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[NA] [PvE] Progression raid group looking for a few more regulars


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Dark Rituals [RIT] is a PvE guild looking for a few more NA players who would rather learn or progress raids as a group rather than individually or in PUGs. Our goal is to continue progressing a group of players through raids with an eventual goal of becoming a static clearing group in the future.

Currently [RIT] does raids once a week on Saturday evenings, starting at reset (8 PM eastern). We are looking for players who:

  • have at least one raid build ready to go
  • have some experience with at least a couple raid bosses already
  • are free most Saturday evenings for a couple hours
  • are either interested in learning & improving or in helping others improve.

We are focused on improving and learning rather than speed clearing, and our current members are always willing to help other out with mechanics and builds. As a group, we regularly clear W1 and/or W4, and are currently working through W2. Individually, our members have a varying level of experience with other wings.

Our guild uses Discord for voice communication and planning, and would expect any member raiding with us to at least be listening there. The guild does not have a rep policy, so members are free to rep us as they please. Our guild is max level and our guild hall is currently Windswept Haven if that makes any difference to you.

If you are interested in joining or have questions, please contact Zaxus.1286 in game (please send in-game mail if I'm offline, or didn't respond to a whisper - I probably missed it), or feel free post here and I'll be in contact as soon as possible.

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