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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Make it grant pips but without the War Score Placement bonus.

Significantly reducing possible pips earned would be a good compromise so that rewards in EotM feel decent, but the system discourages people who go just to farm rather than play. I'll also join those people saying that EotM is a really cool map that lends itself to interesting tactics, creative play, and fun fights. One of my fondest early memories of WVW was ambushing k-trains with arrow carts who thought a given keep would be an easy take, as well using push-focused builds to win heavily outnumbered fights by using terrain. The map seemed pretty empty last time I revisited it, so it would be cool if there was a way to revitalize it.

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@"Dayra.7405" said:I think it would be good, if EotM becomes PIPS when the Alliance System goes live. Alliances will not like PIP-Farmer, and there will be enough wvw-player to build 3 or 6 alliances, so no one has to be forced into WvW that prefers to be somewhere else.

Pips are WvW "currency". You don't like WvW then don't try to collect Pips. This isn't hard.

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So all of those favoring pips in EotM, would you be okay if they added them there but participation would diminish greatly if karma farming?

Essentially, if people karma farm like they did before then they don’t earn pips. If they play the map like the actual WvW maps, they’ll earn pips.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Nerfing rewards in other content to make less played stuff seem more rewarding is literally asking people to stop playing either at all.

Considering it's not giving pips now, how would that be applicable?

I was referring to someone's post who suggested they lower EB pips to make the place that PIPS aren't rewarded seem fine in comparison.

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Pips would be great for eotm. You come to a point when your wvw server's time zone is inactive, hopping over to eotm, where multiple servers are combined, still gain different experience than daily wvw. Right now people come to eotm just for the first 5minutes after the reset, just to flip their side of eotm and gain fast exp, even the exp is low. There's no comparison with wvw. even if wvw's inactive in a specific time zone, flip camp and afk for 10min, cause you still gain pips and some sort of reward just for doing nothing. I'd rather go braindead zombie ktrain in eotm with random players while getting pips, than do absolutely nothing in wvw itself.pips @eotm all the way

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Introducing pips was a mistake- instead of strengthen the WvW-players they weakened them by taking a carrot to lure disinterested people into this game mode. Introducing pips to EotM would help the WvW-Community to reestablish health, although it's no cure...

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In PvE, there's a temporary bonus when the game prompts you to leave an underpopulated map. What if you got a temporary bonus that would enable pips from EOTM, but only if the game actually got blocked you from joining real WvW due to a queue? But if you just choose to go to EOTM, then same rewards as now.

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  • 4 months later...

@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Killerhulk.7452 said:I don't think I needed a Warning for this Forum Post. I think it's relative to the WvW community. I know about 100 people who would ditch WvW for Eotm in a second.

Which... doesn't explain why you don't go play EOTM? Nothing is stopping you now and the other 100?

But their rewards mate, they need their rewards.

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@Glider.5792 said:

@Killerhulk.7452 said:I don't think I needed a Warning for this Forum Post. I think it's relative to the WvW community. I know about 100 people who would ditch WvW for Eotm in a second.

Which... doesn't explain why you don't go play EOTM? Nothing is stopping you now and the other 100?

But their rewards mate, they need their rewards.


Funny thing is, the only thing they can get in WvW is a legendary skin.. at least that they can't get faster in PvE or PvP.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Killerhulk.7452 said:I don't think I needed a Warning for this Forum Post. I think it's relative to the WvW community. I know about 100 people who would ditch WvW for Eotm in a second.

Which... doesn't explain why you don't go play EOTM? Nothing is stopping you now and the other 100?

But their rewards mate, they need their rewards.


Funny thing is, the only thing they can get in WvW is a legendary skin.. at least that they can't get faster in PvE or PvP.

I on the otherhand am actualy doing EotM daily now, sometimes for few min, sometimes for hours. Main reason behind it is though the special objective/generator captures achievments. Finaly got to final tier in both of them so ill soon be fully done. Cant wait to never enter EotM again.

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