competitive. It is not part of the mist war, so, no actual wvw. It was a pve karmafest, thats what it was. For easy karma, wxp ranks and regular exp fast levelling. WHen ANET removed regular exp and people couldnt level their toon to 80 in a ridiculous mindlesss ktrain, a lot of people left eotm. WvW has lost many players due to linkings, bad matchups, dominating servers etc. Pips in eotm will drain WvW of players even more, while anet is actually trying to do the opposite with world restructure (rightly so). So, nope. EotM is in the place it was meant to be in. A waiting room for the actual thing.

I already said why it was better it allowed for more strategies and more ways to do stuff.

@RedShark.9548 said:mindless karmatraon zombies should not get the same loot as real wvw players, sure in normal wvw are ktrains aswell, but not as mindless or even talking with enemy commander on where they both go next to not interfere with another while farming

News flash, I can get over 250k karma a day in Istan just with map boosters. Karma has been devalued so far that 100k only gets you one or two lodestones from orrian treasure boxes.

Real Wvw Players the ones who bandwagon and server hop, and bicker with the natives. There are some good ones ofc but they dont fall into those categories.

News flash is also the fact that eotm was pve. Which actually isnt news, it is widely acceptable. Also, real wvw players never stepped foot in eotm. Im my server, at least, they dont.

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@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:

@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:OP has right idea and this was suggested many times to add pips to eotm but most here prefer the stale game they play.

How would adding pips to the karma train map change anything?

Well lets see I camped camps to get wvw legendary backpiece and tickets for all the wvw ascended armor pieces in all weights. I even made a legendary armor chest piece. I am thoroughly sick of those maps and pips in general as they required too much time for my currently 1324 silver legend.

I remember running eotm when i needed karma for next legendaries long ago, it had some strategy it had some fun but its just viewed as a pitstop between wvw maps. You could play between max sized squads like make red max 25people so they have to evade other zergs to be effective and blue and green double there size. There were some situations where it was fun evading or hunting the other equal sized zerg. I got all kinds of different scenarios while in eotm, sometimes blue would just guard home or sneak behind lines using the capture wurm tunnels, or jump ontop of other zerg at mechanic champ. It was just a much more imaginative and fun map. Even if pips were added to eotm the L as seemingly sailed for some like me who were ignored back then.

Lambros is spot on!! Most of the players here that insist that EoTM holds no value are completely wrong. It's held some of the best creative fights ever imagined. Not to meantion the map is set up for the best terrains to fight on. Far more NPC advantages as well. Desert Borderlands hold some of that element but the map is far too big and EoTM is perfect for the map size. I think the Devs should consider shining a light back on it to make it Active again. It has it's own style that WvW doesn't offer.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

Very little interaction with enemy players relative to WvW.

In your opinion. I also remember jumping down from a bridge onto another zerg while they tried to kill the airship captain. They were completely oblivous.

Bolded the part of my post that you seemed to miss.

The vast majority of the time, I daresay 95%, was without any enemy player interaction.

Again thats subjective sometimes a comm would hop on and say lets farm some bags.

Which I’m sure if you spoke to anyone on here, that was a rarity compared to the karma train.

Also are you a gatekeeper of wvw. Does my opinion have no merit compared to yours. You seemingly seem to provoke me as you have not experienced any of the game mode as I have. Please pop a tag if you work for anet and kindly stop deleting my posts and wasting my time.

I’m not affiliated with Anet in any way. If you have issues with your posts getting deleted then contact their forum support team.

I’m not saying that your opinion doesn’t matter and you have every right to share it. I just simply disagree with it.

I'm certainly no majority, but for a year long stretch there was plenty of fights to be had with the likes of spbruce or HK guild at the helm to name a couple.

Just because people karma trained and leveled on the map doesn't mean it doesn't have great features and terrain.

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@Killerhulk.7452 said:

@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:OP has right idea and this was suggested many times to add pips to eotm but most here prefer the stale game they play.

How would adding pips to the karma train map change anything?

Well lets see I camped camps to get wvw legendary backpiece and tickets for all the wvw ascended armor pieces in all weights. I even made a legendary armor chest piece. I am thoroughly sick of those maps and pips in general as they required too much time for my currently 1324 silver legend.

I remember running eotm when i needed karma for next legendaries long ago, it had some strategy it had some fun but its just viewed as a pitstop between wvw maps. You could play between max sized squads like make red max 25people so they have to evade other zergs to be effective and blue and green double there size. There were some situations where it was fun evading or hunting the other equal sized zerg. I got all kinds of different scenarios while in eotm, sometimes blue would just guard home or sneak behind lines using the capture wurm tunnels, or jump ontop of other zerg at mechanic champ. It was just a much more imaginative and fun map. Even if pips were added to eotm the L as seemingly sailed for some like me who were ignored back then.

Lambros is spot on!! Most of the players here that insist that EoTM holds no value are completely wrong. It's held some of the best creative fights ever imagined. Not to meantion the map is set up for the best terrains to fight on. Far more NPC advantages as well. Desert Borderlands hold some of that element but the map is far too big and EoTM is perfect for the map size. I think the Devs should consider shining a light back on it to make it Active again. It has it's own style that WvW doesn't offer.

yea show me fights that are more creative than creative fights on other maps, also eotm is way too big, even the desert borderlands are better to maneuver on after they patched them

and just because on one overflow was a commander that farmed bags there were way more overflows that just went in circles, most of the time ppl farmed bags there the others zergs didnt want to fight and left the map because the majority of ppl in eotm were pve player that wanted easy loot or level their charas, and those did not want to fight

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:News flash is also the fact that eotm was pve.No, it's not. It's an open world PVP environment, exactly like the rest of WvW.

I disagree, I did eotm and it always was pve. Very rarely a comm would attack other players, and that happened when the matchup was about to end. The rest of the time it was just karmatrain, avoiding other zergs, cap stuff, repeat. 95% of the time. Nothing pvp there.

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@Tinnel.4369 said:

Very little interaction with enemy players relative to WvW.

In your opinion. I also remember jumping down from a bridge onto another zerg while they tried to kill the airship captain. They were completely oblivous.

Bolded the part of my post that you seemed to miss.

The vast majority of the time, I daresay 95%, was without any enemy player interaction.

Again thats subjective sometimes a comm would hop on and say lets farm some bags.

Which I’m sure if you spoke to anyone on here, that was a rarity compared to the karma train.

Also are you a gatekeeper of wvw. Does my opinion have no merit compared to yours. You seemingly seem to provoke me as you have not experienced any of the game mode as I have. Please pop a tag if you work for anet and kindly stop deleting my posts and wasting my time.

I’m not affiliated with Anet in any way. If you have issues with your posts getting deleted then contact their forum support team.

I’m not saying that your opinion doesn’t matter and you have every right to share it. I just simply disagree with it.

I'm certainly no majority, but for a year long stretch there was plenty of fights to be had with the likes of spbruce or HK guild at the helm to name a couple.

Just because people karma trained and leveled on the map doesn't mean it doesn't have great features and terrain.

Ok. The ability to earn pips is added to EotM but anti karma train measures are put in place to prevent karma trains. How popular do you think the map will be? Will there be all of these great and creative fights?

edit: typos

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

Very little interaction with enemy players relative to WvW.

In your opinion. I also remember jumping down from a bridge onto another zerg while they tried to kill the airship captain. They were completely oblivous.

Bolded the part of my post that you seemed to miss.

The vast majority of the time, I daresay 95%, was without any enemy player interaction.

Again thats subjective sometimes a comm would hop on and say lets farm some bags.

Which I’m sure if you spoke to anyone on here, that was a rarity compared to the karma train.

Also are you a gatekeeper of wvw. Does my opinion have no merit compared to yours. You seemingly seem to provoke me as you have not experienced any of the game mode as I have. Please pop a tag if you work for anet and kindly stop deleting my posts and wasting my time.

I’m not affiliated with Anet in any way. If you have issues with your posts getting deleted then contact their forum support team.

I’m not saying that your opinion doesn’t matter and you have every right to share it. I just simply disagree with it.

I'm certainly no majority, but for a year long stretch there was plenty of fights to be had with the likes of spbruce or HK guild at the helm to name a couple.

Just because people karma trained and leveled on the map doesn't mean it doesn't have great features and terrain.

Ok. The ability to earn pips is added to EotM but anti karma train measures are out in place to prevent karma trains. How oopeilar do you think the map will be? Will there be all of these great and creative fights?

Apologies, you may have missed one of my posts. I'm for mainlining the map. If it's worth points it will be populated and thus, fights.

It offers terrain and mechanics the current maps simply don't. This sets the stage for fights the current maps don't have.

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@Tinnel.4369 said:

Very little interaction with enemy players relative to WvW.

In your opinion. I also remember jumping down from a bridge onto another zerg while they tried to kill the airship captain. They were completely oblivous.

Bolded the part of my post that you seemed to miss.

The vast majority of the time, I daresay 95%, was without any enemy player interaction.

Again thats subjective sometimes a comm would hop on and say lets farm some bags.

Which I’m sure if you spoke to anyone on here, that was a rarity compared to the karma train.

Also are you a gatekeeper of wvw. Does my opinion have no merit compared to yours. You seemingly seem to provoke me as you have not experienced any of the game mode as I have. Please pop a tag if you work for anet and kindly stop deleting my posts and wasting my time.

I’m not affiliated with Anet in any way. If you have issues with your posts getting deleted then contact their forum support team.

I’m not saying that your opinion doesn’t matter and you have every right to share it. I just simply disagree with it.

I'm certainly no majority, but for a year long stretch there was plenty of fights to be had with the likes of spbruce or HK guild at the helm to name a couple.

Just because people karma trained and leveled on the map doesn't mean it doesn't have great features and terrain.

Ok. The ability to earn pips is added to EotM but anti karma train measures are out in place to prevent karma trains. How oopeilar do you think the map will be? Will there be all of these great and creative fights?

Apologies, you may have missed one of my posts. I'm for mainlining the map. If it's worth points it will be populated and thus, fights.

It offers terrain and mechanics the current maps simply don't. This sets the stage for fights the current maps don't have.

I'm not against it replacing one of the other alpine borderlands or being in a rotation with the desert one. I'm simply against pips being added to it in its current form based on what the map was like in the past and would undoubtedly becomes again if remained the same.

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@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:You could play between max sized squads like make red max 25people so they have to evade other zergs to be effective and blue and green double there size. There were some situations where it was fun evading or hunting the other equal sized zerg. I got all kinds of different scenarios

Wow that sounds just like how WvW used to be too before EOTM pulled a lot of players away with its loot train.

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I popped in to EoTM a few times when it was used as a ktrain/champ bag map to gain a few levels on alts. It wasn't unusual to see all 3 servers zergs led by commanders who were all in the same guild coordinating avoiding each other and more efficiently training round the map. Pretty much the opposite of what I want in wvw. If pips were added to EoTM this whole system of farming the place would be common once again. NO.

And heck no to putting this awful map into real wvw.

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You can't blame a map for how it was played by a majority of its players, and you can't exonerate those same players and their player mentaility just because they are contributing to warscore now.

If players karma trained / cap traded back in the day to such a HIGH degree, then they are participation trading / pip training in a wvw map today. That that type of play contributes to warscore is just an unfortunate byproduct, but it doesn't make those players real wvwers, it only takes possible rewards away from real wvwers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Celsith.2753 said:I popped in to EoTM a few times when it was used as a ktrain/champ bag map to gain a few levels on alts. It wasn't unusual to see all 3 servers zergs led by commanders who were all in the same guild coordinating avoiding each other and more efficiently training round the map. Pretty much the opposite of what I want in wvw. If pips were added to EoTM this whole system of farming the place would be common once again. NO.

And heck no to putting this awful map into real wvw.

Can't really blame them tho as karma was nerfed majorly from PVE events and these dudes just wanted to make their legendaries like me.

Like a barnstorming idea was not to have needed that much karma in the first place, but decisions were made and now ofc there will be more.

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@Lambros Augustus.6594 said:

@Celsith.2753 said:I popped in to EoTM a few times when it was used as a ktrain/champ bag map to gain a few levels on alts. It wasn't unusual to see all 3 servers zergs led by commanders who were all in the same guild coordinating avoiding each other and more efficiently training round the map. Pretty much the opposite of what I want in wvw. If pips were added to EoTM this whole system of farming the place would be common once again. NO.

And heck no to putting this awful map into real wvw.

Can't really blame them tho as karma was nerfed majorly from PVE events and these dudes just wanted to make their legendaries like me.

Like a barnstorming idea was not to have needed that much karma in the first place, but decisions were made and now ofc there will be more.

It’s typically called a karma train but karma wasn’t the sole reason people did it. The majority of the zerg were simply using it to level characters.

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EoTM is one fix away from being a new map to fight over in WvW. It's just ATM it doesn't count for anything. It's far too segregated from real WvW. If they add more to it that affects the actual WvW game, it'll see new life.

@"CETheLucid.3964" said:Give EoTM some fairly serious impact in actual WvW. Not something that absolutely needs to be done, but some little thing that makes life easier and forces all the OCD people to engage it. Such as it gives your current world color ability to carry extra supply or something (and not just a supply depot at the citadel).

Maybe give it the old WvW bonuses that were removed from WvW with the advent of tracks.

Every win in the EoTM gives the winning color the "Blessings of the The Mists" exclusive boon (think the Guild Hall drinks type of boon) which could be all the old WvW bonuses to exp, stats, crafting boosts, etc, and since it's on your bar you don't have to wonder where extra stats came from.

Games in the EoTM are fairly short at that so this boon could last the ~30 min game length and be refreshed if the color wins again or else won over to whoever wins the next one.

Maybe make the boon slightly stronger for repeated wins by a color and if the opposing colors win a match, they can "steal" the stronger boon for their color in an underdog takes the bone kind of thing.

Even at it's strongest this boon shouldn't be anymore than a tiny boost (think infusions), but it's something extra and fosters competition. EoTM has always been an interesting map between PvE/WvW and it has tons of material resources.

These changes together with letting EoTM keep WvW tracks (albeit reduced efficiency), it would offer good encouragement to mess around there again.

EDIT: Call it "Favor of The Mists" for a GW1 throwback. And to clarify it would apply to everyone on the winning colors server, think of it like the boon that get's applied to everyone when a weekend event is going on/Call to The Mists is happening, except for 30 mins barring a win that refreshes it/makes it stronger.

I just use "color" as a stopgap because we all know servers are going away soon.

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