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@"DooM.6028" said:What is so fun about reaper then ? I feel like it's kinda slow (movement wise) and yes the scythe is cool and all but what in particular is supposed to make it so fun ?

Need to clarify "fun" (yours) before I can suggest. Aim, focus, uniqueness or what you hope to see or achieve with it, helps. Till then, all is fun :smile:.

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@DooM.6028 said:What is so fun about reaper then ? I feel like it's kinda slow (movement wise) and yes the scythe is cool and all but what in particular is supposed to make it so fun ?

Personal taste, buddy. If you feel like that, you probably don't like it, and that is OK. You don't have to like it.

This whole idea that we can know what you want, and make good recommendations, without you telling us anything about what you like is ... poorly thought out, because of that. You and I, we not the same, and we like different things. :)

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As a necromancer main I can say that firebrand is the most fun. Wait why wouldn't I say reaper? Because I didn't make a necromancer to play a worse version of a warrior. I made a necromancer for the sacrificial ideals, minion mastery, corruptive play style and it's dark aggressive type support.... Notice how I can only do one of those thing well on necromancer. The corruptive play style and nothing else.....

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@Mea.5491 said:I couldn't get into Guardian for 5 years but now I main a Firebrand. :P Tons of fun!

Because it plays like a caster? That would be my guess.

More like it plays like an Engineer, and has a tool for nearly every situation. Its a walking force multiplier, able to shore up a group's weaknesses or double down on their strengths. And the tomes and mantras don't have to compete for skill queues, letting do as much or as little as needed. Its well designed to maintain momentum, both in play and in impact.

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@starlinvf.1358 said:

@Mea.5491 said:I couldn't get into Guardian for 5 years but now I main a Firebrand. :P Tons of fun!

Because it plays like a caster? That would be my guess.

More like it plays like an Engineer, and has a tool for nearly every situation. Its a walking force multiplier, able to shore up a group's weaknesses or double down on their strengths. And the tomes and mantras don't have to compete for skill queues, letting do as much or as little as needed. Its well designed to maintain momentum, both in play and in impact.

Well said! :) (I was an Engi main before FB. :P)

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@starlinvf.1358 said:

@Mea.5491 said:I couldn't get into Guardian for 5 years but now I main a Firebrand. :P Tons of fun!

Because it plays like a caster? That would be my guess.

More like it plays like an Engineer, and has a tool for nearly every situation. Its a walking force multiplier, able to shore up a group's weaknesses or double down on their strengths. And the tomes and mantras don't have to compete for skill queues, letting do as much or as little as needed. Its well designed to maintain momentum, both in play and in impact.

Hmnmm I may have to bring out my gaurdian after my ele.

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