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Most OP(Over powered) class in game?


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I'd hope that all professions would get at least one vote on this. but it seems that the engineer is the only one without a vote. Poor thing. I don't think they're bad at all. I love my engineer. She's great.

As for Which one is the most? Obviously Mesmer. This isn't even a question. Its been this way since day one. Mesmer has always been in top 4 and usually between 1 and 2 and frequently taking the number one spot. Its got solid roles in all game modes and is dominant in most content you find them in. Their tool box is unique and they're hard to pin and predict. Their one weakness is their low condi cleans. Which they still have some, they're not as bad with that as revenant is, but knowing that doesn't always help you since they can be very difficult to hit and pin down.

Does this mean I think Mesmers should be nerfed? At the moment? No I don't. I think the other professions should be buffed to match mesmer's level. :P

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

Can core guardian defeat Mesmer (mirage or chrono)? Sure, but that is not a measure of balance in any shape or form. Gurdian is solid in PvE and okayish in every other game mode. But claiming it is over performing is way beyond stretch.

Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

the hell? mes has builds in every mode too, you are some salty mesmer main, trying to defend something that everyone who doesnt main it knows its broken, you are fighting a lost fight manthe poll is not just salty players dude, there is a reason mesmer is that far ahead in votes

@Lily.1935 said:I'd hope that all professions would get at least one vote on this. but it seems that the engineer is the only one without a vote. Poor thing. I don't think they're bad at all. I love my engineer. She's great.

As for Which one is the most? Obviously Mesmer. This isn't even a question. Its been this way since day one. Mesmer has always been in top 4 and usually between 1 and 2 and frequently taking the number one spot. Its got solid roles in all game modes and is dominant in most content you find them in. Their tool box is unique and they're hard to pin and predict. Their one weakness is their low condi cleans. Which they still have some, they're not as bad with that as revenant is, but knowing that doesn't always help you since they can be very difficult to hit and pin down.

Does this mean I think Mesmers should be nerfed? At the moment? No I don't. I think the other professions should be buffed to match mesmer's level. :P

no just no, if you only buff everyone else all the time you will just have more and more powercreep, which is definately not healthy for the game, now i dont rly care how fast you clear your pve content, but everyone just oneshotting each other in both pvp modes is just no fun at all

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There are so many variables, though.

I can't vote because if we talk certain context some professions are miles ahead of others. I also speak for WvW/PvP and not PvE.

Mirage is hands-down busted at the top end but requires a lot of skill to play at that level, with core and chrono being pretty much fine.Warrior/Spellbreaker can literally not be beaten by a number of builds unless the warrior just massively misplays and basically hands them the win.Guardian is generally the pillar of most metas.And Scourge just breaks larger-scale content while being faceroll easy, while core and reaper are downright weak.

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@gateless gate.8406 said:Mesmer.

Game balance is actually a joke right now. I'm betting 75% of the dev team main mesmers, and the marketing team wants to keep them OP because their theme/visuals are unique to GW2.

Best tank: MesmerBest support: MesmerBest sPVP class: MesmerMost wanted fractal class: MesmerBoth condi and power specs achieving 35k DPS: Mesmer

I think they kept most of the PoF specs OP this long just to sell more of the expansions.

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@Lily.1935 said:I'd hope that all professions would get at least one vote on this. but it seems that the engineer is the only one without a vote. Poor thing. I don't think they're bad at all. I love my engineer. She's great.

Probably because engineer actually seems to have a balanced philosophy behind (some) of its design and it's a complicated class to play, like ele or rev. Holosmith can hit like a truck, but you never feel cheated because it takes a lot of resource management to pull it off and there is a guaranteed cooldown. Holo is powercreeped compared to core, to be sure, but you'll see it coming from a mile away. Scrapper is still in a bad state of not having a purpose (best it can do right now is support), and core engineer is simply underwhelming everywhere. The only class that has it worse is Revenant, and even then there are some weird design choices that can be OP under certain circumstances.

And, I can say this with absolute certainty, if I kick a skilled player's ass in 1v1 PvP, it's almost certainly my skill, not some weird gimmick or inherent class defensive/healing advantage.

@otto.5684 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.


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@otto.5684 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

Can core guardian defeat Mesmer (mirage or chrono)? Sure, but that is not a measure of balance in any shape or form. Gurdian is solid in PvE and okayish in every other game mode. But claiming it is over performing is way beyond stretch.

Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.

no its not a measure of balance i just thought it was kinda funny. guard is alot more then okayish in the other game modes. they are required in wvw zerg (pretty much in serious small team too unless everyone is running really mobile builds). in pvp im not entirely sure of whats what right now but historically theyve either been required or close to. not only do guards have meta or close to for all specs (core, hot, pof) they have them for basically every role (power, condi, support) with a few exceptions in pvp and pve.

@RedShark.9548 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

the hell? mes has builds in every mode too, you are some salty mesmer main, trying to defend something that everyone who doesnt main it knows its broken, you are fighting a lost fight manthe poll is not just salty players dude, there is a reason mesmer is that far ahead in votes

if you could look beyond the state of them game right now you would realize what im talking about. since you cant and are resorting to accusations im afraid our enlightening conversation will come to an end.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

Can core guardian defeat Mesmer (mirage or chrono)? Sure, but that is not a measure of balance in any shape or form. Gurdian is solid in PvE and okayish in every other game mode. But claiming it is over performing is way beyond stretch.

Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.

no its not a measure of balance i just thought it was kinda funny. guard is alot more then okayish in the other game modes. they are required in wvw zerg (pretty much in serious small team too unless everyone is running really mobile builds). in pvp im not entirely sure of whats what right now but historically theyve either been required or close to. not only do guards have meta or close to for all specs (core, hot, pof) they have them for basically every role (power, condi, support) with a few exceptions in pvp and pve.

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

the hell? mes has builds in every mode too, you are some salty mesmer main, trying to defend something that everyone who doesnt main it knows its broken, you are fighting a lost fight manthe poll is not just salty players dude, there is a reason mesmer is that far ahead in votes

if you could look beyond the state of them game right now you would realize what im talking about. since you cant and are resorting to accusations im afraid our enlightening conversation will come to an end.

You are confusing viability with over performance. If you ask me what class has the most viable builds, I will surely say guardian. Also, this thread is about current meta not the history of the game. Mesmer was not viable in many game modes for much longer than gurdian. But this is not the case now.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

Can core guardian defeat Mesmer (mirage or chrono)? Sure, but that is not a measure of balance in any shape or form. Gurdian is solid in PvE and okayish in every other game mode. But claiming it is over performing is way beyond stretch.

Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.

no its not a measure of balance i just thought it was kinda funny. guard is alot more then okayish in the other game modes. they are required in wvw zerg (pretty much in serious small team too unless everyone is running really mobile builds). in pvp im not entirely sure of whats what right now but historically theyve either been required or close to. not only do guards have meta or close to for all specs (core, hot, pof) they have them for basically every role (power, condi, support) with a few exceptions in pvp and pve.

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

the hell? mes has builds in every mode too, you are some salty mesmer main, trying to defend something that everyone who doesnt main it knows its broken, you are fighting a lost fight manthe poll is not just salty players dude, there is a reason mesmer is that far ahead in votes

if you could look beyond the state of them game right now you would realize what im talking about. since you cant and are resorting to accusations im afraid our enlightening conversation will come to an end.

I think you misunderstand the point of this thread.

Guardian as a whole is viable in every game mode. There is almost no doubt behind that -- all guardian e-specs have meta builds in every game mode, and core guardian is still solid. The difference is that it's not brokenly overpowered at the moment. Dragonhunter used to be overpowered, but it's been tuned down to an acceptable place.

Mesmer on the other hand... can spam the same skill a few times and overwhelm people in a few seconds, even if you don't main the class or know it on an intuitive level. That's OP... just like scourge used to be for how braindead it is.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

Can core guardian defeat Mesmer (mirage or chrono)? Sure, but that is not a measure of balance in any shape or form. Gurdian is solid in PvE and okayish in every other game mode. But claiming it is over performing is way beyond stretch.

Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.

no its not a measure of balance i just thought it was kinda funny. guard is alot more then okayish in the other game modes. they are required in wvw zerg (pretty much in serious small team too unless everyone is running really mobile builds). in pvp im not entirely sure of whats what right now but historically theyve either been required or close to. not only do guards have meta or close to for all specs (core, hot, pof) they have them for basically every role (power, condi, support) with a few exceptions in pvp and pve.

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

the hell? mes has builds in every mode too, you are some salty mesmer main, trying to defend something that everyone who doesnt main it knows its broken, you are fighting a lost fight manthe poll is not just salty players dude, there is a reason mesmer is that far ahead in votes

if you could look beyond the state of them game right now you would realize what im talking about. since you cant and are resorting to accusations im afraid our enlightening conversation will come to an end.

this thread IS about the state of the game right now, i dont care who was OP before.mesmer is OVERPOWERED and guard is ofc viable but imo pretty balanced, alls classes should be viable but not overtuned and mesmer is waaaay overtunedseveral ppl told you this now

and btw, get off your high horse, you seem to be thinking you have better knowledge than everyone else

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

Can core guardian defeat Mesmer (mirage or chrono)? Sure, but that is not a measure of balance in any shape or form. Gurdian is solid in PvE and okayish in every other game mode. But claiming it is over performing is way beyond stretch.

Btw, in sPvP Mesmer has a priority over gurdian. You can live without FB support after the nerfs. No other class comes remotely close to memsmer’s ability to contest side points. Guardian dps builds in sPvP are mediocre at best.

no its not a measure of balance i just thought it was kinda funny. guard is alot more then okayish in the other game modes. they are required in wvw zerg (pretty much in serious small team too unless everyone is running really mobile builds). in pvp im not entirely sure of whats what right now but historically theyve either been required or close to. not only do guards have meta or close to for all specs (core, hot, pof) they have them for basically every role (power, condi, support) with a few exceptions in pvp and pve.

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

the hell? mes has builds in every mode too, you are some salty mesmer main, trying to defend something that everyone who doesnt main it knows its broken, you are fighting a lost fight manthe poll is not just salty players dude, there is a reason mesmer is that far ahead in votes

if you could look beyond the state of them game right now you would realize what im talking about. since you cant and are resorting to accusations im afraid our enlightening conversation will come to an end.

I think you misunderstand the point of this thread.

i think i did. even so, imma stand by my argument haha.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

You're confusing balanced with OP.This is why some people should first understand the terms of a discussion before participating.Just because Guardian can be meta in all game modes doesn't mean he's overpowered. Guardian is probably the best balanced class in the game. He's got decent damage (power and condi with FB), decent survivability, and decent support. But he's not excelling at any, hardly makes it overpowered. Nor does Guardian lack counters. He's just average or slightly above average.Mesmer, on the other hand, is equally present in all game modes, but it's actually mandatory for Raids and T4+CM fractals, has incredible burst damage, and pretty much has no counters in PvP.Scourge, for PvP and WvW is also, while not OP per se, poorly balanced, simply because it lacks proper counter-play for the shades, especially in terms of contesting small areas like in Conquest PvP.

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

You're confusing balanced with OP.This is why some people should first understand the terms of a discussion before participating.Just because Guardian can be meta in all game modes doesn't mean he's overpowered. Guardian is probably the best balanced class in the game. He's got decent damage (power and condi with FB), decent survivability, and decent support. But he's not excelling at any, hardly makes it overpowered. Nor does Guardian lack counters. He's just average or slightly above average.Mesmer, on the other hand, is equally present in all game modes, but it's actually mandatory for Raids and T4+CM fractals, has incredible burst damage, and pretty much has no counters in PvP.Scourge, for PvP and WvW is also, while not OP per se, poorly balanced, simply because it lacks proper counter-play for the shades, especially in terms of contesting small areas like in Conquest PvP.

dood my last post was over a week ago, in which i capitulated.

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@RedShark.9548 said:mesmer, especially condi mirages are just absolute disgustig to fight against, sure they are having fun, but everyone else fighting against them just feels miserable. mesmer is just stacked with everything, they got it all, dmg, invuln, blocks, blinks, illusions to confuse, range and melee, did i forget something?

This. Mesmer is pretty ridiculous tbh, especially in pvp/wvw. Being strong in raids is fine but I’d like to see another class able to do the job, because currently, nothing is near as strong and effective than Chrono tank, making it a mandatory pick in every single group. Sad.

As for PvP, Red Shark said it well, it has insane burst damage, melee, range, tons of blinks, stealth, evades, invulnerability, etc. Very mobile tanky assassin. Making thief irrelevant and envious.

Good luck balancing it when the core design of mirage is so OP...

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@aspirine.6852 said:One thing. Engi seems way underpowered in this poll... hope they notice.

They don’t seem underpowered, but - balanced - ! That’s what I think they are. Holo is very strong but not oppressive.

Scrapper has its support use, could be buffed a bit as well as core Engie with some undertuned kits and weapon skills.

I think it’s not beating the charts anywhere but is very good everywhere, so balanced.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:LOL buncha mes qq. guard hands down. has always had good pve dps, must have (repeat MUST HAVE) in wvw since the dawn of time, and has been in pretty much every single meta team in pvp.

just because its needed because of the boons it can pump out doesnt mean its op, its just that hes the only one that can do it, and those boons are the only way to stay alive with the power creep thats going on, its not fault of the guard, hes just the only one that can provide what is needed

and mesmer is pretty much needed in any other gamemode aswell, even in zergs mesmer is somewhat needed, even if it was just for the veil, in roaming mesmer is alot stronger than guard

lol... just because of the boons. right. what about the insane heals / condi clears / reflects / overall tankiness. they are the linchpin in zergs. in roaming, guard counters mes lol. mes may be stronger overall but its kinda funny you bring that up. so mes beats guard in roaming, which isnt even a game mode, and guard wins pretty much everywhere else.

Can't tell if trolling because you don't want mesmer nerfed or just a bad mesmer player. Outside if WvW Chronomancer is the most wanted support class, period, and Mirage is like thief but better. Guardian doesn't really push into any other profession's territory in such a direct way. Sure Guardian is good but not OP good. Mesmer can just do some of everything.

so by outside of wvw you mean pve. ok.you guys dont get it. guard in wvw and arguably in pvp as well, has been MANDATORY. has always had a spot in pve as far as i can tell. ok mes is really good support in pve, fine. mandatory in pvp? maybe, but just because of portal. in wvw? no.this thread is about overall OPness not your tears or one thing or another, look at the big picture.

You're the one not looking at the big picture though, one is good in 1-2 game modes, the other is in -all- modes. Even by your own description as flawed as it is it makes a better case for Mesmer being OP than Guardian. It's not some fluke that almost everyone voted mesmer. What makes you think you know better than everyone?

1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.

You're confusing balanced with OP.This is why some people should first understand the terms of a discussion before participating.Just because Guardian can be meta in all game modes doesn't mean he's overpowered. Guardian is probably the best balanced class in the game. He's got decent damage (power and condi with FB), decent survivability, and decent support. But he's not excelling at any, hardly makes it overpowered. Nor does Guardian lack counters. He's just average or slightly above average.Mesmer, on the other hand, is equally present in all game modes, but it's actually mandatory for Raids and T4+CM fractals, has incredible burst damage, and pretty much has no counters in PvP.Scourge, for PvP and WvW is also, while not OP per se, poorly balanced, simply because it lacks proper counter-play for the shades, especially in terms of contesting small areas like in Conquest PvP.

dood my last post was over a week ago, in which i capitulated.

Sorry then, didn't catch that one...

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Oh, YES i voted mesmer, but NOT because it is overpowered...i voted it because i think it is the only really good balanced class....

And to all PPL who cry for "NERF MESMER" you are mostly pvp players i think....so let me tell you: i play mesmer for 3 years and it is the only class i have done the story and the map completition....and it was NOT EASY.... not a piece of cake...i played thief and ranger and i can say: in EARLY gameplay these classes are BETTER than mesmer...mesmer gets just OP when you can get your hands on the weapons, armor, sigils and runes...for NEW Players Mesmer is one of the most complicated classes and giving this class another nerf is not an option for new players...for veteran players that have the gear, (or the gold for good gear), it is easy to say that this class is op.... they can farm the gear for mesmer with another class and level the mesmer with tomes....and then they practice in wvw / pvp to see that this class needs some skill to play.....currently EVERY class needs skill....and i can say: i am mostly play pve it is not really easy because there are many elite / champion enemies in the newer maps and in wvw / pvp? well because i dont really play it i get oneshotted easily, because i dont have learned the skill that most pvp / wvw mesmers have....

BUT: before you cry NERF Mesmer to the ground so new players who accidently pick mesmer as their first character will leave the game because it is too difficult for them..... i say NO: BUFF other classes so they can be on the same level of "OP" as mesmer is....or NERF mesmer JUST FOR PVP / WVW....but not for pve......

also i would suggest to buff:

-(for all classes) most auto attacks that have a cast time from 3/4 or higher - make the cast time lower, 1/2 is enough for a fluid gameplay, the cooldowns on the other skills can stay the same and faster projectile speed, i mean a projectile wich is so slow that an pve enemie can easily dogde and you can nearly run as fast as the projectile??? <3

  • give classes that have no weapon swap a weapon swap ( i mean ele and engi, it is totally outdated that they can not do that, they always have to choose if the equip a close range weapon, a mid range wepon or a range weapon....a weapon swap is good for more builds and more surviability).... <3

  • give classes that have no weapons (by default) with 1200 range...well buff some of their weapons to 1200 range, i mean not everyone want to play an elite just for the option to get an 1200 range weapon.... players without expansions should be able to choose whatever class they want and then play with an 1200 range weapon..... <3

ok now for mesmer chronomancer: i wonder why the shield has no -20% CD reduction trait, every other weapon (exept pistol, but for pistol we could still get an elite spec so it is ok) has an -20% CD reduction trait and dont say: it is because of continuum split.....this thing has a recharge time (CD) from 105 seconds....that is not nearly enough for saying that shield needs no "CD Reduction Trait", i hope they add it somewhere in the future (i dont want a lower CD on the split...it is an op shatter skill so the high CD on CS is ok).... <3

also at last for this long text: have you seen this poll in the general thread? Seems that most ppl like other classes and when you say mesmer is op, well then most players play pve with their favorite class and switch just for wvw / pvp to mesmer....so nerfing mesmer any further for pve is unfair to the mesmer mains...or when they decide to nerf it to the ground just because some ppl use the "i swap to mesmer for pvp / wvw and never use it for pve because in pve mesmer is not the best class"...well then i hope they bring an option to change the class ( i know they stated they never will do that)...well anyway here is the link for the "favorite profession thread":


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