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Is it me? Or has match quality went up?

Reaper Alim.4176

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Match quality dropped significantly week of the 18th (before PoF) and simply increased in low quality because of PoF. Adding PoF specs mid-PvP season without any matchmaking or any PvP changes was a huge blow to PvP. Ranked is pretty much just practice mode at this point.

As much as I like PvP, the quality has just made me unnecessarily toxic. I usually keep a positive mental attitude and work with what I got...but recently it's just become unbearable. I even been in games where someone would ping the map once and one player would just start writing a novel and pretend afk.

I don't even PvP for the rewards...but I'm just about to call it after I grind out the remaining shards.I'll stick to watching the pros duoing. Cheer them on.

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@LUST.7241 said:Adding PoF specs mid-PvP season without any matchmaking or any PvP changes was a huge blow to PvP. Ranked is pretty much just practice mode at this point.

This was something that made zero sense to me.

Nearly any other game that is PvP based (be it an MMO or MOBA) usually has a brand new season when an XPAC or major features get changed.

In the end though, I was fed up with PvP long before this point, so I decided to stop playing and cancelled my pre-order of PoF.

I'll keep checking back to see if Anet makes any positive changes that the majority of community thinks is beneficial to PvP (because as the old saying goes you can't make all the people happy all the time), but after the last year plus I don't have any hopes of that...

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Since POF launched - Quality went WAY UP =) . Is it due to lack of PVE players in sPVP matches ?? I have been a part of many solid, close matches and i have been on winning teams 17 out of the last 18 matches since the weekend. I would love it if it stayed this way, but I am a realist and know the pve player base will creep back into spvp eventually.

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For me, I've found match quality in ranked (mid-gold) has been better the last few days (I was out of town during PoF release). Still get some blow outs, of course, but most of my matches seem to be within 50-150 points. Only AFKer I've gotten was someone who get his feelings hurt because a random teammate told him to decap far and pinged the minimap too much.

Unranked can be a bit more silly, but I think thats because people are going there to learn specs. Plus new players are there trying it out. And then decent players are there to pick on the noobs and test specs.

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I'm close to 300 games played.

Roughly 15 complete blow out games (+400 score differential) from memory.

1 game where people gave up in first 5 minutes (3 merciless legends and 1 ruthless legend in team).

I'd say match quality went up. I like how it isn't so volatile.

Also lost 21 points on a 499-500 match though. People testing builds annoys the hell out of me.

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I find alot of games going to time-limit rather than actually finishing by score. Is this due with the abundance of Spellbreakers are the lack of thieves, I don't know. Either way, I feel like the quality of the games has increased, still tired of the fact that 60% of the games are filled with Necros and Warriors though.

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@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Is this what people have been doing all this time? Blaming blowouts on matchmaking?

Yes, that is exactly what people have been doing. Most assuming their team has bronze/silver players while their opponents have Plat/Legend/top 250.

Or people purposefully trying to farm pips by losing.

I've actually seen a couple posts about how the MM was targeting them specifically because their ranking had gotten too high and they were on some sort of list of players that needed to have their ranking kept in check (I wish I were joking).

To be fair, it did seem like skill varied pretty significantly before PoF for a while. But I think a lot of that was just the snowball effect. People in Gold just don't seem to understand they need to regroup when they start dying.

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